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Information technology (IT) has been able to facilitate the rural development through empowering and integrating the accessibility of the villagers (cottagers) to the available knowledge and information and the opportunities to different extents. The success of IT approach in rural development requires some initial efforts to prepare applying IT in order to achieve it. Awareness of IT-based rural development infrastructures and subsequently preparation of required infrastructures are one of the most important steps towards delivering the development program. Considering the importance of this subject, in this paper, we have tried to identify the IT-based rural development infrastructures, using the ideas of experts in IT and rural development across the Iran country. The data analysis of 171 respondents with T-student test showed that the factors of social-cultural, organizational-managerial, technical-telecommunication and legal-legitimate are the IT-based infrastructures of rural development. Successful provision of these elements depends on the existence of strategic alignment approach and focuses on the balanced maturity of the infrastructures.  相似文献   
今年3月,香港特区政府财政司司 长曾荫权在特区2001年度财政预算案中宣布,香港将实施“输入内地专业人才计划”,特别在资讯科技和电子财经服务两个行业,无上限地引进内地人才。“一石激起千层浪”从政府到民间,从工商界、劳工界、科技界到教育界,各界人士抒发己见,讨论香港的发展与内地人才的关系,也讨论吸引内地人才和留住内地人才的具体措施。穗志方的想法和吴德恺的隐忧 31岁的穗志方是北京大学电子信息专业的博士研究生, 1997年毕业后.在北京一家电脑公司工作了几年.一个偶然机会他结识了几位香港同行。 1998…  相似文献   
纪硕鸣  童清峰 《台声》2002,(5):39-39
作为台湾对大陆投资政策重要分水岭的8寸晶圆厂投资大陆案,延宕近半年后终于定案,虽然是小规模、低度开放,但已突破台商投资大陆的敏感防线。面对诱人的大陆市场,台湾许多资讯科技企业其实早已大规模跨海登陆布局,抢占大陆的庞大商机:广达低价产品往大陆生产,台湾则研发及生产高附加价值产品;华硕大陆厂的产值直逼台湾母厂;中芯8寸晶圆厂已在去年9月投产;宏力计划明年量产;明电通看好中国大陆市场,自创品牌。北京、上海、沈阳、福州、珠海都相继引进台商投资晶圆厂。根据台北市电脑公会与数位周刊的联合调查,去年是台资高科…  相似文献   
随着资讯科技的发达,操作电脑终端机几乎是现代人生活不可避免的一部分.当我们享受着电脑为我们带来的种种便利之时,各种健康问题也随之而来.……  相似文献   
秦华 《两岸关系》2014,(8):17-19
<正>今年1月,澳门特别行政区行政长官崔世安发表政策讲话宣示,澳门定位为世界旅游休闲中心,将加强培育会展、文化创意、中医药产业、资讯科技、物流等行业,澳门有9成是中小企业,将有减税、扶植、推广等计划。澳门政府推行的产业计划与台湾计划推动的六大新兴产业类似,但澳门以博彩业起家,有雄厚的资金背景,邻近香港、接轨规划中的粤港澳自贸区的地理优势,以及大陆的广大腹地与人力资源,再加上大陆的政策优惠,使澳门在两岸四地的交流中竞展魄力。上半年以来,澳门  相似文献   
IT was 11 years ago when Chen Bei, then a high school student in Henan, stood at one of life's first crossroads. She, like several million other Chinese students, faced the annual "Gaokao," China's college entrance exam. Although it is equivalent to the SAT in the U.S. or the "A" levels in the U.K., it is considerably longer and more intimidating.  相似文献   
【案情回放】被告人谷某2003年至2007年系上海某资讯科技集团公司(以下简称上海公司)研发部主管,因研发工作需要被授权用户名和密码进入公司数据库的计算机系统后台,谷某没有按照公司规定在使用后即删除用户名和密码,故意存储在电脑中。  相似文献   
Acollection of 305 songs from the early Western Zhou Dynasty (1100-771B.C)to the mid Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 B.C).the Book of Songs is acknowledged to be the Book of Songs is acknowledged to be the fountain of Chinese poetry and literature in general,and was high on the reading list of intellectuals in ancient China.  相似文献   
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