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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important means to address conflicts, support local development and build trust between businesses and civil society. Yet CSR often fails to live up to its ambitions and can even exacerbate conflicts between companies and communities. In this article we consider how changing CSR strategies over the past four decades between Brazilian company Vale to Norwegian company Hydro have fomented or mitigated company–community conflicts in Northern Brazil. We find that paternalistic and philanthropic approaches of Vale over time led to deep resentment and mistrust due to underdevelopment and environmental damages. Moreover, while Hydro’s more modern CSR strategies sought to deepen community engagement and build legitimacy, the company has struggled in addressing the legacies inherited from Vale and past and current civil society grievances. The case suggests that even forward-thinking CSR approaches are vulnerable to failure where they prioritise business risk over community engagement, neglect to account for past legacies in areas of operation, and fail to create a shared vision of future development. It suggests that EI companies should both understand and engage with their social and environmental impacts in the past, present, and future and create shared economic benefits in the short and long term in order to address social conflicts.  相似文献   

This article assembles a picture of Yemen’s 2013–14 National Dialogue Conference (NDC) by collecting perspectives from local civil society organizations (CSOs), which are contrasted to the views of international commentators. Despite all efforts by internal parties as well as the international community, the dialogue failed to avert war, which broke out shortly after. Through interviews with 50 CSOs, we reconstructed the reasons for failure, as well as paying attention to the observed strengths of the dialogue. Half of the consulted organizations were directly involved in the NDC, either as an invited participant or in a brokerage role. The other half concerns outside observers. We identify aspects on which the opinion of the CSOs converge, but also highlight striking divergences depending on insider/outsider status. In contrast to the view espoused in the international literature, the CSOs overall feel that, in spite of all its procedural and substantive flaws, the NDC was a significant junction in the long road towards peace and stability and laid important groundwork for future dialogues.  相似文献   
This paper draws from Silencios – a photography series by the Colombian artist Juan Manuel Echavarría. Silencios comprises more than 120 portrayals of abandoned schools due to armed conflict in Los Montes de María, Colombia. Sharing Echeverría’s belief that ‘these chalkboards have lessons to tell us about war’, the author of this paper advocates for the pedagogical use of Silencios to promote and support memory works in Colombia. The present analysis acknowledges that hegemonic memories and narratives have a negative impact on conflict-affected societies due to their authoritarian and oppressive character.

Therefore, the pedagogical use of Silencios seeks to ignite multiple narratives and counterhegemonic memories that might emerge as the public interacts with the photography. The visuals, in this sense, become an educational opportunity to stimulate reflection and resistance against the monopoly of the past in a country that is currently emerging from conflict. In this paper, the abandoned schools are considered as memory sites, and as renewed learning spaces to stimulate reflections and debates upon the armed conflict. Silencios can contribute to peacebuilding efforts by bringing up the possibility to reconsider essentialist conceptions of peace, memory, and pedagogy, that might hinder potential venues for enduring peace in Colombia.  相似文献   


Since March 2015, the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen has had devastating consequences for the country, its people and its rich cultural heritage. This article traces the responses of the world’s foremost multilateral body concerned with heritage promotion and protection, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Drawing on extensive interviews, archival research and long-term ethnographic research on UNESCO itself and, more specifically, its responses to the war in Yemen, it documents UNESCO’s profound failures in protecting Yemen’s heritage and in confronting the Saudi-led coalition. To do so, the article utilises the framework of ‘gridlock’ to analyse how and why multilateral bodies such as UNESCO become hamstrung in confronting powerful member states in conflict. The article concludes by arguing that UNESCO’s failures in Yemen hold powerful lessons about the role of multilateral institutions in addressing conflict.  相似文献   
婚约法律问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
熊进光 《河北法学》2003,21(6):54-59
婚约是婚姻关系建立前的习惯性程序,经历了从罗马法、寺院法到近现代法的不同发展时期,产生的法律效力也各有不同。婚约在我国是一种重要的民事习惯,历代封建统治者都十分重视对婚约关系的调整。婚约的成立应以当事人自愿自行订立、具有完全民事行为能力、未婚及无禁止结婚的血亲关系为条件,依法成立的婚约对双方当事人及第三人均产生一定的法律效力。婚约存续期间双方互赠的财物,在婚约解除时应按不当得利予以返还。一方擅自解除婚约或因他方过错而解除婚约的,无过错方可请求损害赔偿。将婚约视为纯粹的道德问题,不仅人为地缩小了民法的调整范围,也不利于财产纠纷的解决,应通过民法典的制定予以规范。  相似文献   
检察机关提起民事诉讼若干问题研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
廖中洪 《现代法学》2003,25(3):130-137
文章采用比较的方法 ,通过对国外有关检察机关参与民事诉讼立法规定的研究 ,从诉讼法理的角度 ,对检察机关提起民事诉讼的范围、方式 ;检察机关在民事诉讼中的法律地位 ,以及可否对检察机关进行反诉、调解等诸多问题进行了深入研讨  相似文献   
中国民间组织研究中的概念矛盾分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内关于社会组织研究在主体概念的使用上存在一些矛盾 ,导致学术界的现有研究面临诸多困境。解决概念使用和研究效用的矛盾 ,要在兼顾逻辑顺畅和边界清晰的前提下 ,慎用外来概念 ,对比研究时最好集中使用“非营利组织”概念 ,国内研究统一使用“民间组织”概念 ,把“官办”、“半官办”的社团组织及“公办民助”的事业单位概括为“准民间组织” ,以与纯粹的民间组织相区别。  相似文献   
自19世纪以来,大陆法系各国纷纷制定颁布了自己的民法典,掀起了制定民法典的浪潮。然而,在论及制定颁布民法典的原因时,多数学者往往忽视法律的统一这一因素对其的影响。实际上,从大陆法系各主要国家制定颁布民法典的最直接、最现实的目的来看,都是基于对已有分散的法律进行统一的需要。基于同样的原因,英美法系的国家也制定颁布了民事单行法。  相似文献   
环境权:一种新兴的现代人权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人权是最基本的权利,环境权来自人权。生存权位于人权的核心,而环境权作为一项基本人权是不可剥夺、不可放弃和替代的权利。如果没有环境权,传统人权体系中的生存权就不可能得到完善的保障。环境权源于生存权,但超越了生存权,因此它是一种新兴的现代人权。  相似文献   
民事权利义务规范的设定有行为本位和资源本位两种模式,民事责任规范作为民事规范的一种也不例外。传统的学说将民事责任界定为义务的违反显然是行为本位视角的产物,实际上民事责任的产生与当事人的义务违反没有必然联系。民事责任是为保护民事权利或者法益,基于特定的法律事实而对一定的民事主体产生的不利后果。根据民事规范的设定模式,可以把民事责任规范设定模式分为“义务(行为)——责任”模式和“权利(资源)——责任”模式两种,其中前者是行为本位视角的产物,后者是资源本位视角的产物。  相似文献   
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