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公元前7世纪至公元前5世纪,是我国司法物证出现的萌芽时期,我国司法鉴定活动中以法医学为代表的最早时期也是出现在周朝。秦代在审理案件时,已相当重视和广泛使用各种司法物证,指纹的运用就出现在该时代。东汉时已形成简单的法医检验初步方法。三国时期司法物证检验的范围较前代有所发展扩大,从死因检验、伤痕鉴定,到笔迹检验、弹丸鉴定均有出现。以后各代出现了大量法医学著作。  相似文献   
目的:观察长用治疗糖尿病性胃轻竣的效果。方法:41例糖尿病性胃轻竣分为治疗组31例,对照组10例。治疗组在用足量降糖药物的同时加用中药升降散治疗,疗程4W。对照组单用降糖药物治疗。结果:治疗组对上腹部饱胀、餐后不适、早饱恶心呕吐、嗳气等消化不良症状总有效率为80.2%,对照组仅21.3%,两组有非常显著性差异(P〈0.01)。治疗后治疗组3h和5h钡条总排出率为83.33%和96.66%,对照组5  相似文献   
目的 观察加减参苓白术散治疗儿童特应性皮炎脾虚蕴湿证的临床疗效.方法 将40例特应性皮炎脾虚蕴湿证患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组20例.治疗组给予加减参苓白术散及地氯雷他定糖浆口服;对照组仅口服地氯雷他定糖浆.两组均外涂玉泽皮肤屏障修护乳.采用特应性皮炎评分(scoring atopic dermartitis,SCORAD)分别于治疗前,治疗2、4周后对两组患儿的临床症状及体征进行评分,判定临床疗效,并于患儿治疗前和治疗4周后检测外周血嗜酸性粒细胞数(eosinophils,EOS).结果 治疗4周后,两组患儿SCORAD、EOS计数均显著降低(P<0.05),且治疗组SCORAD评分、EOS计数均明显低于对照组(P<0.05).治疗组临床疗效显著优于对照组(P<0.05),治疗组的复发率显著低于对照组(P<0.05).结论 加减参苓白术散治疗儿童特应性皮炎脾虚蕴湿证具有良好疗效,能够改善临床症状.  相似文献   
目的 采用高效液相色谱法建立徽州地区菊花的指纹图谱,鉴别菊花不同品种类型,更好地评价徽州地区贡菊的质量。方法 采用Topsil HPLC C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),乙腈(A)-0.1%磷酸水(B)为流动相梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长为325 nm,建立20批徽州地区菊花的指纹图谱,采用相似度评价、聚类分析及主成分分析方法对数据进行分析。结果 20批菊花样品之间相似度在0.703~0.989之间,不同品种菊花可分别聚为一类,主成分分析确定3个主成分,方差累积贡献率达82.401%。结论 本实验建立的指纹图谱精密度、稳定性、重复性良好,可为徽州地区菊花的内在质量控制与品质评价提供初步的研究基础。  相似文献   
胡卫平* 《证据科学》2012,(4):480-488
指纹鉴定标准是指纹鉴定理论的核心内容之一.指纹鉴定理论和实践中形成的最低特征数量标准、质量—数量标准、面积—质量量化标准、拓扑学方法和标准、形态学方法和标准等均有其局限性.运用统计学理论和贝叶斯定理建立指纹鉴定结论概率化方法和评价标准,不仅在理论和实践上具有必要性和可行性,而且也可以避免指纹鉴定标准之争,使指纹鉴定从经验走向科学.通过统计每枚指纹平均细节特征数量和每类特征的出现率,可以计算出两枚指纹匹配的概率值,进而对概率结论的可靠性作出分析评断.  相似文献   
目的通过比较常见纸张上潜在手印盲提法与显现后精准提取法的接触DNA检出率,探讨常见纸张上接触DNA前处理的优选方案。方法比较五种常见纸张上使用盲提法和显现潜在手印(茚二酮显现法、茚三酮熏显法)后精准提取法采集的接触DNA样本检出率。结果粗糙日历纸盲提的接触DNA检出率为17.8%,通过茚二酮法和茚三酮法显现的潜在手印所提取的DNA检出率分别为75.6%、77.8%;光滑日历纸三种方法所提取的接触DNA检出率为4.4%、11.1%、11.1%;A4复印纸三种方法接触DNA检出率为20%、37.8%、66.7%;牛皮纸三种方法接触DNA检出率为20%、68.9%、64.4%;快递纸袋的三种方法接触DNA检出率为2.2%、6.7%、46.7%。结论不同纸张上潜在手印经显现后接触DNA检出率不同,通过茚二酮或茚三酮显示潜在手印后精准提取DNA的前处理方法相较于盲提法的接触DNA检出率高。实战中可应用此类方法同时获得手印与DNA分型,以有效提高证据力。  相似文献   
手印显现物理显影液的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物理显影液是渗透性客体上富脂手印的一种有效显现方法.本文就物理显影液显现手印的原理、方法、显现手印类型、显现客体类型、操作注意事项以及影响显现效果的各种因素作了一些探讨.  相似文献   
Research into fingermark enhancement techniques has traditionally used visual comparisons and qualitative methods to assess their effectiveness based on the quality of the developed fingermark. However, with increasing research into the optimisation of these techniques the need for a quantitative evaluative method has arisen. Parameters for acceptable fingerprint quality are not well defined and generally encompass clear, sharp edges and high levels of contrast between the fingermark ridges and background material. Using these current parameters, a conclusive measurement of fingerprint quality and thus the effectiveness of development techniques cannot be achieved.This study presents a model through which an aspect of fingerprint quality can be objectively and impartially measured based on a relative contrast index, constructed through measuring the reflective intensity of