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Scholars have recently debated whether non-recognition is a blessing or a curse for democracy. Some suggest that lack of recognition forces political elites to democratize and acquire internal legitimacy to compensate for the lack of external legitimacy. Others suggest that democratization is used as a strategy by which to acquire international recognition. Still others claim that non-recognition obliges unrecognized states to rely on a patron state which, in turn, hinders the quality of democracy. To contribute to this discussion, we have conducted an in-depth case study. Focusing on democratic quality in Northern Cyprus from 2010 to 2016, it is observed that reliance on a patron state leads to dynamics of tutelage, in turn hindering the quality of democracy.  相似文献   
Although parental compliance with court orders in child welfare cases is key to achieving physical parent‐child reunification and successful case closure, little research has examined how parent‐child relationship‐focused rehabilitative services uniquely influence case outcomes. This project fills this gap by investigating links between court ordering of and parental participation in Child‐Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) with court outcomes. Data were obtained from court records of 448 court‐involved parents. Hierarchical regressions revealed that greater participation in CPP led to reunification and successful case closure but not faster case closure. Courtroom professionals should consider parent‐child relationship‐based therapies as tools for achieving child welfare goals.  相似文献   
Parenting Coordination is a “hybrid legal‐mental health role that combines assessment, education, case management, conflict management, dispute resolution and, often times, decision‐making functions (AFCC, 2019, https://www.afccnet.org/Portals/0/PublicDocuments/Guidelines%20for%20PC%20with%20Appendex.pdf?ver=2020-01-30-190220-990 ). This article addresses issues that arise when the case has allegations or findings of intimate partner violence (IPV). Considerations of the type of IPV, the severity, timing, perpetrator and effects on coparenting are discussed in the context of the parenting coordinator's role. Through screening and assessment, we differentiate the kinds of cases with the presence of IPV where a PC may be effective as opposed to other IPV cases that may not predict success for retaining a PC.  相似文献   
Registered sex offenders are obligated to comply with rules put forth by their state's registry. While there are stringent guidelines regarding the offender's interaction with the public, a sex offender's ability to obtain custody of their child is less rigid. Statutes differ on the level of scrutiny referencing their right to parent, which leaves an opening for offenders to abuse their child. This Note proposes the adoption of a model statute in which registered Tier III sex offender parents who were convicted for a crime involving a minor are precluded from gaining physical or legal custody of their child.  相似文献   
本文从文理的角度,对《刑法》使用“的字结构”的多样性、明确性和规范性特点作了论述。认识这些特点对刑事司法实践活动有着极其重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
今年是朱毛两军会师井冈山八十周年。回顾这一重大历史事件,给我们提出了许多思考。其中之一就是,朱毛两军为什么会在井冈山会师?笔者认为,这不是偶然的,有其历史必然性:中国革命敌强我弱的形势,是朱毛两军会师偏远农村的必然方向;朱德、毛泽东在创建人民军队上的一致性,成为他们会师井冈山的内在必然;秋收起义和湘南起义的失败,为朱毛两军会师井冈山提供了历史契机。  相似文献   
为解决陕甘宁边区财政经济严重困难,朱德提出了独立自主发展边区经济的新方略,指导发展边区工业,首倡"军垦屯田"政策并领导开发南泥湾,对边区经济建设和革命胜利作出了独特而重要的贡献。  相似文献   
朱德军事教育思想是其建军思想的重要组成部分,主要包括以下内容:一是人才论,即军事教育要担负为国家培养劲旅的任务;二是灵魂论,即军事教育要突出政治,坚持正确的政治方向;三是中心论,即军事教育要强化军事训练,不断提高战斗力;四是求实论,即军事教育要从实际出发确立求实的态度。  相似文献   
毛泽东曾指出:"因为有了白色政权间的长期的分裂和战争,便给了一种条件,使一小块或若干小块的共产党领导的红色区域,能够在四围白色政权包围的中间发生和坚持下来。"本文以井冈山和中央革命根据地的成功开创为例,阐述在上世纪30年代前后的国民党新军阀混战的空隙中,中国共产党通过以毛泽东、朱德为代表领导的工农武装割据,实现红军和农村革命根据地发展壮大的历程。借国民党新军阀混战之机实现工农武装割据,体现了中国共产党领导人审时度势寻找发展机遇的高超战略思维。  相似文献   
Intractable international conflicts and difficult or intractable family conflicts have much in common. Relationships are damaged or destroyed, escalation causes parties to become polarized and make bad decisions, communication is strained or nonexistent, and competition and coercion take the place of collaboration. Similarities also exist in the realm of solutions, and those caught in (or intervening in) difficult family conflicts can learn much from the strategies and tactics of international peacebuilders. This article describes eight steps that peacebuilders at both the family level and the international level can take to make very damaging conflicts more constructive.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Limiting escalation is important in both contexts.
  • Preventing or correcting misunderstandings is key to resolution in both contexts as well.
  • Be sure you are focusing on the real problem(s).
  • Get the facts straight (and agreed upon) before making agreements.
  • Healing past wrongs is important for long term stability.
  • Working both within and beyond the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) is essential in both contexts.
  • Working to improve relationships helps all parties and improves the outcome.
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