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Die Anzeigefrist ist vom Tag der (beiderseitigen) Unterfertigung des Bestandvertrages des alle essentialia enthaltenen Bestandvertrages an zu rechnen und nicht erst ab dem Tag der Unterfertigung der Inventarliste, mag diese auch nach der Parteienvereinbarung einen integrierenden Vertragsbestandteil bilden. Mehrfacher Gebührenanfall (Gleichschriftengebühr) bei versp?teter Gebührenanzeige.  相似文献   
Bei Verbindung von Mietzins- und R?umungsbegehren ist ein Teilurteil auch dann zwingend zu erlassen, wenn zwar die H?he des qualifizierten Mietzinsrückstandes im darauf gestützten R?umungsprozess nicht strittig ist, aber der Mieter behauptet, er sei nach § 1096 ABGB von der Mietzinszahlung ganz oder teilweise befreit; dies gilt auch bei Au?erstreitstellung des Rückstandes der H?he nach. Das Teilurteil geht bei der Kombination von Mietzinsund R?umungsklage dem Rückstandsbeschluss zwingend vor.  相似文献   
SE33 was a well-known autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) marker that was high polymorphic and therefore was high discrimination power. The sequence structure of STR markers has been increasingly explored with next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. The sequencing resulted in the development of a new locus designation and allele nomenclature that was also backward compatible with the conventional capillary electrophoresis. SE33 was one of the STR markers that had been coamplified by Forenseq™ Signature Prep Kit (Verogen) but were not analyzed and illustrated in the Universal Analysis Software (UAS) (Verogen). This study reported an ambiguous sequence-based allele 16.3 of the SE33 locus. This allele was observed while analyzed by STRait Razor 3.0. The configuration file was modified from the previous studies to include 15 bp of 5′ flanking region and 24 bp of 3′ flanking region. The ambiguous allele was called 16.3 (106 bp) with a read count of 2070. However, the sequence of the repeat region cannot be designated as allele 16.3. Several possible scenarios for allele designation were presented and discussed.  相似文献   
《专利法》第33条规定了"修改不得超范围"原则。但如何理解和适用该原则,专利审查部门与实务界在此原则上存在分歧与争论。例如,关于《专利法》第33条的立法目的之争;关于如何理解"原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围"之争;关于修改原则与修改方式、修改时机之争;关于修改与"禁止反悔"原则的关系之争等。从专利法的原理体系出发,针对上述法律论争做出简要介绍与评论,以期业内全面探讨"修改不得超范围"原则。  相似文献   
All over Gaya District in Bihar, irrespective of a person's caste or economic status, irrigation is the overriding topic of concern on public platforms and in private conversations. In the absence of adequate government action, different kinds of community endeavour are emerging to answer the need, some supported by radical political movements, others by organisations of a religious persuasion, and still others primarily by prominent local citizens.  相似文献   
The World Bank and IMF have proposed the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) framework for all poor countries as a condition of receiving unconditional debt relief under the HIPC Initiative. The PRSPs will also be the key vehicle for the World Bank and IMF and other donors for various assistance packages, including loans. Like its predecessors, the PRSP framework promotes the ideas of ‘participation’ and ‘ownership’. This article argues that ownership of such a grand framework cannot possibly rest with the poor countries or their people if the whole idea is the product of World Bank and IMF think-tanks. It discusses participation in the development of Bangladesh's PRSP and argues that neither participation nor ownership was the target in preparing a national poverty-reduction strategy: they were merely necessary components of a document required for the continuation of debt and lending relationships with the World Bank and IMF.  相似文献   
与国际货币基金组织等正式国际组织不同,G20是布雷顿森林体系内一种新的非正式对话机制.已有的关于G20机制起源的研究,都较多关注了G20机制诞生的必然性,却忽视了G20为什么会采取非正式机制形式的问题.本文通过对G20机制诞生历史的考察,分析了G20机制非正式性的形成过程,并指出,非正式性是G20缔造者关于新机制形式的一个基本设想,也是对当时历史经验的总结.理解G20机制非正式性的形成对于我们把握G20究竟是一种什么类型的国际机制以及如何处理G20与其他多边国际机制的关系具有一定的启发意义.  相似文献   
