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在分析火灾发生概率规律性的基础上,可在一定的置信水平上,对火灾发生的起数进行区间估计和假设检验。通过区间估计将未来的火灾形势预测为一个置信区间,通过假设检验可排除随机干扰,确定火灾发生起数的变化规律,这些信息都能为消防规划的制定提供科学的数量依据。  相似文献   
心理素质是指一个人的思想、观念、情感、意志的修养和能力,是先天遗传和后天教育的综合。文章对自信意识、思维和听知能力训练的意义、目的、方法进行了详细的阐述,并且认为良好的心理素质对公安民警的口才训练具有很大的促进作用,它不仅是公安民警完成口才训练的基本保证,也可以提高口才训练的效益。同时,它还可以充分发挥公安民警在口才训练方面的潜能。  相似文献   
在英国通过《人权法》法案前,新闻自由未被视为一项法定权利,但民众早已形成一种共识,新闻自由理当在社会中得到保障。而隐私权作为自然人权,具有普世价值,大众也应享有“对自己隐私合理期待”的权利。媒体为迎合大众的低俗口味,把闲话转为商品,其触角甚至伸向受害者。由于隐私权法的缺位,公民的隐私始终处于风雨飘摇中,民众只得依据其他诉因寻求法律上的救济。《人权法》颁布后,法官在实践中对保密责任新标准重新解读,这种变化对后续的判例产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
党的十八大报告科学回答了党在改革发展关键阶段举什么旗帜、走什么道路、保持什么样的精神状态、朝着什么目标继续前进等重大理论和实践问题,为我们继续推动党和国家事业发展指明了前进方向,报告的主题,概括地说就是高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜不动摇,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义。这一鲜明的主题,是改革开放以来伟大实践的基本结论和基本经验,体现了当代中国共产党人的政治自觉和政治自信,指明了当代中国发展进步的根本方向和根本目标。  相似文献   
提高民族自尊心和自信心具有重要的意义 ,它可以坚定中国人民走自己的路 ,使中国人民信心百倍地把自己的事情做得更好 ,坚定不移地走建设有中国特色的社会主义道路。提高民族自尊心和自信心的基本思路是 :坚持中国共产党的领导 ;坚持独立自主的方针 ;加快我国经济的发展速度 ;进行民族团结和社会稳定的教育 ;加强革命传统的教育 ;用中华民族的血泪史教育广大青少年和人民群众 ;发扬自力更生和艰苦奋斗的创业精神 ;批判资本主义制度的虚伪性 ;弘扬振兴中华的爱国主义  相似文献   
职工文化自信是文化自信的具体体现,打造健康文明、昂扬向上的职工文化,离不开工人阶级和广大劳动群众的伟大品格,离不开工匠精神、劳模精神和劳动精神。这三种精神,是新时代职工文化建设的旗帜,是新时代职工文化自信的引领。  相似文献   
提高公安执法公信力 树立和维护法律权威   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以社会主义法治理念为视角,阐释了提高公安执法公信力,树立和维护法律权威,是社会主义法治理念的体现和依法治国方略的保证,同坚持公平正义、执法为民、人权保障等紧密联系。而执法不公正、人权保障观念淡薄、特权思想严重、非警务活动过多、民警执法素质偏低等,则是当前减损公安执法公信力的主要原因;据此提出并论述了完善此命题的对策措施,诸如提高公安民警执法素质、追求公平正义价值、践行执法为民理念、规范执法程序公正和支持民警依法反暴制暴的执法行为等。  相似文献   
侵犯商业秘密罪是世界各国较为普遍的经济犯罪现象。难点:1.商业秘密概念的界定;2.保密情况;3.损失数额认定;4.商业秘密犯罪审级问题。对策:1.明确商业秘密内涵;2.严格商业秘密构成的认定;3.完成商业秘密的刑事保护;4.侦查手段的完善与证据意识的加强。  相似文献   
Some previous research indicates that confidence affects the accuracy of probabilistic clinical ratings of risk for violence among civil psychiatric inpatients. The current study investigated the impact of confidence on actuarial and structured professional risk assessments, in a forensic psychiatric population, using community violence as the outcome criteria. Raters completed the HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme for a sample of 100 forensic psychiatric patients. Results showed that accuracy of both actuarial judgments (HCR-20 total scores) and structured professional judgments (of low, moderate, and high risk) were substantially more accurate when raters were more confident about their judgments. Findings suggest that confidence of ratings should be studied as a potentially important mediator of structured professional and actuarial risk judgments.  相似文献   
When testifying in court, witnesses are motivated to try as hard as possible to give an accurate account. This study tested the proposition that extra effort by eyewitnesses during a memory test can lead to higher confidence ratings without any accompanying changes in accuracy. Participant-witnesses answered multiple-choice questions about a classroom visitor who had spoken 5 days earlier. In the high-motivation condition participants could earn prizes based on their memory test performance; in the low-motivation condition there were no special incentives. Although the motivation manipulation did not affect mean witness confidence, the confidence–accuracy and effort–accuracy correlations were substantially smaller in the high-motivation condition than in the low-motivation condition. Furthermore, the confidence ratings for those participants who reported expending high levels of effort in both motivation conditions were significantly higher than the confidence ratings for the low-effort participants, despite the fact that response accuracy did not differ as a function of reported effort. These findings have important implications for understanding how pressures to perform well in the courtroom can affect eyewitness confidence.  相似文献   
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