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As drug arrests and jail overcrowding added pressure to increase pretrial release in localities during the 1980s and 1990s, the need to manage a larger and higher-risk pretrial population of defendants awaiting adjudication in the community became a high priority for justice agencies. In the late 1990s Philadelphia officials sought to discover the ingredients of a successful supervision strategy through four interlinked field experiments to provide an empirical basis for a major reform of the pretrial release system. The results of the linked randomized experiments question common assumptions about “supervision,” its impact and effectiveness, about the underlying nature of the noncompliant defendant, and deterrence implications. The study emphasizes the importance of interpreting the findings in the context of implementation of the policy reform. Findings suggest that facilitative notification strategies wield little influence on defendant behavior and that deterrent aims are undermined by the system's failure to deliver consequences for defendant noncompliance during pretrial release. The most significant contribution of the article is its illustration of a major evidence-based policy reform undertaken by a major court system.  相似文献   
在国际海上货物运输中 ,由于航运技术的发展 ,船舶航速日益提高 ,相应地 ,因提单的延误而引发的承运人无正本提单交付货物的问题也日益突出和严重 ,甚至于对提单的功能产生了冲击。本文主要分析了承运人承担无正本提单交付货物法律责任的法理依据以及法律责任的有关问题。  相似文献   
与中国有关的专属经济区渔业争端及其解决途径之思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李毅 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(2):21-26
近年来,与中国有关的渔业争端有增多的趋势。对于因沿海国在其专属经济区扣押中国渔船引起的渔业争端,可以借助《海洋法公约》的有关规定,充分运用协商谈判、调解之解决程序,并考虑利用海洋法法庭在解决“迅速释放”问题方面具有强制管辖权的优势,就这方面的渔业争端接受海洋法法庭的管辖。而中国与周边国家存在的涉及领土主权事项和划界争议所引起的渔业争端,其治本之策在于解决划界问题,对此,可以声明不予适用强制程序,而是通过谈判,在“搁置争议,共同开发”的基础上渐进地予以解决。  相似文献   
兽药缓控速释药剂型的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了兽药缓控速释剂型的产生、发展、动力学过程及其分类,并着重阐述了兽药缓控速释药的应用现状、发展动力、研究热点与趋势,分析了兽药缓控速释剂型研究中存在的问题,旨在为广大兽医药工作者研制兽药新剂型提供参考。  相似文献   
Garnishment of wage as a way for creditors to enforce payment by unwilling or insolvent debtors, while very common in Germany and Switzerland, is not very successful. Based on a dynamic model of debtor behaviour, this paper explores two alternatives of reform. One is to reduce the rate of garnishment, which at present amounts to 100 percent of the wage income exceeding a defined subsistence level, thus probably destroying incentives to work. According to model simulations, reducing the rate of garnishment is likely to result in an increase of labour supply but a decrease of garnishment revenue per period. Second, the introduction of a debt release as it exists in the United States would have an ambiguous effect on labour supply. While providing debtors with a fresh start, it would result a partial loss for creditors. A Pareto improvement thus does not seem to be possible. When taxpayers as an involved third party are taken into account, however, a potential Pareto improvement appears attainable through debt release.  相似文献   
在突发事件信息公开中,应该在制定和完善相关法律法规、处理突发事件所遵循的原则、政府新闻发言人的"发言"策略和新闻发言人、媒介、受众三者互动构建和谐舆论方面努力,以推进突发事件信息公开制度的优化。  相似文献   
我国民事诉讼法关于举证责任、法院的职权取证、证人制度的规定存在着不足和缺陷。最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》借鉴大陆法系和英美法系中的一些成熟的、司法实践中已证明行之有效的学说和制度,结合我国国情,对这些制度进行了补充和完善。  相似文献   
近年来,监管场所的刑满释放人员中存在“释放难”的人数呈逐年上升趋势。这个问题不仅严重地困扰了监管场所.也造成了社会的不稳定。目前,对“释放难”的处理工作仍存在很多薄弱环节,应有针对性的加以改进。检察机关应积极履行法律监督职能,畅通诉求渠道,创新监督方式,为破解“释放难”发挥自己的作用。  相似文献   
诉讼时效的起算时间常常是无单放货案件的争议焦点。无单放货情况下,并不存在法定或约定的交货行为,这类案件的诉讼时效期间不应从卸货时起算,也不应从放货时起算,而只能从应当交货之日起算。在《海商法》下,时效中止的适用不应局限于最高法院对《民法通则》的解释,各种导致权利人无法行使诉权的客观原因都可构成时效中止的事由。  相似文献   
Prisoners' forecasts of post-release success may have implications for how they respond to imprisonment, release, and parole decisions. We examined sentenced US and UK prisoners' forecasts of recidivism, and how well UK prisoners believed they would fare compared to the average other prisoner. In both samples, forecasts of recidivism were unrealistically optimistic when compared to official statistics on recidivism. UK prisoners also demonstrated a self-enhancement bias by forecasting that they were less likely to re-offend than other prisoners. Prisoners' forecasts of recidivism were predicted by only a few of the pre-prison, in-prison, and post-prison factors that have been shown to be associated with actual recidivism. We discuss the implications of these findings and propose avenues for future research.  相似文献   
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