the fingermark ridges against the background material. Using a fibre-optic spectrophotometer attached to a microscope with axial illumination, the intensity counts of the ridge detail and background material were measured and a logarithmic contrast index constructed. The microscope and spectrophotometer parameters were experimentally tested using a standard colour resolution chart with known reflective properties. The protocol was successfully applied to four sample groups: black inked fingerprints on white paper; latent fingermarks on white paper developed separately with ninhydrin and physical developer; and fingermarks in blood deposited on white tiles and enhanced with amido black. The contrast indices obtained quantitatively reflect the level of contrast and provide an indication of fingerprint quality through a numerical representation rather than previous qualitative methods. It has been suggested that the proposed method of fingerprint quantification may be viable for application in the forensic research arena as it allows the definitive measurement of contrast to aid the evaluation of fingermark detection and enhancement techniques.  相似文献   
TiO2纳米粉末显现潜在指纹研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立并比较了TiO2纳米粉末与常规粉末的显现效果。方法使用配粉、色素、疏水性物质对TiO2纳米粉末进行改性,并通过正交实验设计法对综合改性条件进行优化。结果与普通粉末相比,TiO2纳米粉末由于粒度上的优势,具有显现细节特征多、背景表面无粘粉、显现陈旧指纹能力强等优点;通过添加配粉、色素、疏水性物质等改性剂,可以增加TiO2纳米粉末的流散性、扩大粉末与客体背景的反差并提高了其显现潮湿客体的能力。最佳改性方案为使用20%的色素、5:2的配粉比例以及十六胺做疏水性物质。结论TiO2纳米粉末能更有效显现非渗透性客体表面上的潜指纹。  相似文献   
The study presented in this paper aims at assessing how printed fingermarks can be used to generate realistic latent marks bearing varying quantities of materials to be detected. Considering dilution series of artificial sweat (eccrine secretion) and 1,2-indanedione/zinc as amino acid reagent, we assessed how printed marks behave in comparison to natural fingermarks provided by a set of 30 donors. The results were assessed in terms of relative intensity (contrast, luminescence) and expert grading (ridge details, overall quality). With regards to the set of 30 donors, this study brought a quantitative look to the influence of intra- and inter-variability on the relative intensity values observed when processing natural fingermarks. This provided new data to further understand the concept of “donorship”. With regards to the use of printed marks, it has been illustrated how dilution series of a concentrated solution allows covering a range of cases: unnatural marks (intensity values well above those obtained with donors), rich marks (corresponding to fingermarks left by good donors), and faint marks (associated with the kind of results observed with poor donors). Such a range of detection performance offers the possibility to generate fine-tuned detection exercises of varying difficulty levels. Printed items made of artificial sweat could hence constitute a valuable alternative to natural secretions in the context of education and proficiency testing.  相似文献   
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