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《中国的暹罗猫》是由美国华裔作家谭恩美撰文,著名画家谢兹配图的儿童小说,它向西方读者再现了"古老"的中国形象--既神秘美丽、令人向往.又衰朽落后、缺乏理性.美国公共广播公司将其改编成儿童电视连续剧,使得"古老"的中国形象放大,加强了西方读者心目中被扭曲的中国形象.小说作者、画家和电视制片人凭着想象,共同建构了一个神秘、充满异国情调,但又原始落后的他者,展示了根植于西方人心目中的东方刻本印象,其目的就是要加强和夸大中国的负面形象,从而疏离、排斥、诋毁中国和中国文化.  相似文献   
Accurate DNA quantification is essential for optimizing DNA testing and minimizing sample consumption. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays have been published for human and canine nuclear DNA, and the need for quantifying other forensically important species was evident. Following the strategy employed for the canine qPCR assay, we developed individual assays to accurately quantify feline, bovine, equine, and cervid nuclear DNA. Each TaqMan-based assay incorporates a genus-specific probe targeting the Melanocortin-1 Receptor gene and includes a piece of synthetic DNA that acts as an internal PCR control for detecting inhibition. Developmental validations were carried out following the revised guidelines of the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods with modifications necessary for validation of nonhuman qPCR assays. All assays demonstrated the specificity, sensitivity, stability, reproducibility, accuracy, and precision required for forensic casework. The application of these assays to animal forensic DNA analysis has both conserved laboratory resources and improved genotyping results.  相似文献   
Approximately 81.7 million cats are in 37.5 million U.S. households. Shed fur can be criminal evidence because of transfer to victims, suspects, and/or their belongings. To improve cat hairs as forensic evidence, the mtDNA control region from single hairs, with and without root tags, was sequenced. A dataset of a 402-bp control region segment from 174 random-bred cats representing four U.S. geographic areas was generated to determine the informativeness of the mtDNA region. Thirty-two mtDNA mitotypes were observed ranging in frequencies from 0.6-27%. Four common types occurred in all populations. Low heteroplasmy, 1.7%, was determined. Unique mitotypes were found in 18 individuals, 10.3% of the population studied. The calculated discrimination power implied that 8.3 of 10 randomly selected individuals can be excluded by this region. The genetic characteristics of the region and the generated dataset support the use of this cat mtDNA region in forensic applications.  相似文献   
"猫论"是邓小平在1962年针对如何恢复和发展农业生产时所借用的一个民间俗语,旨在说明包产到户等新的生产组织形式的合理性,体现了邓小平坚持实事求是的精神和勇于解放思想的品格。然而,"猫论"自提出后,就遭到了政治上的恶意曲解和社会上的普遍误读,乃至沦为"唯生产力论"和实用主义的代名词,"猫论"的精神实质遭受严重扭曲。实际上,"猫论"并非"唯生产力论",与实用主义也有着本质的区别,正确解读"猫论"应该从"猫论"的本来含义"、猫论"的精神实质"、猫论"与邓小平理论的关系三个维度进行。  相似文献   
通过生物学特性测定及随意扩增的DNA多态性(RandomAmplifedPolymorphicDNA,RAPD)技术,对中国旋毛虫猫分离株进行了进一步鉴定。结果显示,中国的猫分离株SW为Trichinelanativa种,而非T.nelsoni种。  相似文献   
A simple tandem repeat (STR) PCR-based typing system developed for the genetic individualization of domestic cat samples has been used to generate a population genetic database of domestic cat breeds. A panel of 10 tetranucleotide STR loci and a gender-identifying sequence tagged site (STS) were co-amplified in genomic DNA of 1043 individuals representing 38 cat breeds. The STR panel exhibits relatively high heterozygosity in cat breeds, with an average 10-locus heterozygosity of 0.71, which represents an average of 38 breed-specific heterozygosities for the 10-member panel. When the entire set of breed individuals was analyzed as a single population, a heterozygosity of 0.87 was observed. Heterozygosities obtained for the 10 loci range from 0.72 to 0.96. The power for genetic individualization of domestic cat samples of the multiplex is high, with a probability of match (p(m)) of 6.2E-14, using a conservative θ = 0.05.  相似文献   
连体人的法律人格及其权利冲突协调   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
杨立新  张莉 《法学研究》2005,27(5):27-40
连体人属于民事主体中自然人的范畴。凡是具有独立人脑、具有独立的意志以及确定为一定的社会角色的连体人个体,都应当具有独立的法律人格。他们具有民事权利能力,但可能是无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人或者欠缺民事行为能力人,因此需要以监护制度予以补正。他们的出生权、分离权在行使过程中会发生权利冲突,需要法律进行协调。  相似文献   
张文德 《东南亚纵横》2009,(11):116-122
万历七年(1579)明设立的暹罗馆,是四夷馆中专门培养暹罗语翻译人才的机构。暹罗派握闷辣等人来华执教,为明朝培养了一批精通暹罗语的译学人才,从而保证了明朝后期与暹罗的政治往来与文化交流。  相似文献   
《侵权责任法》第10条并非一个纯正的共同危险行为法条,依据加害人是否确定,在结构上可将其分为两个部分。但其中前一部分与该法第11、12条相关的责任设置并不合理。一般责任和连带责任的归责基础和免责事由均不相同。共同危险行为人承担责任的基础是行为人的主观可责难性和行为的客观危险性,承担连带责任的基础是具有客观危险性的行为之间存在的关联共同。行为与损害之间不存在因果关系只能免除连带责任,如果行为人不能证明其行为不具有客观危险性,仍需承担均等份额内的按份责任,其余不能举证证明行为与损害不存在因果关系的行为人对剩余份额承担连带责任。  相似文献   
Abstract: A rare case of a big cat fatal attack is presented. A male leopard that had escaped from its unlocked cage attacked a 26‐year‐old male zoo worker. The man sustained penetrating injuries to the neck with consequent external bleeding. The man died while being transported to the hospital as a result of the injuries sustained. The wounds discovered on the victim’s body corresponded with the known methods of leopard attacks and with findings on the carcasses of animals killed by leopards in the wild. The conclusion of the medicolegal investigation was that the underlying cause of death was a bite wound to the neck which lacerated the left internal jugular vein, the two main branches of the left external carotid artery, and the cervical spine. The cause of death was massive external bleeding. Special attention is paid to the general pattern of injuries sustained from big cat attacks.  相似文献   
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