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Cyanide is a highly toxic agent that has been frequently used for suicide in South Korea. It is also used in various industrial fields, such as metal plating, in which many accidental cyanide intoxications have occurred. To overcome the disadvantages of conventional cyanide analysis methods, a simple and fast method for the analysis of cyanide in whole blood using ion chromatography (IC) with amperometric detection was developed in this study. Whole blood samples were deproteinized, diluted, and analyzed using an IC–amperometric detection system. The limits of detection and quantitation were 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L, respectively. The method showed good linearity in the range of 0.2 to 50 mg/L with R2 > 0.99. The intra- and inter-assay precision and accuracy values were <10%. The established method was successfully applied to analyze whole blood samples from three cyanide intoxication cases.  相似文献   
A method has been developed on reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography for simultaneous determination of methyl, ethyl and isopropyl alcohols under refractive index detection using pure water as the mobile phase. A good separation has been achieved between these alcohols. Detector response was linear with a detection limit of 5 mg/100 ml. Recovery studies were performed by adding known amounts of methyl and ethyl alcohols to blood, lung and liver within the range 80–90%. The reproducibility of the results was always >90%. The quantitative distribution of methyl alcohol in postmortem body tissues and fluids has been reported in three cases of poisoning.  相似文献   
Blood previously acidified with aqueous saturated ammonium chloride solution was extracted with ethyl acetate. The dried extract was subjected to acetonitrile–hexane partition. The acetonitrile portion was analysed for the presence of acidic and neutral drugs by HPLC–DAD (200 mm×2.1 mm I.D. microbore ODS-Hypersil column) and GC–FID (25 m narrow-bore×0.25 mm I.D. HP-5 column with 0.33 μm film thickness). The protocol was found to be suitable for both clinical toxicology (including emergency toxicology) and postmortem toxicology. At least 66 drugs of interest were unequivocally identified by RRTs (HPLC) and UV spectra (DAD) match while another 12 were unequivocally identified by double RRTs match (HPLC and GC). Quantitation was facilitated by incorporating calibration blood standards in each assay batch. The five drugs most commonly encountered in clinical blood specimens (1150 cases) were: paracetamol (47.4% of the cases); chlormezanone (6.6%), theophylline (1.74%), naproxen (1.65%) and mefenamic acid (1.56%). The following drugs were detected in toxicologically significant quantities in postmortem blood specimens (245 cases): phenobarbitone (1.22% of the cases), naproxen (0.82%), chlormezanone (0.82%), theophylline (0.82%), carbamazepine (0.41%) and paracetamol (0.41%).  相似文献   
目的 建立用高效薄层色谱法定性及半定量测定人尿中硝西泮的代谢物7-氨基硝西泮(7ANIZ)含量的方法。方法 人口服治疗量10 mg硝西泮后,在pH 9条件下用乙醚进行提取,分析物斑点用氟罗里丝进行荧光显色,紫外灯下(366nm)观察荧光斑点;根据斑点荧光显色情况及强度进行7ANIZ定性及半定量检测。结果 尿中硝西泮代谢物7ANIZ检出限为5 ng/ml,测量限为15 ng/ml。结论 人口服治疗量10 mg硝西泮,用高效薄层色谱法可定性及半定量测定48 h内排泄尿中的7ANIZ。  相似文献   
一 1 9岁男子赌气吞服一白色粉末 ,1 0min后口鼻流血、抽搐 ,迅速送医院 ,经催吐、透析等方法治疗 5天后死亡。根据中毒症状和经验怀疑为毒鼠强中毒。用GC/NPD检验肝中毒鼠强有干扰。改用GC/MS -SIM法分析 ,心血、肝和胃组织中全部检出毒鼠强 ,浓度分别为 0 5 1 μg .mL- 1、0 4 5 μg .g- 1和 0 33μg .g- 1,和文献结果在同一水平。GC/MS -SIM对复杂检材中低含量毒鼠强测定具有更高的选择性 ,也具有较高的灵敏度 ,同时进一步证实毒鼠强排泄较慢 ,经过较长时间后在体内分布比较均匀  相似文献   
