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巧防刀子生锈厨房中不常用的刀子,如果任意放置的话是很容易生锈的,所以不用的时候,最好将刀面涂上一层矿物油,例如凡士林等,然后再用旧报纸包起来收藏。□  相似文献   
目的观察少量矿物油燃烧所致烧伤的特点,探讨其形成机制。方法介绍3例法医实际尸检案例所见烧伤,并将其特点与法医病理学文献所载烧伤特点比较。结果少量矿物油燃烧所致烧伤,一般仅限于皮肤的角质表皮层,或者真皮浅层;主要是Ⅰ度红斑烧伤;烟熏征象突出;毛发被烧程度不重,有的仅见一片发梢被烧卷的痕迹;局部烧伤与非烧伤部位之间界限分明;衣物上的烧痕,有时仅限于局部表层纤维。结论少量矿物油燃烧所致烧伤与通常所见到的有机物燃烧所形成的烧伤不同,其形成与少量矿物油燃烧时高温作用的持续时间短,产生较多烟雾有关。  相似文献   
1案例简介 2008年8月2日早晨,京山县罗店镇徐杨村发生一起命案,张某(男,43岁,农民)致6人死亡,1人重伤,并将其中1名受害人焚尸。派出所民警将正准备逃离现场的犯罪嫌疑人张某抓获。笔者随后进入现场,从被焚受害人身上提取了燃烧残留物稻草灰。  相似文献   
采用居里点裂解毛细管柱色谱法,氢火焰离子化检测器,利用色谱峰“指纹轮廓图”分析法,特征峰的相对保留值(RRT)和相对百分含量比值(RCP)鉴别10种常见高沸点矿物油脂油斑迹,均获得满意结果。该法灵敏度高,鉴别能力强,数据重现性好,适用于犯罪现场微量油斑迹的检验,最小检测量为5μg。  相似文献   
The significance of minerals to states dates far back into history. They were primarily strategically important to equip the military. This is still the case, but over the last century, minerals have taken up a new and larger role for ensuring national security. World War II was attributed with Europe's mercantilist rule which was strongly based on the realist ideology. After World War II, classical liberal theory presented the means to reduce armed conflicts by increasing economic inter-dependencies among nations and became the foundation of a new economic order with economic liberalization at its heart. Simultaneously, economic security gained growing importance relative to military security, and the definition and scope of critical minerals also reached new dimensions. Over the last few decades, economic liberalization has given way to new players gaining position in global markets. Their increased demand together with the already vast demands of industrialized nations has increased competition in securing critical minerals necessary for economic growth. Not only has economic liberalization led to a free trade, but also to the deregulation of the financial market. This in turn has given way to more flexible financing methods in the minerals industry and inaugurated the consolidation of large firms. This paper explains the significance of non-oil minerals and discusses how economic liberalization has affected the demand and supply of minerals. It would go on to highlight emerging economies, especially China, and examine if liberalization holds in the race for mineral resources or if it will gradually crumple under the strain of securing them.  相似文献   
吴星 《江淮法治》2012,(21):18-19
注水猪肉、矿物油抛光粮食、生猪饲料添加"瘦肉精"、石蜡制火锅调料、敌敌畏浸泡金华火腿……回顾一下众多的食品安全事件,我们不难发现,食品在生产、销售、监管、消费等一系列环节上都会出现问题。然而,作为消费终端的普通消费者却在选购食品时,往往只能关  相似文献   
霍宏光 《群众》2023,(8):47-48
在风景秀丽的扬州邗江,有这样一处“变废为宝”的所在:建筑废料垃圾经过初步破碎、磁选、筛分、除杂等一系列处理流程后,“变身”为可用的混凝土;机油等废矿物油经过净化再生处理,可以生产出用于润滑的前置油;厨余垃圾厌氧处理后产生的沼气,被用来供热和发电……这里就是扬州环保科技产业园。它既是苏中地区唯一的静脉环保产业园,又是该区域规模最大、功能最全、特色最鲜明的环保教育专业平台。  相似文献   
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