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目前社会信用薄弱,法律法规不健全,票据市场不完善,民间票据贴现所引发的一系列问题等等,说明当前结算性银行承兑汇票仍要继续坚守“真实贸易背景”要求,而且要及时修改完善相关立法使之更具操作性,但不能一刀切,同时要对融资性票据的发展积极创造有利条件。  相似文献   
A number of scholars have demonstrated that voter turnout is influenced by the costs of processing information and going to the polls, and the policy benefits associated with the outcome of the election. However, no one has yet noted that the costs of voting are paid on or before Election Day, while policy benefits may not materialize until several days, months, or even years later. Since the costs of voting must be borne before the benefits are realized, people who are more patient should be more willing to vote. We use a “choice game” from experimental economics to estimate individual discount factors which are used to measure patience. We then show that patience significantly increases voter turnout.
James H. FowlerEmail:
高校国家助学贷款的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家助学贷款是我国对普通高校经济困难学生所采取的一项重大资助措施,但存在着一定程度的学生欠贷、银行惜贷、后期管理难等问题。本文就此问题进行了分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   
Economic voting is one of the most important mechanisms on explaining voting behavior and on establishing the democratic accountability. However, people tend to use perceived national economic condition on evaluating the incumbent, which is known as sociotropic voting, instead of their pocketbook. Previous studies suggest both altruism and self-interested future expectation may help explain this seemingly irrational behavior, but empirical works have not yet found convincing evidence to prove or disprove the self-interested motivation. This article suggests that patience makes people discount less on the potential future influence of the current national economic change; if self-interest drives sociotropic voting, patient voters would be more sociotropic. Consistent with the hypothesis, individual-level data from 2014 Comparative Congressional Election Survey shows that patient voters rely more on the perceived national economic change to evaluate the incumbent and make vote choice. Limited evidence of the linkage between impatience and pocketbook voting among non-partisans, and on the country-level is also provided.  相似文献   
西原借款是民国时期中日之间数额最大、争议最多的一系列借款的总称。自上世纪20年代起至今,中日学界对它的研究从未中断,且取得了丰硕的研究成果。从西原借款的范围、构想与谈判过程、用途、性质与影响、整理过程等方面进行梳理,并对其研究方法与研究走向进行总结,具有一定的学术意义。  相似文献   
在大力发展个人住房信贷业务的同时,应客观分析其政策风险、市场风险等潜在风险。针对商业银行住房贷款风险的表现,从建立住房贷款风险预警系统,健全银行内部管理机制,积极稳妥地推进金融创新,完善抵押物管理措施几个方面对住房贷款业务风险的防范做一些有益的探讨。  相似文献   
Since the 2007 federal election, the Australian government has implemented numerous new programs, many with dual economic and environmental objectives. A significant number of these initiatives have not only proved unsuccessful, but have also been criticized for their implementation and subsequent management. Using the conceptual prisms offered by the literature on decentralization, augmented by the government failure paradigm, this article considers the aborted Green Loans Program, which commenced in July 2009 with the aim of encouraging water and energy efficiency in existing homes through financial assistance for investment in water and energy-efficient technologies.  相似文献   
民间借贷在当前存在外延泛化的现象,有丛要对其外延进行重新界定。民间借贷在我国的兴起有其特定的原因和经济背景,对我国经济产生了较大的影响。我国当前对民间借贷的法律规制存在规范过多、体系繁杂、位阶冲突等情况。对民间借贷法律规制的范式选择,不应采取单独立法的形式,应在现有金融体制下,清理相关法律规范,采取突出重点的规制方法。具体制度设计上可以从民间借贷放贷主体的准入、放贷资金来源、借贷利率管制、借贷地域范围限制等四个方面进行规范。  相似文献   
反商业贿赂:在缺失中寻求完善——从"进场费"事件说起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业贿赂是依附于市场经济的顽疾。随着我国经济的发展,商业贿赂在各行各业逐渐呈现出蔓延的趋势,成为了制约我国经济发展、吞噬改革开放成果的一颗毒瘤。近年来,我国政府也加大了对商业贿赂的打击力度,采取各种措施惩防并举,取得了一定的成效。但在复杂多变的商业贿赂形式面前,反商业贿赂的手段略显薄弱。本文从分析反商业贿赂中存在的弊端入手,对如何更好地惩治商业贿赂提出一些见解和对策,以期推动我国反腐败斗争更加深入地开展。  相似文献   
张红 《行政法学研究》2012,(4):75-81,88
财政贴息是政府提供的一种补贴形式,广泛存在于我国多个行业领域。财政部有关财政贴息的规定主要以规范性文件和通知形式存在,效力等级低、内容简单。财政贴息应遵守法律保留原则。相关法律中应有财政贴息的原则性规定,同时留给行政机关灵活处理的充分余地。对财政贴息活动的法律控制,实体方面应遵守比例原则,程序方面应实现程序规范化,并引入公众参与和信息公开。  相似文献   
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