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论法律文书概念的修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律文书概念修正是指法律人在一般语言表迭能力基础上,用法律语言、法律思维和专门表达技巧,为实现特定法律目的,将案件事实和法律依据以及结论用书面形式进行恰当的表达成果.该概念不仅解释了法律文书内涵的核心是法律思维和法律语言,而且指出了法律专业化前提下的外延.概念修正可以通过逻辑和实证分别予以验证,实践修正概念有助于运用法律逻辑构建法律文书的规范程式、制作法律文书,对于提高法律文书质量,解决同案不同判,落实法律面前人人平等原则,遏制法官滥用自由裁量权,实现司法公正具有重要价值.  相似文献   
由于格式条款本身存在一些无法克服的局限,加之我国在制定合同法时受当时的历史和环境的影响,不可避免地使格式条款存在一些缺陷。这种缺陷在一定程度上可能背离契约自由和公平合理的原则。建议通过修订的方式来进一步完善我国合同法中的格式条款,以达到契约的公平、合理、正义。  相似文献   
Document forensics remains an important field of digital forensics. To date, previously existing methods focused on the last saved version of the document file stored on the PC; however, the drawback of this approach is that this provides no indication as to how the contents have been modified. This paper provides a novel method for document forensics based on tracking the revision history of a Microsoft Word file. The proposed method concentrates on the TMP file created when the author saves the file and the ASD file created periodically by Microsoft Word during editing. A process whereby the revision history lists are generated based on metadata of the Word, TMP, and ASD files is presented. Furthermore, we describe a technique developed to link the revision history lists based on similarity. These outcomes can provide considerable assistance to a forensic investigator trying to establish the extent to which document file contents have been changed and when the file was created, modified, deleted, and copied.  相似文献   
MS Office documents could be illegally copied by offenders, and forensic investigators still face great difficulty in investigating and tracking the source of these illegal copies. This paper mainly proposes a forensic method based on the unique value of the revision identifier (RI) to determine the source of suspicious electronic documents. This method applies to electronic documents which use Office Open XML (OOXML) format, such as MS Office 2007, Mac Office 2008 and MS Office 2010. According to the uniqueness of the RI extracted from documents, forensic investigators can determine whether the suspicious document and another document are from the same source. Experiments demonstrate that, for a copy of an electronic document, even if all the original characters are deleted or formatted by attackers, forensic examiners can determine that the copy and the original document are from the same source through detecting the RI values. Additionally, the same holds true if attackers just copy some characters from the original document to a newly created document. As long as there is one character left whose original format has not been cleared, forensic examiners can determine that the two documents are from the same source using the same method. This paper also presents methods for OOXML format files to detect the time information and creator information, which can be used to determine who the real copyright holder is when a copyright dispute occurs.  相似文献   
刑法修改是立法机关根据社会需要以及犯罪发展态势,适时针对不合理的刑法规范与条文作出相应修改的一种立法活动。从刑法修改的范围来看,有全面修改与部分修改两种形式;从修改所采取的载体形式看,有刑法典修改、单行刑法修改与附属刑法修改等形式;从修改所涉及的内容看,有废止型修改、修订型修改与补充型修改几种形式。刑法修改必须针对特定对象与内容采取不同的修改形式,刑法修正案不应当成为刑法修改的唯一途径,特别是对行政犯而言,更应该采取附属刑法的立法与修改形式。  相似文献   
现代法视野中的刑事诉讼   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以现代法理念为基础 ,解析现代刑事诉讼的基本特点 ,由此得出以下结论 :“刑事诉讼法现代化”是我国刑事诉讼法未竟的历史使命 ,也是我国刑事诉讼法发展的基本方向  相似文献   
《保守国家秘密法》修改述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对保密法修改的几个重大问题进行了系统阐述。作者提出,公开与保密不可分割,本次保密法修改确立了公开优先的原则,等于隐含确认了公开是原则、保密是例外;保密行政管理部门应该准确定位,主要承担决策与监督职能,不应沦为一般的行政执法部门;本次保密法修改的缺憾在于未能在决策权的统一和充实保密行政管理部门的监督手段方面有更多的制度创新。  相似文献   
论我国宪法修改程序的完善   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
宪法修改程序是宪法程序的组成部分 ,对保障宪法正常、有效的修改具有重要意义。应当树立程序正义的观念。完善会期制度 ,增设修宪提高权的主体及相关程序 ,议事活动进一步公开化、具体化和制度化 ,明确规定宪法修正案的公布机关。  相似文献   
"黑社会",是指以从事违法犯罪活动为基本手段、非法控制一定区域或行为并与主流社会相对抗,从而具有自己独特的文化传统和管理制度的犯罪组织.其基本特征大致可以概括为以下六个方面一是非法控制社会性;二是稳定成熟的犯罪组织性;三是地域性及地缘感;四是不择手段获取经济利益性;五是严苛"黑色法制"与科层制;六是鲜明的犯罪亚文化.针对现行法律在惩治黑社会犯罪方面所存在的不足,应重点完善有关惩治黑社会犯罪的刑事实体法和程序法规定.  相似文献   
量刑根据是量刑的基础。我国刑法中的刑事责任的内涵不同于欧陆刑法中的责任,决定了我国不能照搬欧陆刑法关于量刑根据的规定。我国的量刑根据由行为刑事责任与性格刑事责任所构成,行为刑事责任是基本的量刑根据,性格刑事责任是补充的量刑根据,两者的结合兼顾了报应与预防。行为刑事责任的程度表现为基本法定刑、加重或者减轻法定刑和由犯罪情节所影响的处罚轻重等三个层次。性格刑事责任的程度应由法官具体判断。现行刑法第61条关于量刑根据的规定,存在主旨不明和表述不清的弊端,应当加以完善。  相似文献   
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