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精神损害赔偿问题在理论上至今仍然被认为是侵权行为法上的专门问题,与合同法中的违约责任问题关系不大。尽管我国合同法确立了责任竞合的有关规则,然而该规则并非万能,它无法解决仅仅因为违约但不侵权导致的精神损害后果的赔偿问题。对违约精神损害赔偿问题持反对意见者所提出的种种理由虽然值得重视,但均不足以成为立法政策上拒绝规定违约精神损害赔偿制度的真正法理依据。现实生活与司法实践迫切期待打破违约责任中不存在精神损害赔偿问题的理论神话,在严格限制其适用范围与构成要件的基础上,我们应当建立违约精神损害赔偿制度。  相似文献   

Despite the notion that characterizes criminals as lacking virtues or character strengths, evidence shows that people who engage in antisocial and delinquent behavior are not dissimilar in possessing character strengths as compared to the general population. Character strengths may be used to either do ‘good’ or ‘wrong’; so that the question is, what situation does direct this use to either choice? This study hypothesized environmental predictability may influence a person using their character strengths to inhibit antisocial or delinquent behavior. Two samples were examined, one consisting of individuals convicted of a criminal offense, and the other composed of non-convicted participants. Individuals responded to a series of instruments targeting virtues and character strengths, antisocial and delinquent behaviors, and environmental predictability in their environment –inferred from life-history strategy. In both groups, virtues were negatively and significantly associated with antisocial/delinquent behavior. A further test of the moderating and mediating influence of environmental predictability showed that this environmental dimension modified the aforementioned relationship, decreasing the inhibitory influence of virtues on antisociality. This means that, in predictable contexts, possessing (or lacking) character strengths is not important to inhibiting antisocial behaviors; however, in unpredictable environments virtues are useful to prevent antisociality and delinquent behavior.  相似文献   
法律的不确定性并不意味着法律合法性的丧失和法治理想破灭。法律体系必然包括不确定的法律。法律不确定性与法律的客观性是相容的。主流法律理论并不必然坚持法律的确定性立场,但是必然坚持法律的客观性立场。法治理念的经典阐述者富勒、拉兹和菲尼斯都强调法律的明确性、可预测性和稳定性。他们都没有把法律的确定性列为法治的要件。法律的不确定性意味着法官在疑难案件中需要行使自由裁量权并创制新的法律。只要不确定的司法判决具有合法性、客观性和可预测性,即使法律是不确定的,法治理想的实现也是可能的。  相似文献   
法律作为社会生活的产物,其目标只有来源于实际社会生活的需求才能正确发挥为立法、司法指引方向,以及评价法律应用效果的作用。传统冲突法将实现判决一致作为自己的“首要目标”,然而在其发展历程中,这一目标不仅形同虚设,更有被废弃的趋势。其中的原因不仅是它在实践中的困难,更重要的是它脱离了社会现实,建立在了错误的价值前设之上。  相似文献   
This article analyzes the measures UK financial regulators applied as responses to the 2008 financial crisis, in order to provide reference for the post-crisis regulation for our country. The article compares the pros and cons of rule-based regulations and principal-based regulations, then takes United Kingdom as an example, analyzing the introspection and rectification of the principal-based regulations, and the prudent incremental changes of the legal rules, proposed that the regulators in our country should focus more on the reconsideration upon the principles of the regulation, rather than the change of the legal rules themselves, which may be a more meaningful and cost effective choice in practice. The revised principal-based regulations may provide reference for our country to answer the questions caused by the complexity and innovations of the financial market. Finally, the article points out the non-transparency in the process of government bailout leads to the unpredictability of the market, and proposes that our government should draw lessons from their experience, to make the rescue process more open and definite, to ensure the predictability of law. Therefore the market participants will be able to expect the consequences of their actions.  相似文献   
《刑法》第239条第2款将致使被绑架人死亡与杀害被绑架人并列规定,且配置了同样的绝对法定刑,导致条文本身存在过失与故意同等处罚的罪刑不相适应的内在冲突。未来应对该款加以修改,区分过失致使被绑架人死亡、故意伤害致使被绑架人死亡和杀害被绑架人三种情况,并设置轻重有序的法定刑。绑架过程中,因警方的打击错误致使被绑架人死亡的,应当认定为绑架犯杀害被绑架人。  相似文献   
善意原则作为国际法基本原则之一,在世界贸易组织(WTO)争端解决机制(DSB)之中具有广泛的适用性,善意解释原则是依托于"国际贸易体系的可靠性与可预期性"这一基础要求而产生的。  相似文献   

This action research and general system theory based qualitative inquiry examined adolescents' dependence on predicting the behavior of their peers as a strategy for enhancing their sense of safety at school and avoiding violence. A total of 95 adolescents in 9th through 12th grades from two small rural schools and one large suburban school in New York State participated in the study. Results indicated that students depend on Peer Predictability to feel safe during the school day when adults fail to predictably supervise or intervene in areas or interactions which adolescents perceive as potentially threatening. Familiarity leading to predictability allowed students to evaluate peers for the possibility of emotional or physical violence. This article presents quotes from the students that capture their unique experience.  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):127-157

Analyses of gun-regulation policies have recently focused on the benefits of firearms, and research has shown that guns are frequently used for defense. An important implication is that restricting gun ownership may increase the net harm in the United States. However, a more thorough understanding of gun-defense situations is required before conclusions can be drawn about the harm that is prevented or generated through defensive gun uses (DGUs). This study examined a unique subset of DGU incidents that involved convicted offenders as defenders. It found that DGUs are not likely to provide similar social benefits, implying that prevalence estimates may not simultaneously estimate social benefits and that the relationship among gun carrying, encountering risky situations, and DGU is more complex than has been portrayed.  相似文献   
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