The paper investigates the French dilemma associated with court administered resolution of corporate financial distress. In such a legal system, the courts seek a double objective: maintaining job positions through continuation, and determining the best outcome for the claimants. We discuss this dilemma empirically, using a unique sample of bankruptcy files on French SMEs. We address successively three critical questions. First, we highlight the determinants of the final bankruptcy outcome (continuation through reorganization or sale, or piecemeal liquidation): does continuation (the most employment-friendly outcome) depend on the firm's characteristics, and/or on the way the procedure is managed? Second, we study the determinants of the creditors’ recovery rates: do the courts play an active role in increasing recoveries? Third, we address the dilemma directly by focusing on sales as a going concern. We model the court administered selection process between rival buyout offers: do the courts balance the social content against the financial content of each offer? Is there an explicit arbitrage between employment preservation and creditor recoveries? Our main results are: (1) the French courts actively work to facilitate continuation against liquidation, and thus play a role in employment preservation. Besides, we find continuation is more likely to prevail when default is an outcome of specific difficulties (outlets, finance, and production). (2) We confirm the Radulovic (2008) findings: the global recovery rate mainly depends on the firm's ex ante characteristics at the time of triggering, while the way the procedure is managed by the court has little impact. Similarly to LoPucki and Doherty (2007), continuation via reorganization does not generate lower recovery rates on average than the other outcomes. (3) Last, the courts’ choice between rival buyout offers confirms that social considerations prevail in the arbitration. Yet, the courts still consider financial issues as well (a higher sale price increases the chances that an offer is selected), but without clear connection with the amount of due claims (one direct consequence is a moderate recovery rate on sales).  相似文献   
In the context of increased scrutiny of the methods in forensic sciences, it is essential to ensure that the approaches used in forensic taphonomy to measure decomposition and estimate the postmortem interval are underpinned by robust evidence-based data. Digital photographs are an important source of documentation in forensic taphonomic investigations but the suitability of the current approaches for photographs, rather than real-time remains, is poorly studied which can undermine accurate forensic conclusions. The present study aimed to investigate the suitability of 2D colour digital photographs for evaluating decomposition of exposed human analogues (Sus scrofa domesticus) in a tropical savanna environment (Hawaii), using two published scoring methods; Megyesi et al., 2005 and Keough et al., 2017. It was found that there were significant differences between the real-time and photograph decomposition scores when the Megyesi et al. method was used. However, the Keough et al. method applied to photographs reflected real-time decomposition more closely and thus appears more suitable to evaluate pig decomposition from 2D photographs. The findings indicate that the type of scoring method used has a significant impact on the ability to accurately evaluate the decomposition of exposed pig carcasses from photographs. It was further identified that photographic taphonomic analysis can reach high inter-observer reproducibility. These novel findings are of significant importance for the forensic sciences as they highlight the potential for high quality photograph coverage to provide useful complementary information for the forensic taphonomic investigation. New recommendations to develop robust transparent approaches adapted to photographs in forensic taphonomy are suggested based on these findings.  相似文献   
Civil society     
The idea of civil society has proved very elusive, escaping conceptual grasps and evading sure-footed negotiation of the concept itself. Resurrected in a very definite historical setting, that of authoritarian states, the concept of civil society came to signify a set of social and political practices that sought to engage with state power. The close connection with the re-emergence of the concept and the collapse of dictatorial states made civil society attractive to a variety of political agents pursuing different agendas: expanding the market at the expense of the state, transiting from mass politics to single-issue and localised campaigns, undermining confidence in accepted modes of representation such as political parties, and in general shrinking the domain of the state and that of accepted modes of politics. That the concept of civil society could suit such a variety of different political projects is cause for some alarm, for it might well mean that civil society has come to mean everything to everyone remotely interested in it.  相似文献   
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