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对成人脱产班教育质量的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为高等院校里相对特殊的普通高校成人脱产班教育 ,如何在竞争激烈的教育市场上站稳脚跟、稳步发展 ,是当前成人教育工作者面临的十分紧迫的任务。文章从分析学生特点入手 ,通过加强思想政治教育、不断改进教学管理以及提高师资队伍建设等几个方面 ,探讨了不断提高成人脱产班教育质量的途径  相似文献   
论美国成年人公共监护与社会机构监护制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国成年人监护制度的设计对欠缺行为能力成年人的保护曾一直停滞于家庭或亲属自治的单一理念,国家公权力没有予以适当的介入,社会没有及时的参与。上世纪60年代以来,随着以社会为本位的福利国家的兴起,国家与社会介入私法以保护弱者实现实质正义的趋势日益显著,美国成年人监护制度在公权力的不断强化和干预下,逐渐成为社会法的组成部分,对我国的成年人监护制度具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
弱势群体是一个社会当中相对脆弱的群体。在民国社会特定的背景之下,灾荒逃民、战乱流民、失业游民及老幼病残等人构成了民国社会的弱势群体,他们的生存状态堪忧,严重影响了当时的社会稳定。对此,民国政府作出了必的回应,采取措施,开展立法,建立机构,与社会民众一道共同推进弱势群体保护事业,确保社会稳定发展。民国政府在开展弱势群体保护的过程中,表现出保护对象的广泛性、救济措施的主动性、政府民间的合力性等特色,值得当下的我们进一步考察和分析。  相似文献   
当今社会,弱势群体问题已引起社会各界的广为关注,但人们在对弱势群体的认识上还缺乏一种社会公正的理念,致使在处理和对待有关弱势群体的问题上有失公允。社会公正应首先体现在社会权利的平等上,其次要处理好公平与效率的关系,最后要解决的是起点公平和机会均等。  相似文献   
Independent living, and hence active ageing, is seen by some governments as being supported through enabling and encouraging older people to live in mainstream housing. However, this emphasis upon ‘staying put’ and ‘ageing in place’ needs to recognise the major housing difficulties that are faced by some older people.

This paper presents findings from an exploratory study, funded by Help the Aged, of the harassment and abuse of older people within the private rented sector. Examples of the wide range of arguments, disputes and conflicts with landlords and other residents will be provided. The second half of the paper considers the legal remedies that might be available for tackling some of these problems and the present obstacles to their use. Finally, legal remedies will be compared with more social policy based approaches which draw upon the framework relating to the protection of vulnerable adults.  相似文献   
艾滋病的肆虐流行已成为云南省的公共卫生问题和社会问题。云南省南部与越南接壤的马关县也正面临着艾滋病的严峻挑战。其中弱势群体当前面临的现状不容乐观。文章针对马关县艾滋病流行中的弱势群体的特点、分类及形成原因,提出了保护艾滋病流行中的弱势群体的相关措施。  相似文献   
对我国转型期弱势群体利益表达现状的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国目前的转型期,弱势群体在利益表达上呈现出利益表达渠道众多与表达的低效化、利益表达内容的合理性与利益表达方式的非理性、利益表达的客观必要性与利益表达主体的不成熟性、利益表达的共同性与利益表达的分散性等特点,造成这一现状的原因可分为主观和客观两方面。主观原因是弱势群体自身在社会经济地位,教育文化水平,受传统意识影响方面有其局限性。客观原因有利益表达机制不完善和社会团体发展有制度性障碍两大方面。  相似文献   
从社会学的视角来看,弱势群体子女接受良好的教育,有利于形成合理的社会阶层结构,防止断裂社会的产生;有利于提升其向上流动的人力资本,消除贫困的代际传递;有利于逐步形成以自致性因素为主的社会分层机制,促进整体的社会公平正义;有利于实现充分社会化,消除社会的结构性紧张。  相似文献   
Vetting those who work with children and vulnerable adults is an emotive topic and one which can prove a challenging area for employers. The legitimate interest that parents, carers and employers have in screening those charged with the care of others can be in direct conflict with the most fundamental principles of economic freedom and employees’ human rights. The desire to balance these conflicting objectives is at the heart of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, which introduces what is being heralded as the most inclusive and comprehensive vetting and barring system to date. The changes dramatically widen the scope of workers who are subject to vetting and barring processes, covering employees, volunteers and contractors in the education, care and health industries, and affecting some 11.3 million people in the UK. This new scheme is of particular relevance and importance to schools and other educational institutions, who will be directly affected by the changes. This article will examine the practical employment implications of the new regime and the new obligations that the Vetting and Barring Scheme creates for both employers and employees.  相似文献   
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