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中国加入WTO后,经济领域的犯罪如信用卡犯罪、制贩假币犯罪、证券类犯罪、信用证犯罪,以及企业管理、知识产权、涉外性涉税领域等方面的犯罪将会急剧上升。必须尽早采取防范对策,才能有效遇制此类案件的大量发生。  相似文献   
Nudging is a policy instrument that can affect citizen behavior, often by providing information. We argue that nudging can also affect citizens’ knowledge, which can become the basis for future choices. In this manner, providing information can make the nudging initiative stick. We test the effect of an information treatment on three types of knowledge in a field experiment. The treatment consists of information on reading strategies designed to nudge parents to read with their children, randomly assigned to 1438 families. We show how nudging by providing information does in fact increase parents’ knowledge, irrespective of socio-economic background.  相似文献   
现代化建设是社会主义初级阶段的根本任务。现代化是以经济市场化推进传统社会向现代社会转型的过程。在社会变革中,文化发挥着一种“场效应”。先进文化可以使人们认识社会发展方向,焕发出创造潜能,整合各种矛盾。文化建设必须坚持“三个面向”,发扬科学精神,实现传统文化现代化和外来文化民族化。  相似文献   
The literature on elections and election monitoring is divided between those who take a skeptical view, suggesting that monitors are often political rather than objective in their judgments, and those who see monitors as a real force for cleaner, more honest elections. Studies that use field experiments to look for the effect of monitors generally support the optimists, indicating that the mere presence of election observers can have powerful effects. This is surprising given the extent of the resources available to incumbents who wish to conduct electoral fraud. We present the results of an experiment in which 768 observers were randomly assigned to polling stations in 21 cities in Russia in the 2011 parliamentary elections. Unlike most previous studies of election observers, our results suggest that observer effects on turnout and vote for the ruling party are small. The results suggest the need to study more carefully the circumstances that shape the impact of observation missions.  相似文献   
《监察法》的出台既是对国家监察体制改革成果的立法确认,也是腐败治理法治化的政治共识和社会共识的集中表达。近年来,围绕国家监察体制改革和《监察法》立法与适用的理论研究方兴未艾,各种思想观点的荟萃和制度理论的创新开创了一个全新的研究论域。监察法学的研究论域具有独立性和集中性,这是由其特殊的理论基础和特定的研究对象所决定。当前,要加快创设和建构监察法学学科,推动监察法学研究方法的整合与更新,持续为推动党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争向纵深发展提供稳定的理论知识供给和制度选择方案。监察法学的研究要确立其学科论域的基本构成,包括监察法基本原则的体系建构论、法律关系的主体适用论、监察制度的过程控制论和监察程序的衔接保障论等。在确立研究论域的基础上,监察法学应当坚持以现实问题为研究导向来保持其实践性品格,并继续兼蓄其他学科的思想资源和分析框架,以期形成具有中国特色、中国话语和中国气派的监察法学研究格局。  相似文献   
顺应公安民警走访联系群众工作常态化、制度化的要求,适应社区警务模式的需要,创设社区民警"就地访谈"工作法很有必要。"就地访谈"是指社区民警在当班巡逻的过程中,基于自主判断,任意选择一个对象,在表明身份和说明意图后就地与其交谈,以期获取警方所需信息的过程。"就地访谈"工作法有自己的特色,区别于现场访问、入户访谈(调查)以及盘查。社区民警进行"就地访谈"要掌握一定的要领,对"就地访谈"获取的信息也要进行科学的加工处理和存储,并实现信息共享。  相似文献   
Electoral mobilization and persuasion are often characterized as two-stage processes, where parties activate their core supporters, who then mobilize and persuade larger shares of the electorate. While there is a lot of research on the second stage of this process, the mobilization and persuasion of the wider electorate by party activists, there is little causally identified evidence on whether party elites can encourage campaign activism among party members and sympathizers. To address this question, we conducted a randomized field experiment in cooperation with the Swiss Social Democratic Party in the context of the 2015 cantonal elections in Ticino. The experiment consisted of the randomized administration of telephone calls to members and strong supporters of the party, while their self-reported campaign activism and attitudes towards the campaign were measured in a two-wave online panel survey. Against expectations, we record null effects on various measures of campaign activism, including on the mobilization of relatives, and friends. The results raise questions about omitted variable bias in observational studies of party activism that consistently report large positive effects of party contact on the campaign activism of members and sympathizers.  相似文献   
This article considers methodological issues arising from recent efforts to provide field tests of eyewitness identification procedures. We focus in particular on a field study (Mecklenburg 2006) that examined the “double blind, sequential” technique, and consider the implications of an acknowledged methodological confound in the study. We explain why the confound has severe consequences for assessing the real-world implications of this study.  相似文献   
沈家本是清末修律改革中的核心人物之一 ,但以往的研究受研究方法的局限 ,将沈家本描述成一个孤独的司法英雄和法学天才 ,显然 ,这与清末法制变革的历史真实相去甚远 ,也不符合沈家本的真实面目。运用法国社会学家布迪厄的场域理论 ,通过分析清末国家元场域与司法场域及法学场域等场域间的关系 ,从中揭示沈家本在清末修律活动中的地位和作用及晚清司法场域变迁的逻辑 ,还沈家本以本来面目。  相似文献   
边检机关基层党建活动是边检机关党组织建设的重要载体,是体现边检机关党组织活力的重要途径。对边检机关基层党建活动实行项目化管理、任务化驱动,就是运用项目化管理中"淡化职能、任务驱动、专业互补、强化效果"的原则,采取一体化团队工作模式,对各种相关资源进行系统配置和集成,实现跨职能、跨专业的横向合作,最终形成人人参与、人人共享的生动活泼氛围。将现代项目管理的理念、体系、流程与方法应用于党建活动管理中,其核心是"任务驱动",即"主导———党组织"利用"主线———目标任务"驱动"主体———党员民警"完成党建活动任务。这一过程的实施既可以发挥党组织的主导作用,又可以体现民警的主体作用,也可使党建活动的质量和效果得到大幅度提高。  相似文献   
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