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随着互联网的发展,网络反腐日益兴盛,在推进我国反腐倡廉建设中发挥着巨大作用。同时网络反腐也面临诸多困境,如网络反腐非理性化、缺乏法律规范、查处具有偶然性、容易泄露反腐机密和受理解决的机制尚未形成等,严重制约了网络反腐的规范化和制度化进程。因此,引导网民理性反腐、加快网络反腐立法、加强网络舆情监测、建立网络反腐信息处理与反馈机制、实现网络反腐与制度反腐的有效对接和建设反腐倡廉网络监督员队伍等成为规范网络反腐的必然选择。  相似文献   
"倾销"是一个相当模糊并且法律意义极不严谨的概念,在本质上它只不过是市场分割条件下需求弹性差异引致的国际价格歧视,有时还是生产者在模仿生产阶段为扩大产量所导致的必然现象。"反倾销"政策的频繁使用是相关利益集团成功游说政府的结果。国际经济关系中的"反倾销"规则存在明显的法理不适当性,在细节上也存在诸多弊端,"反倾销"规则的滥用不仅损害了出口国的利益,也损害了进口国自身的利益,因而是一种贸易保护主义的工具。  相似文献   
自杀性恐怖主义的内在逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自杀性恐怖主义发端于20世纪80年代的中东地区。有鉴于它的巨大成功与震撼作用,很快就风靡整个中东地区及其他国家。宗教冲突是自杀性恐怖主义背后隐藏的主要驱动力。表面上看,自杀性恐怖袭击是非理性的产物,但这种非理性的行径却有着内在的理性逻辑。从自杀性恐怖袭击的时机、目标、手段等诸要素分析,自杀性恐怖主义是有组织的、精心策划的战略举措。个体自杀者在恐怖组织的灌输、宗教殉教、民族解放等框架话语的驱使下,不知不觉中成为恐怖组织利用的殉葬品。应从宏观、中观、微观三个视角综合分析自杀性恐怖主义。只有加强文明间或文明内部的对话,才是化解自杀性恐怖主义的有效途径。  相似文献   
实践证明,指纹与遗传有着密不可分的关系。我们应该从指纹群体数据中读懂那些蕴涵着的遗传统计学意义,以深入了解什么是正常遗传,什么是遗传变异。本文试从指纹遗传中的数字特征入手,进一步研究指纹与遗传规律之间深刻而又科学的联系。通过对指纹的8个方面的数字特性的阐述,使那些看起来杂乱无章、平淡无奇的"海量"数据,呈现出有序可循的数学特点与规律。它将使我们的认识深化到基因如何指导、控制指纹的发育与遗传,指纹如何"重现"胚胎发育的环境,指纹如何反映遗传中的重大缺陷,指纹遗传中有无定律和定理等等根源性的问题。  相似文献   
The definition of the irrationality ground of judicial review recognises the constitutional principle of the separation of powers, in allowing for judicial control of the executive only very rarely. The author in a previous article in this study found that the courts, on occasions, had intervened in circumstances where administrative decisions arguably were not irrational. To this end, the purpose of this article is to assess the constitutionality of these seemingly low standards of irrationality. The author does so by reference either to the manner of review employed—the use of the proportionality principle, for example—or the context of the administrative decision under scrutiny, such as the infringement of the applicant’s fundamental rights. The author finds that the cases from the previous article where low standards of irrationality were arguably adopted were, in fact, legitimate according to these chosen methods of evaluation. However, this is an interim conclusion because, for reasons of word length, the author is unable to complete a full assessment here. It is therefore proposed that a subsequent article will continue to examine the constitutionality of these cases. Furthermore, the author will also try and establish a zone of executive decision-making, for reasons of democracy, where the courts are excluded from irrationality review. If the author is unsuccessful in this regard, the final conclusion of this study will inevitably be that low standards of judicial intervention exist without limit—a clear assault on the constitutional principle stated above.
Ian TurnerEmail:
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