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19世纪中叶,德川幕府统治下的日本面临着欧美列强的军事威胁和外交压力,处于开国抑或攘夷的十字路口。通过考察欧美国家对日本的冲击以及日美交涉过程,可以看出,开国与开港给日本带来了积极的影响,但由于不平等条约的签定,尽管近代日本并未遭遇中国那种割地赔款的命运,却使近代日本具有了殖民地的特征。  相似文献   
金杰 《南亚东南亚研究》2020,(2):123-135,154,155
斯科特的《逃避统治的艺术》一经出版即获得了学界的诸多关注,成为东南亚研究必读书目之一,但同时也受到学者们不同角度的批评。《逃避统治的艺术》重新定义了"Zomia"即东南亚山地的区域研究内涵,并指出二战前该区域内存在着一种山地居民为免于国家统治而从生计方式、政治结构、历史和宗教等方面建构的"逃避"机制。尽管我们可以指出斯科特使用史实的错误(如坚持"南诏泰族说")或缺失,也可以批评他忽略了历史变迁的复杂性,但其研究的独到之处依然值得我们借鉴。从方法论来看,斯科特在长期消化文献材料的基础上大胆提出理论假设,这是学术创新的必要路径。斯科特继承了利奇关于克钦人"贡萨"—"贡劳"社会结构的学术遗产,激进地建构了东南亚山地居民以"逃避"为核心的生存模式,堪称西方无政府主义人类学的一次宏伟实验。"Zomia"研究范式也给了我们很多启示,比如应该勇于跨越边界,从关系主义视角来考察研究对象。通过中国西南和东南亚—南亚地区的比较研究,以交互性和流动性为中心考察其历史与当下的政治经济与社会人文形态,探求新的知识生产格局,有望成为中国人类学和民族学作出新贡献的"民族志学术区"。最后,在"post-Zomia"时代,处于各民族国家包围下的山地族群如何在现代化、全球化的时代背景下通过与国家部门和主流社会持续的遭遇、协商和妥协来寻求自身的发展空间,将会成为今后重要的研究方向。  相似文献   
Bernie Mayer's latest book is an excellent journey into seven key dilemmas in conflict. Mayer devotes a chapter to each of the following dilemmas: Competition and Cooperation, Optimism and Realism, Avoidance and Engagement, Principle and Compromise, Emotions and Logic, Impartiality and Advocacy, and Autonomy and Community. In this review, I suggest that the book is a thorough guide through seemingly diverse and opposing conflict theories. I go through each chapter and detail how Mayer sees these concepts as interwoven instead of oppositional. He walks his readers through what have been thought of as distinctive, even opposing, approaches, theories, and concepts of conflict. The review uses points and quotes from all seven dilemmas to show the depth of Mayer's analysis and the numerous benefits to theorists and practitioners of reading and rereading his book.  相似文献   
工资集体协商是今后工会在维护职工权益、建设和谐劳动关系工作中的一出重头戏,因此,在协商代表组合、提案目标拟定及协商的策略与技巧等方面提出较高的要求。也是保障劳动关系双方的合法权益、建立工资正常增长机制、增强企业员工凝聚力的必要条件。  相似文献   
一、职工工资现状据国家统计局的调查,2004年全国城镇职工(包括机关事业单位职工在内)年均收入是16024元,但全总对企业职工进行的调查却显示,同年企业职工的年均收入是10913元,仅为城镇职工年均收入的68%。全国总工会2005年对10省20市万名职工调查显示,2002~2004年企业职工工资  相似文献   
论医疗纠纷的代替性解决机制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于在纠纷解决方面所表现出来的简便、经济、快捷、专业性及保密性强等优点 ,代替性纠纷解决机制———ADR(Alternativedisputeresolution )逐渐成为许多国家和地区解决民事纠纷的一大趋势。我国现行医疗纠纷解决机制仍存在着一些问题 ,有待于进一步的改革与完善。根据我国所面临的实际情况 ,将SDR引入医疗纠纷领域是一条快速、有效地解决医疗纠纷的途径。医疗纠纷的代替性解决机制主要包括仲裁、调解以及和解。这三种纠纷解决方式各具特点 ,适用于不同情况下医疗纠纷的解决。  相似文献   
律师的有效辩护是认罪认罚从宽程序得以正当运行的必要条件,是确保犯罪嫌疑人、被告人认罪认罚的自愿性,帮助其与检察机关进行量刑协商,为其争取最大限度量刑优惠的关键。然而在司法实践中,认罪认罚案件中律师的辩护效果不甚理想。为了实现律师在认罪认罚从宽程序中的有效辩护,需要厘清司法实践中律师有效辩护的现实阻碍,并结合认罪认罚从宽制度所特有的程序机制,通过适当转变律师的辩护策略、完善值班律师制度、建立控辩平等的量刑协商程序以及完善律师辩护权利的救济机制等措施,来推动实现律师在认罪认罚案件中的有效辩护。  相似文献   
抗美援朝战争中的停战谈判决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点探讨中国的"战争局部化"战略、志愿军作战目标的制订及其变化等因素--对停战决策的影响。中国军队入朝作战后进行的五次战役都伴随着停战谈判的考虑,有关停战的设想和条件也是不断变化的。有关的各种意见和决策始终联系着对"战争局部化"战略的理解、背离或贯彻。探讨停战谈判决策与探讨军事决策一样,都必须比较准确地理解中国决策层有关"战争局部化"的概念。  相似文献   
This is a book review of How Mediation Works: Theory, Research, and Practice by Stephen B. Goldberg, Jeanne M. Brett, Beatrice Blohorn‐Brenneur, with Nancy H. Rogers. How Mediation Works is intended for a wide range of audiences: practicing mediators; aspiring mediators; those who may refer cases to mediation; participants in mediation, including parties and attorneys; managers who facilitate disputes; and those interested in mediation without a specific plan to engage in the practice (who the authors call “mediation learners”). The book is a well‐written, thoughtful, easy‐to‐read, organized, and concise overview of mediation practice. The book is divided into six chapters: (1) conflicts, disputes, and their resolution; (2) dispute resolution processes; (3) the roles of the mediator and the disputing parties at each step of the mediation process; (4) dealing with difficulties; (5) mediation and the law; and (6) suggestions for aspiring mediators. Though not an authority for family law mediation, the book provides many insightful observations and suggestions that would be instructive and helpful to any mediator or individual with an interest in mediation.  相似文献   
In a rural agrarian economy like that of Nepal, land has traditionally been a primary source of livelihood and security, as well as a symbol of status. Thousands of poor farmers are completely dependent on land for their livelihoods, yet not all of them have access to or control over this fundamental resource. Negotiation for access to land has been a lengthy and complicated process. It remains so in the changed political context of Nepal, where increasing numbers of emerging actors need to be considered, often with conflicting claims and counterclaims. In this context the traditional ways of thinking need to be revised, both with regard to the negotiating process and the mechanisms of land reform, to accommodate the country’s recent and ongoing massive socio-economic transformation.  相似文献   
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