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In this commentary, the call for clinical humility and judicial vigilance in custody recommendations is confirmed as valid and the Australian experience, where the child custody report writer has for some years been permitted to express an opinion on the ultimate issue, is considered. The inherent risks are briefly discussed, and the question of who of the judge and the social scientist might be better placed to decide the exquisitely difficult children's issues after family breakdown is touched upon. It suggests that a combination of the expert's opinion and judicial fact finding probably produces a result that is as good as it gets. But a greater danger is highlighted. It is the impact of the adversary system, and whether it is suitable in any event to these sensitive court decisions.  相似文献   
随着改革开放的不断深入 ,市场经济建设的迅速发展 ,我国的社会治安形势和企业单位内部治安状况发生了很大变化 ,出现了许多新情况、新问题。加强企业内保工作一是及时调整内保工作职能 ;二是加强情报信息工作 ;三是健全群防群治组织 ;四是坚持打击和防范并举 ;五是提升内保民警和保卫工作的地位。  相似文献   
陆而启 《证据科学》2011,19(4):401-414
我国刑事证明的印证模式突出表现了如下特点,系争内容由不同来源的证据提供同一性印证、证明程度排他性要求可能促成采用灵活性取证手段等。《办理死刑案件证据规定》之中有多处关于审查证据、采信证据和对全案事实认定的"印证"条款,这些条款体现了如下特点:需要印证的对象——主要针对证人证言、被害人陈述、被告人供述和辩解等容易因为出庭而出现反复的证据形式以及间接证据;印证的目的——主要是解决庭审中翻证、翻供以及作证资格缺陷和利害关系人的证言效力问题;印证的条件错综复杂,而印证的效力有一种法定证据制度的痕迹,同时又因为其语言模糊而可能存在滥用裁量权的嫌疑。针对印证规定的限度,第一,需要把以量取胜和依靠主观真诚和正当程序为基础的以质取胜相结合;第二,需要把靠证据说话与辩论、说理和质证等形式的意见之争相结合。  相似文献   
Few political parties are willing to lead the public debate on how the European Union should develop and parties rarely publicly discuss issues on the EU agenda. This is probably one of the most important democratic problems in the contemporary EU. When and why parties are willing (or not willing) to discuss European cooperation is therefore an essential issue in which political science should engage. Previous research has shown that parties that are internally divided on EU issues downplay these issues in order to avoid internal disputes. At the same time, parties that have severe intraparty conflicts over the issue are unable to contain the debate. Thus, parties that are unified in their position on EU issues and parties that are heavily split speak about the EU, but others do not. Also, earlier research has shown that political parties downplay issues in response to internal divisions among their supporters. It is argued in this article that the focus should not be solely on intraparty conflict or whether or not a party's voters are hesitant or disunited, but rather on how these factors interact in order to better understand how parties act strategically regarding EU issues. Using a new dataset that relies on quantitative content analysis of quality newspapers during the national election campaigns in the period 1983–2010 in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden, it is found that parties that have a high degree of internal dissent on European issues, while at the same time having an equally divided electorate, are the parties that are most present in the public debate. Hence, it is the interaction between these two important factors that explains much of the variation in the amount of attention paid to European issues in national election campaigns.  相似文献   
刘晓虎  范旭东 《河北法学》2005,23(5):139-142
从死刑的必要性考问中得出"应立即进行死刑废止实践"的结论,但是每一种社会实践都离不开一定的具体条件,因此分析死刑废止的现实条件,对废止实践进行可行性研究是死刑存废逻辑辩论的最后环节。从民意、法制统一、暴力犯罪等方面着手分析这一可行性。  相似文献   
我国现行著作权法虽然取得了显著进步 ,但依然存在一些技术性问题 :“创作”概念的不同一 ;“独创性”标准不一致 ;“注释权”、“专有出版权”、“录像制品播放权”的规定不够完整和明确 ;附属刑事条款不合时宜 ;少数条款次序不合理以及没有存在必要等。针对这些问题本文也提出了相应的改进意见。  相似文献   
韩健 《桂海论丛》2011,27(2):39-41
集中正确的意见,强调的是决策结果的正确与否;集中多数人的意见,强调的是决策程序中的决策原则和方法。从组织原则的角度出发,只能将集中多数人的意见作为民主集中制的原则和方法。集中多数人的意见虽然不等同于集中正确的意见,但归根结底是为了集中正确的意见,通过集中多数人的意见,从而达到集中正确的意见。  相似文献   
专家证据以其“意见性”和“科学性”吸引了法庭基于维护事实认定独立性忧虑的可采性标准的研究。这一研究对象以实行对抗制庭审模式,存在大量相关证据判例的美国证据规则最具典型性,通过对弗赖伊案、多伯特案以及《联邦证据规则》相关条款的解读、分析及其演进脉络的疏理和反思,探讨蕴含在美国专家证据可采性标准变化规律中的理性因素和思辨精神。对比我国鉴定意见在适用现状和理论研究中的不足,反思我国缺乏鉴定意见科学性评判标准的问题本质,推动相关研究。  相似文献   

It is not news that polls and other forms of marketing research are regularly employed to craft political strategy. What is new is that the 2000 U.S. election represented a turning point where political marketing research seems to take center stage. The print and broadcast media employed polls and other forms of research at levels far beyond anything ever seen before. At times, it appeared as if almost as much attention was being given to polls as was being given to the political candidates and the issues. This was clearly a new and important posturing of the role of political marketing research. With this as a backdrop, the current article compares polls and other forms of political research-focusing on what went wrong and what was right in terms of the use of polls, focus groups and Internet research during the 2000 U.S. election. The article ends with the presentation of some exploratory research that examines insights about respondents' opinions regarding the impact of political polls.  相似文献   
网络涉腐舆情的形成是一个动态过程,具有敏感诱发性、随意偶发性、主观猜测性、虚拟隐匿性等特点,表达了民众对公权公正、廉洁的政治诉求。网络涉腐舆情具有高效高质监督、保护参与个体安全等优势,同时也存在网络暴力倾向、规范性合法性不足等问题。要加强网络反腐的法律法规建设,逐步建立政府及时回应机制和政府、网络与传统媒体的合作机制,完善网络涉腐舆情信息工作体系,加强对网民和网站的培育监督,以实现对网络涉腐舆情的科学化管理。  相似文献   
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