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戴勇敢 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):115-116
网上检索法律案例均需要一些分析课题、选择检索工具、选择检索途径的方法和技巧,并一些适用的网站可供选择。  相似文献   
图书情报的发展概述 ,四种计算机信息检索的优势与劣势 ,计算机信息检索对图书情报的影响。  相似文献   
在登记对抗主义之下,动产和权利担保登记的功能不在于创设一个新的权利,而在于为与担保人进行交易的第三人提供信息以及为确定竞存权利之间的优先顺位提供基础。如此,动产和权利担保登记系统应以声明登记制为基础而构建。《民法典》就动产和权利担保物权的功能主义立法方法为统一动产和权利担保登记制度提供了法律上的前提。在维持特殊动产、权利担保登记系统的前提下,统合没有所有权登记的标的物上的担保登记系统,并建立两大登记系统之间的电子链接。统一的动产和权利担保登记系统应是基于互联网的完全电子化的登记系统,其编制采取人的编成主义,并辅之以物的编成主义,涵盖所有在功能上起担保作用的交易类型。担保权人可以自主在线完成登记和查询,但为防止欺诈登记和虚假登记,担保人享有受领登记通知、请求注销或修正登记的权利,担保权人负有注销登记的义务。  相似文献   
摸底排队是侦查机关在侦查实践中形成的一项常规性侦查措施,在犯罪手段日新月异的今天,它遇到了前所未有的挑战,尤其在对付流窜犯罪方面显得力不从心。现代信息技术和网络技术赋予了摸底排队新的内涵。网上摸底排队在摸排范围、手段、方式及侦查成本方面有了很大的突破。网上摸底排队可以通过作案手段特点、住宿登记、通讯记录、银行邮政汇兑、二手市场(旧货收购市场)、视频监控录像等途径进行。  相似文献   
在新形势下,摸底排队侦查措施面临着挑战,需要对其原理与方法加以拓展。在传统意义上的因果关系原理和同一认定原理在指导摸底排队工作中的内涵和外延需要扩充,同时系统论的相关原理、信息转移原理应当拓展到摸底排队侦查措施中来。在探析拓展摸底排队侦查措施原理的基础上,摸底排队侦查措施的具体方式方法应当拓展且不限于利用通信痕迹、视频监控、网上摸排等方法上。  相似文献   

Studies have shown that long-lived individuals seem to pass their survival advantage on to their offspring. Offspring of long-lived parents had a lifelong survival advantage over individuals without long-lived parents, making them more likely to become long-lived themselves. We test whether the survival advantage enjoyed by offspring of long-lived individuals is explained by environmental factors. 101,577 individuals from 16,905 families in the 1812–1886 Zeeland cohort were followed over time. To prevent that certain families were overrepresented in our data, disjoint family trees were selected. Offspring was included if the age at death of both parents was known. Our analyses show that multiple familial resources are associated with survival within the first 5 years of life, with stronger maternal than paternal effects. However, between ages 5 and 100 both parents contribute equally to offspring’s survival chances. After age 5, offspring of long-lived fathers and long-lived mothers had a 16-19% lower chance of dying at any given point in time than individuals without long-lived parents. This survival advantage is most likely genetic in nature, as it could not be explained by other, tested familial resources and is transmitted equally by fathers and mothers.  相似文献   
In recent years, jurisdictions across the United States have expressed a growing interest in aiding criminal investigations through the use of familial DNA searching (FDS)- a forensic technique to identify family members through DNA databases. The National Survey of CODIS Laboratories surveyed U.S. CODIS laboratories about their perceptions, policies, and practices related to FDS. In total, 103 crime labs completed the survey (77% response rate). Labs in 11 states reported using FDS, while labs in 24 states reported using a similar-but distinct- practice of partial matching. Although the majority of labs had positive perceptions about the ability of FDS to assist investigations, labs also reported a number of concerns and challenges with implementing FDS. Respondents reported using either practice a limited amount with modest numbers of convictions resulting from both FDS and partial matching. The article reports on varying practices related to official policies, training, eligibility, the software search, lineage testing, requirements for releasing information, and subsequent investigative work. Finally, the article discusses what can be learned from this survey, accompanying limitations, and implications for decision-makers considering using FDS.  相似文献   
Forensic haplotype analysis of the male Y chromosome is currently used to establish the number of male donors in sexual assaults, the number of male bleeders in blood pattern analysis, and for ancestry correlation to genetic founder populations in biogeographic studies. In forensic laboratory applications, its primary use is for DNA profile generation with trace amounts of male DNA in the presence of excess female DNA (e.g. spermatozoa identification, male component of fingernail scrapings). Our study supports the potential use of the Y chromosome in a “dragnet” approach (most haplotypes are unique) similar to that described by Kayser in 2017 for solving a cold case sex assault and homicide in The Netherlands. Our study also researched the potential for the identification of an ancestral Irish genetic “footprint” linked to surname O’Brien and identified multiple founder group origins in Ireland and England as well as three samples with the Dal Riata (a Gaelic overkingdom) ancestral haplotype. This study indicates correlation to ancestral Irish ancestry by haplotype but not conclusively to the O’Brien surname.  相似文献   
检索刊物是检索文献最基本的工具。我国检索刊物的特点是学科分工较细,建立了相对完整的报刊检索体系。但也存在着诸多问题:编辑出版分散,学科地域分布不太合理;收录文献类型较少,不稳定,报道量不足;连续性、稳定性较差,报道时差大;著录质量欠佳,检索途径少,等等。我们应针对问题,采取相应的对策,确保检索刊物的健康发展。  相似文献   
张仁玺 《思想战线》2003,29(6):97-102
秦汉统治者为巩固其统治,继承了产生于奴隶社会的连坐法,并对其加以发展。秦汉家族成员的连坐涉及到父子、夫妻、兄弟姐妹、祖孙、从兄、宗族等各种亲属关系。与连坐有关的罪名有盗窃、罪犯逃亡、挟书、谋反、巫蛊、祝诅、首匿、见知不举、诽谤、妄言、非所宜言、妖言、降敌等。连坐法的施行,是封建统治者维护其统治的需要,也是封建地主家族争权夺利的工具。  相似文献   
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