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普京上台后,秉承灵活、务实的外交原则,对俄罗斯的外交战略进行了调整。普京的大国外交战略是全方位、多层次的:增强国家实力,以此为基点和归宿积极推进大国外交战略;改善地缘环境,做地区强国;积极开展全方位外交,做世界大国。  相似文献   
Sir Jeremy Greenstock, formerly British permanent representative to the UN, who has had long experience of dealing with Russia in the context of diplomacy, considers whether the current moment of Russian dominance in Syria and the Middle East, combined with the recent general disengagement of the western powers in the region, could be considered as marking the beginning of a general period of Russian hegemony in the Middle East. The article takes into account the global geopolitical situation, the recent history of Russia and the Middle East, the consequences of western intervention in Iraq, and the motivations of the Russian government particularly in view of its recent engagement in Ukraine.  相似文献   
自2000年以来,普京对俄罗斯情报系统进行了一系列改革。普京既重视加强情报力量的领导和整合,重铸国家情报体系;又重视调整情报工作重点,理顺情报工作优先顺序。既重塑情报机构形象,提高情报人员地位;又重视拓展情报合作领域,加强国际情报合作。普京情报改革独具特色,目标明确、灵活务实又深受俄罗斯文化的影响,并具有较强的政治化倾向。  相似文献   
Governments are run by humans who have sympathies and moods. The study of leaders' personalities, albeit not widespread, is an important tool for foreign policy analysis. Plus, friendship is a feeling that decision-makers like to express for each other. This paper analyses the activity of Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's three times premier, who has made ‘friendship’ a central tenet of his personal foreign policy. Three cases are considered, namely, Berlusconi's relationship with George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin. The paper concludes that his friendship-based foreign policy has somehow worked; but, because he decided to ignore Italy's structural constraints in the international arena, he ended up wasting opportunities and resources.  相似文献   
普京继承了叶利钦的“双头鹰”外交,同时又做了较大调整,在“国内目标高于国外目标”的前提下,将对外政策紧紧扣住保障国家安全和服务国家经济发展这两个主题。强调“务实、经济效益和国家利益至上”,突出外交的经济内涵。在维护国家核心利益的基础上,积极推进灵活务实的全方位平衡外交。  相似文献   
普京就任俄总统后进行了外交大调整.首先加强了在独联体的主导地位,抑制了美国在独联体内扩张的势头.以独联为依托,普京积极推行平衡东西方的"双翼外交".普京加强与改善了同西欧,特别是同欧盟的合作,摆脱了美国的制约,同西欧国家营造了较好合作氛围.普京加强同东方国家的经济、政治联系,推进东方外交.普京的"双翼外交"使俄在东西方之间争取到较主动的地位,扩大了俄的回旋余地.普京外交讲究斗争艺术,敢于斗争、善于斗争.普京外交已取得明显成效.  相似文献   
普京强化中央政权旨在治理进而复兴国家.说他要把俄罗斯拖回苏联纯属牵强附会.甚至别有居心。普京选择和推行的市场经济离不开国情.少不了适当的宏观调控.因而并非一般意义上的自由市场经济。普京的国际战略和外交政策服从于重振大国地位目标.谈不上对西方国家特别是美国构成威胁。普京脱颖而出,是俄罗斯的历史选择,也反映了一个大国久经磨难之后呼唤能人的时代背景。  相似文献   
普京就任总统后,把加强中央集权制作为重要治国方针。此举,对加强中央权威,稳定社会秩序,抑制经济下滑,产生了巨大的促进作用。  相似文献   
There has been a lot of research done on “Western” politicians and political systems with regard to political marketing. But what about other countries, especially those that possess a different political standard? This article seeks to address one particular Russian politician: Vladimir Putin. He rose from obscurity to become Russia's second president (after Boris Yeltsin). Two presidential elections form the focus of attention, 2000 Putin, V. (2000). First person. London, UK: Hutchinson. [Google Scholar] and 2012. The aim is to discover the consistencies and breaks in the manufacturing of Putin's political image and reputation. A number of breaks and continuities were discovered in terms of how Putin is marketed. This seems to be a reflection of the changes taking places in Russia's political environment, which then needs to be taken into consideration when political marketing is conducted.  相似文献   
俄罗斯的人口现状与普京新方针的制定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
普京第 2次就任总统后,在其就职演说及随后向国会所做的致辞中,制定了发展经济、提高居民福利水平、消除贫困和军队的现代化等国家新的发展目标。俄罗斯人口的数量、密度、性别、民族构成及劳动力潜力的现状等人口因素对普京新方针带来了很大的影响。  相似文献   
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