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工业是俄罗斯远东地区的主导经济部门。2001年远东工业仍未走出低谷,但有的工业部门生产已出现恢复性增长。按部门概述远东工业生产运行状况,指出存在的问题及成因,以探讨解决问题的途径。  相似文献   
文章分析了在政府职能转变的过程中,妇联作为党和政府联系妇女群众的桥梁和纽带,对于承接政府转移出的部分公共管理和公共服务职能具有的优势和阻力。其优势为:组织网络健全、与妇女有天然联系、在坚持党的领导下积累了丰富的工作经验、培养了一支专业研究队伍;阻力为:政府没有专门的常设妇女工作机构、人民团体“上宽下窄”的组织结构和多样性社团发展不成熟影响政府职能的转变。文章还对妇联在承接政府职能过程中如何防止行政化倾向进行了分析。  相似文献   
在俄罗斯联邦的宪法司法制度中,拥有违宪审查权的机关是宪法法院.这一审查制度的确立与发展到目前为止经历了三个阶段,一是有呼声无制度阶段,主要是戈尔巴乔夫改革时期;二是宪法司法制度初步确立阶段,从苏联解体到1991年第一部俄罗斯联邦宪法法院法生效;三是宪法司法制度的完善阶段,从第一部宪法法院法到1994年第二部俄罗斯联邦宪法法院法的实践运行.这三个阶段在立法与实践两个层面反映了俄罗斯联邦宪法司法制度的不断发展与完善(现代化发展进程).  相似文献   
高飞 《外交评论》2004,(4):51-57
当前,中俄两国关系存在新的情况,面临新的问题,特别是作为中国的战略协作伙伴,俄罗斯如何看待中国的和平发展应该引起我们的高度关注。1989年5月,邓小平同志在会见来访的苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫时表示,中苏两国应该“结束过去,开辟未来”。重温小平同志当年的讲话,正确认识和解决今天中俄两国关系中存在的问题,对于发展中俄战略合作,促进两国关系的发展,具有很强的现实意义。本文旨在介绍分析中俄关系发展的现存问题,并对进一步发展中俄战略伙伴关系提出一些建议。  相似文献   
加强对俄高科技产业合作已成为发展对俄经贸的一项重要战略内容、在可预见的未来.它将在中俄经贸关系中居先导地位。在我国实施西部大开发战略中.开展中俄产业科技大合作.必将有力地促进两国经济及经贸关系的大发展。为此.本文介绍了中国西部地区与俄罗斯的产业技术合作的历史与现实基础.提出了西部地区拟重点规划的30项中俄产业科技合作项目以及西部大开发战略中的中俄产业科技合作方式。  相似文献   
"公爵同志"米尔斯基是20世纪二三十年代欧美和苏联文学界、知识界的重要人物之一,他充满突转的生活经历和坚忍不拔的文学活动构成文坛的一段传奇,甚或那一代俄国知识分子之命运的缩影和象征。他用英文撰写的《俄国文学史》被纳博科夫称为"用包括俄语在内的所有语言写就的最好一部俄国文学史",所谓"米尔斯基文学史"因其"折中主义"的文学史观、主客观统一的批评手法和极富个性的话语风格而独树一帜,被视为西方俄国文学研究的奠基之作,长期被欧美高校斯拉夫系用作俄国文学史教材,其影响历久不衰。  相似文献   
在国际学术界和国际政治领域,俄罗斯问题是一个很复杂的概念.之所以如此,远不只是俄国本身的文明结构之复杂性所致,更有西方的独特表述之原因.影响西方对俄罗斯问题表述的,是因为西方自身的欧洲中心论、欧美所建构的"西方"概念及其在国际和俄国所产生的反应、对俄罗斯问题进行斯拉夫-俄国-苏联学研究等,这些原因从不同方面促成了西方对俄罗斯问题的认知和判断远不同于俄国,既时有谬误,又始终有着主体意识、独特发现.  相似文献   
This article explores the role of maps in the construction and development of ethnographic taxonomies in the mid-century Russian Empire. A close reading of two ethnographic maps of “European Russia” produced by members of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Petr Keppen (1851) and Aleksander Rittikh (1875), is used to shine a spotlight on the cartographical methods and techniques (lines, shading, color, hatching, legends, text, etc.) employed to depict, construct, and communicate these taxonomies. In doing so, this article draws our attention to how maps impacted visual and spatial thinking about the categories of ethnicity and nationality, and their application to specific contexts and political purposes within the Empire. Through an examination of Keppen’s and Rittikh’s maps, this article addresses the broader question of why cartography came to be regarded as such a powerful medium through which to communicate and consolidate particular visions of an ethnographic landscape.  相似文献   
This article examines the problem of contemporary bilateral relations between Poland and Russia. Its thesis largely attributes the rivalry of these two states in Eastern Europe to conceptions relating to the balancing and bandwagoning of power. This rivalry can be put down to the fact that Polish-Russian relations are being developed within broader global processes such as Russia's relations with NATO, the USA and European Union. The greatest obstacle to the maintenance of mutually beneficial relations is the sensitive issue of security. In recent years Poland has consistently underlined its willingness to reinforce NATO's mutual defense mechanisms by supporting the organization's continued presence in Central-Eastern Europe. This issue has been compounded by Poland's striving to bring the countries of Eastern Europe (especially Ukraine) into closer affiliation with Western institutions favoring European integration, which is evidently perceived as interference in what is regarded by Moscow to be a sphere of Russian influence. This has provoked a number of serious crises in bilateral relations between Poland and Russia since the Euro-Maidan Revolution in Ukraine. Russian plans to install new (Iskander) missile systems close to the Polish border and Poland's effective attempts post-2014 to extend NATO presence within its own country testify to the scale of conflicts of interest between the two states and the lack of trust afforded by both sides. The issues highlighted in this paper are of great importance, since they not only enable the complexity of Central European issues to be more fully comprehended but also help to elucidate other global actors' conceptions relating to cooperation with Europe.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the evolution and current forms of agreements between federal, regional and municipal governments, as well as between the constituent units of the Russian Federation and municipalities. It analyses the problems and prospects of using these regulatory instruments. The purposes of this paper are to examine the current context of making intergovernmental agreements in Russia, to provide a comprehensive vision of contemporary state of this instrument of shaping intergovernmental relations, and to assess the prospects for their further practical use in the Russian Federation.  相似文献   
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