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当今美国网络空间战略在全方位维护国家网络安全的基础上,更注重积极抢占国际网络空间控制权。以新媒体为代表的"网络外交"成为美国实现政治目标的新手段。美国企图以"互联网自由"为旗帜,为其主导网络空间鸣锣开道。由于美国在相当程度上掌握着网络技术的制高点,控制着网络的连接权、话语权,因此在网络空间具有先天优势。当前,在对华网络战略方面,美国也已经由单纯的"网络渗透"转向利用网络空间的主导权和垄断网络资源的优势,对中国进行全方位的网络"侵略"、颠覆和破坏,给中国维护国家安全带来前所未有的冲击和挑战,中国应高度重视美国网络空间战略的动向和变化,妥谋对策。  相似文献   
National security planners have begun to look beyond reactive, tactical cyber defense to proactive, strategic cyber defense, which may include international military deterrence. The incredible power of nuclear weapons gave birth to deterrence, a military strategy in which the purpose of armies shifted from winning wars to preventing them. Although cyber attacks per se do not compare to a nuclear explosion, they do pose a serious and increasing threat to international security. Real-world examples suggest that cyber warfare will play a lead role in future international conflicts. This article examines the two deterrence strategies available to nation-states (denial and punishment) and their three basic requirements (capability, communication, and credibility) in the light of cyber warfare. It also explores whether the two most challenging aspects of cyber attacks – attribution and asymmetry – will make cyber attack deterrence an impossible task.  相似文献   
网络的高速发展使得以网络为手段的网络犯罪四处泛滥,其手段也不断更新,危害也日益严重。与此同时,由于其犯罪主体智能化,犯罪手段隐蔽,特别是证据难以采集等,此类犯罪破案率低,立案率更低。为此,各国纷纷加强立法对策,并通过国际公约针对网络犯罪规定了新的证据规则以应对。我国并没有针对网络犯罪的专门证据立法,使得理论与实务界对电子证据无法统一认定,有必要借鉴外国及国际公约建立起我国的电子证据立法。  相似文献   
北约发布的《塔林手册》系统回答了国际法对网络战的适用性问题,体现了以美国为代表的西方军事理论界、国际法学界、网络技术专家对网络空间安全冲突的认识和理解。综合该手册为网络行为所界定的95条规则,一方面,对我有积极作用,例如有利于我维护网络主权、驳斥关于网络攻击行为的不实指责等;另一方面,也向我提出了严峻挑战,例如肯定了先发制人实施打击、大规模杀伤性网络攻击的合法性等。研究这部重要文献对我国网络安全利益的影响,对于我维护国家安全,有针对性地加强国际对话,建设中国特色的网络安全理论体系,以及加强国际协作,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
网络信息时代,权力的内涵发生了深刻变化,非政府行为体和个人变得更加活跃,并冲击到了政府的权威。权力流散使国际格局发生了新的变化,行为体多元化和“一超多强”的国际力量对比关系将平行存在。未来的发展趋势将是,网络空间成为国家间竞争的新领域,网络权力成为争夺的新焦点。中国作为有影响力的世界大国,也需要应对网络信息时代的机遇与挑战,构建符合自身未来发展的网络空间战略。  相似文献   
The Internet is notoriously known to be the “human flesh search engine” in China when it is used against private individuals for the purpose of social shaming, monitoring and revenge. In such case of cyber witch hunting, personal information of the targeted individuals is often ruthlessly exposed and their lives are mercilessly disrupted. In the face of the growing resort to the human flesh search engine, the Beijing Court delivered the first ruling condemning this practice and affirming privacy rights for Chinese citizens at the end of 2008. This article discusses the trend of cyber-manhunt in China, with specific focus on the judgment of the Beijing Court. It points out the inadequacy in the ruling and argues that legislative enactment to protect personal information at the national level is essential in China.  相似文献   
网络犯罪的本质特征在于其信息性。一方面 ,网络犯罪必须依靠信息才能实现 ;另一方面 ,受网络犯罪侵害的直接对象只能是信息。因此 ,防范网络犯罪的关键在于防止信息的误用和滥用。只有技术措施才能有效地防止信息误用和滥用 ,但技术措施又容易受到来自技术的破坏。因此 ,网络犯罪的防范必须将技术措施与法律手段结合起来 :通过技术措施防止信息误用和滥用 ,保障法律的有效实施 ;通过法律手段保护技术措施 ,确保技术措施的有效性。  相似文献   
Cyber pornography plays an accessory role in negative social issues such as child abuse, violence against women, rape, inequality, relationship and family breakdown, youth crime, promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases. Cyberspace and the pornographic matter transmitted through it have created challenges for India’s antiquated laws. The lack of jurisdictional boundaries and the sheer volume of traffic that the Internet can handle, as well as the potential for anonymity have resulted in a complete lack of control over what appears on the Web at the click of a mouse button. Before there was no liability of a cyber café owner but with the introduction of the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008, the responsibilities of Cyber Café owners have only increased. This paper deals with the Cyber pornography, its legal implications and the liability of cyber café owner under the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008.  相似文献   
网络犯罪伴随网络的产生而发展,尽管存在多年,但其法律定性一直受到争议.而我国法律、法规对网络犯罪的规定也存在诸多问题.当今,随着网络的普及,预防网络犯罪成为法学及犯罪学研究领域中最引人关注的课题,鉴于此,应对我国涉及网络犯罪的法律规定进行全方位的修改,以有效防止此类犯罪的急速蔓延.  相似文献   
郎平 《战略决策研究》2020,(2):84-100,104
网络空间的内涵和外延不断扩大,网络安全问题逐渐从技术层面向政治、经济、社会、军事等各个层面扩展。在数字时代,国家间网络安全竞争的焦点是科技竞争、数字经济规则的制定,以及网络安全能力的建设。从华为事件到委内瑞拉电网遭受网络攻击,再到脸书公司推出举世瞩目的Libra加密货币,既可以看到网络空间已经成为大国博弈的重要领域和工具,也可以感受到非国家行为体权力不断扩大对国家带来的冲击和挑战。展望未来,网络空间国际治理进程会与现实空间的权力博弈产生复杂的双向互动,其进程的走向将取决于技术与权力两种逻辑的互动结果。  相似文献   
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