目的 建立三七破壁饮片的质量控制方法。方法 参考2015年版《中华人民共和国药典》相关检测方法,对10批三七破壁饮片的性状、显微特征、薄层鉴别、指纹图谱及其水分、灰分、浸出物、重金属、粒径分布以及人参皂苷Rb1、人参皂苷Rg1、三七皂苷R1的含量等进行检测,建立三七破壁饮片的质量控制方法。结果 三七破壁饮片为灰褐色至灰黄色的颗粒,气微,味苦回甜。显微镜下可见淀粉粒甚多,单粒圆形、半圆形或圆多角形,直径4~30 μm,脂道碎片含黄色分泌物,导管碎片较少。薄层鉴别显示,10批样品在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,均显示相同颜色的斑点。水分范围为5.05%~9.82%,总灰分范围为2.96%~3.20%,酸不溶性灰分范围为0.52%~1.19%,浸出物含量范围为21.03%~27.78%,每0.01 g样品中未破壁细胞数为46~81。指纹图谱显示,各批次三七破壁饮片的色谱图相似度为0.879~0.996。粒径分析显示,各样品D90为34.09~38.93 μm。10批样品中人参皂苷Rg1、人参皂苷Rb1、三七皂苷R1总含量为6.9%~8.3%。结论 建立的方法可用于三七破壁饮片的质量控制。  相似文献   
目的 采用超高效液相色谱法建立桔梗饮片及桔梗配方颗粒中桔梗皂苷D的含量测量方法,为桔梗配方颗粒的质量控制提供实验依据。 方法 采用Waters Acquity UPLC HSS T3柱(2.1 mm×50 mm,μm),以乙腈和水为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速 0.25 mL/min,检测波长210 nm,柱温29 ℃。 结果 桔梗皂苷D进样量在0.504~2.520 μg范围内与峰面积的线性关系良好,平均加样回收率为99.89%,RSD为1.64%;桔梗饮片和桔梗配方颗粒中桔梗皂苷D的含量具有差异。 结论 本实验所建立的测定方法简便、准确、可靠,可用于桔梗饮片和桔梗配方颗粒中桔梗皂苷D含量的检测。  相似文献   
目的 对苦丁茶药材水提物进行质量分析。方法 以槲皮素、山柰素作为对照品,采用薄层色谱法对苦丁茶药材中黄酮类化合物进行定性鉴别;采用反相高效液相色谱法测定苦丁茶药材中槲皮素和山柰素含量。结果 薄层色谱鉴别结果表明,供试品色谱中在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显现相同颜色的斑点。槲皮素、山柰素进样量分别在0.1~3.2 μg、0.01~0.32 μg范围内,与峰面积线性关系良好(槲皮素r1=0.999 9;山柰素r2=0.999 8),槲皮素及山柰素的平均加样回收率分别为102.34%和101.24%,RSD分别为3.26%和3.15%(n=9)。结论 薄层色谱法和反相高效液相色谱法简便、准确,重复性好,可作为苦丁茶药材水提物的质量分析方法。  相似文献   
为建立牛乳中酮洛芬的液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)检测方法,牛乳样品经甲醇提取,C18色谱柱分离,采用正离子模式,多反应监测,内标法定量。结果表明,牛乳中酮洛芬的检出限为1μg/kg,定量限为5μg/kg,在5~200μg/kg范围内线性关系良好,相关系数大于0.99。在25~100μg/kg添加水平的回收率为93.3%~107.5%,批内、批间相对标准偏差分别为1.72%~5.46%、1.13%~7.04%。该方法高效、灵敏、准确,可作为牛乳中酮洛芬的检测方法。选用20头健康的泌乳期荷斯坦乳牛,高产、低产各10头,以3 mg/kg剂量肌内注射给药,每天1次,连用3 d,分别于每次给药后第2、15小时采集乳样。每次给药后2 h牛乳中可检出酮洛芬,最高质量分数为(38.43±3.90)μg/kg,停药后15 h均未检出。所有时间点牛乳中酮洛芬质量分数的实测结果均低于加拿大规定的最高残留限量50μg/kg,建议弃乳期为0 d。  相似文献   
Gunshot residue (GSR) analysis and their interpretation provide crucial information on a criminal investigation involving the use of firearms. To date, several approaches have been proposed for the implementation of a combined sampling and analysis of inorganic (IGSR) and organic GSR (OGSR). However, it is not clear at this stage if concurrent analyses of both types of residue might be detrimental to the analysis of IGSR currently applied in forensic laboratories. Thus, this work aims to compare and evaluate three different protocols for the combined collection and analysis of IGSR and OGSR. These methods, respectively, involve the use of a modified stub (with two halves, one for the detection of IGSR and the other for the analysis of OGSR); the sequential recovery of GSR with two stubs mounted with different adhesives (double-sided carbon tape and Tesa® TACK) and the sequential analysis of IGSR and OGSR from a single carbon stub following carbon deposition. The detection of IGSR was carried out using SEM-EDX, while OGSR analysis was performed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Obtained results for experiments performed using Geco Sinoxid® ammunition indicated that sequential analysis was the most suitable protocol for the combined collection and analysis of both IGSR and OGSR. A higher number of inorganic (characteristic and consistent) particles and higher concentrations of ethylcentralite, N-nitrosodiphenylamine, diphenylamine, and nitroglycerin were recovered with this method.  相似文献   
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