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Recently, “problem-solving” courts have been developed as an alternative to imprisonment. They are often called “specialty” courts because they process and divert into treatment programs offenders who are seen as different from the general criminal population, such as those with mental health or drug problems, those who are homeless or veterans, and those who engage in domestic violence. Based on a 2017 national survey of 1,000 respondents, the current study examines overall public support for rehabilitation as a goal of corrections and then focuses specifically on support for different types of specialty courts. The analysis reveals that the American public endorses not only the rehabilitative ideal but also the use of problem-solving courts. Further, with only minimal variation, strong support for these courts appears to exist regardless of political orientation and sociodemographic characteristics.  相似文献   
广东省群体性事件多发的态势与防范对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东省群体性事件的高发是广东省处于社会转型时期的必然产物。社会发展的断裂、利益表达机制的缺乏、群体利益冲突的增加是群体性事件多发的根本原因。建立健全社会保障机制、利益表达机制、社会危机应对机制、全面的社会治安防控机制是解决群体性事件的有效措施。  相似文献   
血浆中芬太尼的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概括阐述了近10年国内外检测血浆中芬太尼的基本情况。对各种检测方法及分离净化过程中应用的各种萃取方法进行了对比和分析。在此基础上提出我国药物动力学研究及公安司法工作对检测血浆中芬太尼的新要求。  相似文献   
19世纪未开始的美国禁毒运动主要以州或市为单位进行,《1914年哈里森麻醉品税法》颁布后,联邦层面上的禁毒活动方告正式启动。在半个世纪后,尼克松总统挟超级大国之威,以“毒品战争”(WaronDrugs)的全新禁毒理念,从外交、法治及治疗等方面对毒品施以全方位的围剿。至今仍在进行的“毒品战争”是美国百年禁毒史上的一个不可分割的阶段,给美国乃至整个国际社会禁毒运动都烙上了深刻的印记。无论其成败如何,观其成因并借鉴其经验与教训对制定今日的禁毒政策无疑具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
四年多的禁吸戒毒工作,巍山县公安局做到了现有吸毒人员逐年减少,复吸率大幅度下降,戒断巩固率大幅度提高,禁吸戒毒工作成效显著。具体做法:1、宣传教育全面化;2、收戒吸毒人员制度化;3、帮教管理社会化;4、戒毒模式“劳动康复化”。  相似文献   
Spleen and portal lymphnode sections from 86 drug addicts submitted for medico-legal autopsy at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen in the year 1979 were studied together with tissue sections from 24 "normal" persons. In 70% of the drug addicts the spleen weight was more than 200 g, and in 71% portal lymphnode hyperplasia was found. Birefringent foreign material was found in spleen tissue of drug addicts in 72% and in portal lymphnode tissue in 44%. Signs of antigen stimulation in both spleen and portal lymphnode tissue evaluated by the number of germinal centre and plasma cells were found in more than 80% of the drug addicts compared with about 20% of the "normal" persons. The results were related to anamnestic information of duration of drug abuse, to the spleen weight, to the occurrence of birefringent material and to the liver changes. Examination of lysozyme and immunoglobulin containing cells using the indirect preoxidase technique was performed in a total of 72 cases of spleen tissue, 59 cases of portal lymphnode tissue from drug addicts, 24 cases of spleen tissue and 18 of portal lymphnode tissue from "normal" persons. Lysozyme, IgM and IgG containing cells were found significantly more often among drug addicts than "normal" persons. The results indicate that the splenomegalia and the portal lymphnode hyperplasia often found in drug addicts are caused by continuous antigen stimulation due to repeated injections of various antigens.  相似文献   
贵州省现有的戒毒体系存在体制不顺、性质不确定、设置不规范、整体效益差、管理难度大、经费无保障、人员素质差、警力严重不足、法规不健全、戒毒科研力量薄弱等问题,必须不断完善和加强这些方面的工作,从而使我省的戒毒工作逐步步入科学化、法制化的轨道。  相似文献   
云南省中小学毒品预防教育调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学校毒品预防教育是一项十分重要的禁毒基础工作。目前云南省中小学校虽已开展了不同形式的毒品预防教育工作 ,但是 ,部分学校迫于升学压力 ,加之在校学生吸毒情况不突出等原因 ,并未将毒品预防教育列入学校的重要工作之一 ,不注重毒品预防教育效果。  相似文献   
毒品犯罪是一个极其严重的社会问题,关系到国家的兴衰,民族的兴亡。针对我国现阶段毒品犯罪的状况以及目前我国缉毒工作中存在的问题,提出相应的对策,以引起社会广泛关注,共同寻求打击毒品犯罪的根本途径。  相似文献   
当前中国毒品犯罪形势与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入80年代以后,毒品犯罪在我国死灰复燃,而且愈演愈烈,出现了50年代禁毒运动之后从未有过的严峻形势。中国禁毒工作是一项宏大的系统工程,必须采取综合治理措施,多个渠道、多个途径、多个部门齐抓共管,要走专门工作与群众路线相结合、治标与治本相结合、预防与严厉打击相结合的道路。  相似文献   
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