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治安防控体系是公安机关为了提高公安工作专业化水平和治安工作社会化程度 ,增强驾驭动态社会治安能力 ,提高公安机关整体作战能力而实施的一项战略措施。充分发挥巡警在治安防控体系中的职能作用 ,应着重在克服体制障碍、把握防控重点、突出警种特点、提高管理手段等几方面入手。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代以后,国外一些发达国家的警界逐渐用驾车巡逻方式代替了步行巡逻方式,因为驾车巡逻方式有着一系列的优点。但是,到了20世纪80年代,国外警界逐渐发现单一的驾车巡逻方式同步行巡逻方式比较,也存在着严重弊端——使警民关系疏远起来。英美等一些国家的警方对此进行了深刻的反思,并由此开始了巡逻方式改革的尝试。这些改革尝试多是围绕着密切警民关系这一中心展开的,富有启发意义。  相似文献   
论我国巡逻警力的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国公安工作中许多问题都是由于警力不足造成的,巡逻工作尤其如此。应该重解“把大部分警力放到街面上”的策略;合理安排警察勤务工作,将信息情报工作转化为警察生产力;整合力量,打响巡逻勤务的“人民战争”;提高巡警的正规化水平,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

Research Summary

The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment (KCPPE) was seen by its developers to have produced “consistent evidence of the lack of effects of any consequence on crime,” a conclusion that was to have a strong impact on assumptions about police patrol for almost half a century. We identified the original official crime data from the KCPPE, and reanalyzed outcomes focusing on a comparison of the “proactive” versus “control” beats (“reactive beats” were criticized because of violations of treatment integrity); examining broad categories of crime (to increase statistical power); and using count regression models. Our findings are not unequivocal, but point to modest impacts of police patrol on crime in police beats.

Policy Implications

Our findings suggest that lessons drawn for half a century from the KCPPE need to be revisited. The KCPPE does not show that police patrol in large areas has no influence on crime, and this finding is consistent with several more recent studies. At the same time, we note that the effects of patrol in the KCPPE using our analysis strategy, and those found in other studies of preventive patrol in larger areas, are about half that found in hot spots policing studies. This suggests that police agencies ideally should invest in focused hot spots policing initiatives. However, absent an ability to manage such initiatives, or the crime analysis capabilities to identify crime hot spots routinely, simpler preventive patrol schemes to utilize uncommitted patrol time can be seen as potentially effective in preventing crime.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to compare a specialized community-oriented policing (COP) unit to a reactive unit on officer perceptions of public contact and officer perceptions of job performance. We also compare bicycle patrol officers to motor vehicle patrol officers within these units. Using a static group comparison design, questionnaires were distributed to officers within the Toronto Police Service (n = 178). Bicycle patrol is associated with more contacts with the public and higher rates of proactive policing when compared to motor vehicle patrol and bicycle officers are more likely to rate higher on several measures of crime control. Officers with a COP mandate engage with the public for a wider variety of reasons compared to those with a reactive mandate, and are more likely to rate higher on perceptions of performing job duties in a procedurally just manner. This study demonstrates the value of a specialized COP unit that includes bicycle patrol in achieving tenets of COP. It contributes to the literature on COP and the use of bicycle patrol in law enforcement by presenting the perspective of the police officer.  相似文献   
袁世凯与近代巡警制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
清末巡警制度的创立是中国警察近代化的开始。袁世凯实施的一系列警政措施包括 :警察规章的法律化 ;警政教育的设立 ;基层警察的创办 ;警种的多样化 ;经费来源的筹措等 ,在巡警制度建立过程中 ,开启了先河。  相似文献   
作为一种警务模式,巡逻在我国起步较晚,实际运行过程中存在很多问题,如日常督察和巡逻"效益最大化"的矛盾、对巡警的绩效评估与群众需要脱节、不能根据实际情况科学安排勤务等。勤务记录制度是一项以巡警"自我管理"为主的日常勤务制度,有其自身的实施和保障机构,能起到科学评估巡警工作,促使巡警依法勤务、保障人权,为领导部门提供科学决策依据等作用。  相似文献   
巡警警务要实现“被动反应型”到“主动预防型”的转变,加强信息化建设。作为一个独立的警种,具备刑事立案权是合理的。  相似文献   
农村打更巡逻队在建设社会主义新农村和维护农村治安方面发挥着重要作用,是符合农村实际的治安管理模式。但目前存在许多问题和不足,需要从以下方面来发展和完善:因地制宜,构建科学有效的农村治安打更巡逻模式;建立和完善各种规章制度,规范农村打更巡逻工作的运行机制;加强打更巡逻队伍建设,不断提高队伍的整体素质和战斗力;解决经费难题,建立健全经费保障机制。  相似文献   
随着改革的进一步深化,我国社会经济的迅猛发展加快了人员物资的流动速度,给社会治安带来巨大压力。而我国公安机关传统治安治理模式,尤其是以巡逻为主的防控体系没有得到及时改进,使公安工作暴露出很多不足。本文主要以襄樊地区的"网格化巡逻机制"为研究对象,从中总结经验,发现问题,通过实证分析,找到解决问题的可行性方法。  相似文献   
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