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边缘儿童是在普通学前教育机构中,游离于集体边缘、言行举止介于正常与异常边缘的儿童.生态系统的失衡是导致边缘儿童产生的根本原因,家庭生态的失衡是儿童边缘化的诱因,同伴欠缺加剧了儿童的边缘化倾向,教师忽视加深了儿童边缘化的程度.游戏是帮助边缘儿童表达问题的重要途径,游戏治疗具有改善边缘儿童现状的功能.通过创设满足儿童需要的新环境,改善与修复已有的生态环境,以"家长参与"、"同伴介入"、"教师关注"等干预方式,修复或改善边缘儿童的生态环境系统,使边缘儿童的问题得以缓解或消除,使边缘儿童因顺应生态系统的平衡而逐渐回归到正常的同伴群体.  相似文献   
新时期中国的现代化在取得巨大成就的同时也表现出相当严重的发展失衡状态,城乡发展失衡尤为突出,农村长期被边缘化。建设社会主义新农村,是矫正中国现代化发展严重不平衡状态的重大战略举措;是促使我国现代化在新阶段实现协调、平衡发展,逐步走向成熟的必然要求;也是中国共产党领导的社会主义现代化基本价值诉求的体现。在现阶段,国家的大力帮助和扶持是新农村建设的必要前提;以技术化为核心的农业现代化是新农村建设的主要着力点;调整城市化战略是新农村建设有效推进的重要条件。  相似文献   
有组织犯罪绝对数量大;其首犯、主犯多有暴力犯罪的前科,几乎全是边缘化人群;多以合法外衣掩饰其违法犯罪行为,以暴力、恐吓手段攫取暴利;呈现专业化、家族化的特征;多有保护伞。控制有组织犯罪依赖于立法专门化、一体化;切实贯彻落实宽严相济刑事政策;完善刑罚体系,重视并努力做好犯罪人的再社会化工作;做好社会治安综合治理工作;优化社会政策,减少边缘人口。  相似文献   
Marginalized women in Canada who use criminalized drugs are often defined through institutional discourses of addiction, disease, poverty, sex work, and violence. Framed by many researchers as an at risk population, the fullness of these women’s lives is often rendered invisible, and the complexity, diversity, and range of experiences of their political and community work and their movement through the city are less often a topic of interest. This gap is addressed through an exploration of how some marginalized women come to know and experience themselves politically and physically, as part of a reflection upon their movement in and through the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Drawing from community-based research in the DTES over a four-month period with women in leadership roles at the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, a drug user union, this paper highlights the results from focus groups and brainstorming sessions. The participants disrupt conventional notions of addiction and criminalization through their political and community activities and their ongoing resistance to systemic discrimination.  相似文献   

In this article I examine marginalized youths' ideas about the United States, the law, and police. My interpretive analysis is based upon in-depth, unstructured interviews with juvenile parolees living in poverty in a large southwestern city. In general, these parolees could be described as uneducated, unemployed, non-white, youth gang members. Through an examination of the youths' narratives and stories about America and its legal authorities, I attempt to illustrate how their ideas can be understood as evolving from their structurally based interactions. I present the general themes of the marginalized youths' legal and political consciousness and attempt to show how this consciousness flows from their hostile interactions with legal and conventional authorities. Ultimately, I suggest that the contrast between the youths' social justice ideals and the reality of their lives on the margins influences how they think about America, law, and the police.  相似文献   
边缘人口是社会阶层结构分化中出现的特殊群体,他们的产生源于体制或制度的缺陷,对社会资源占有的非公平性容易使其成为社会的不稳定因素。边缘人口的构成是一个动态的范畴,就现阶段而言,我国的边缘人口主要包括农民工、失地农民、流动儿童和低保边缘人口,他们具有面临权利贫困困境、生活质量低层次、依靠自身力量很难改变所处的边缘地位、“相对剥夺感”真实而强烈、不等同于弱势群体和贫困人口的基本特征。  相似文献   
现代作家的感伤倾向,很大程度上来自于他们创伤性的体验,尤其是童年时期的缺失性体验,形成了一种潜在而固定的心理结构.如果说感伤记忆主要带有个人色彩,那么边缘体验则更多地烙上了时代的印记.伴随着国家危机和社会的急剧转型,现代知识分子的政治地位、社会地位被快速边缘化,这是现代感伤生成的一个深层因素.中国现代知识分子的感伤还与中国的现代性追求紧密关联.现代性的建立过程,也是传统价值和美感不断受到冲击的过程,当传统的美感正无可挽回地远去时,挽歌般的感伤情调也就不可避免地产生了.  相似文献   
Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice (the Greenbook) provided a valuable framework for child welfare agencies, domestic violence agencies, and the courts to work together to address the co‐occurrence in families of child maltreatment and domestic violence. It did not specifically address the overrepresentation of families of color in the child welfare system or the disparity of outcomes for these families. Yet the Greenbook’s approach to systems change can be used as a foundation to implement strategies to reduce overrepresentation and to improve safety, permanency, and stability for children and families.  相似文献   
Research shows that sex trade workers and homeless populations are at a high risk of severe violence and homicide. Based on a sample of 229 violent sex offenders, we investigate the differences between sexual crimes committed against marginalized (n = 73) and nonmarginalized victims (n = 156). Findings from logistic regression analyses show that offenders who target marginalized victims are more likely to degrade their victim and use a variety of torture methods. However, offenders who target nonmarginalized victims are more likely to use a weapon, and kill the victim by strangulation. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
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