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Finland has one of the highest homicide rates in Western Europe, and almost every tenth homicide is caused by asphyxiation. Reliable statistics, a strict legislation, and an exceptionally high medico-legal autopsy rate formed a base for a nationwide analysis of asphyxia homicides (n = 383) during 30 years. The cases were identified through multiple records, and all the forensic pathology case files were studied in detail. In more than one out of five cases, there were indications of staging, and the homicide was revealed first at autopsy in close to one in ten cases. The vast majority of the homicides took place in private locations and involved persons known to each other. Every third victim was an intimate partner, and every tenth a child. Almost half of the victims died from manual strangulation, one in three from ligature strangulation. Smothering, choking, neck compression with a firm object, and thoracic compression were more rare methods. Drownings were excluded from this study material. Of all the victims, 7% had no observable external injuries. Petechiae were recorded in approximately in 61%, laryngohyoid fractures in 47%, and vocal cord hemorrhages in 16% of the cases. Every tenth female victim had genital injuries. Toxicological analyses were performed in close to all of the cases, and almost three out of four victims tested positive for blood alcohol. The various aspects of the demographics and autopsy findings covered in this study contribute reliable and accurate data to further strengthen the spectrum of observable medico-legal characteristics of asphyxia homicides.  相似文献   
History of neck trauma should be promptly investigated in patients with severe infections of the chest as mediastinitis. We present a forensic case of a death due to a mediastinitis in a patient with an undetected fracture of the superior horn of the thyroid cartilage that was exclusively revealed at autopsy examination. Histological analyses of the neck tissues showed signs of pharyngeal mucosal microperforation caused by the fracture and surrounded by an inflammatory reaction. The fracture was caused by a not declared manual strangulation attempt, happened several days before medical evaluations. We share our experience to emphasize the importance of revealing the etiologies of fatal infections of the mediastinum both for clinical and forensic purposes.  相似文献   
We explored the value of postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) to augment autopsy in evaluating strangulation fatalities. A literature search identified 16 studies describing autopsy findings in 576 deaths and two studies describing autopsy and PMCT findings in six deaths. Similar cases were identified from our institution, yielding 130 deaths with autopsy findings and 14 deaths with both autopsy and PMCT findings. The presence of laryngohyoid fracture and soft tissue hemorrhage was compared from autopsy and autopsy+PMCT cases. The detection rates of fractures in autopsy and autopsy+PMCT cases were not significantly different. PMCT identified all fractures observed at autopsy and five fractures not identified. While PMCT may not detect soft tissue injuries in decomposed remains or subtle internal hemorrhages in neck injury, it is equally able to detect bony injuries as autopsy and might surpass autopsy in detecting subtle fractures. We conclude PMCT is useful to supplement autopsy in strangulation cases.  相似文献   
Hanging is the most common asphyxial method of suicide, whereas suicide by strangulation is unusual. Here, we are reporting a particular methodology of the asphyxial method of suicide in which a case of self‐strangulation culminated into partial hanging. A 30‐year‐old male wrapped one end of the cable wire around his neck. He then passed the other end over a curtain rod and tied that end around the right hand. He pulled the hand down, using the curtain rod as a fulcrum, to tighten the noose around the neck in an attempt to strangulate himself. However, he lost consciousness during the process and the body slipped down, pulling the right hand up which got stuck at the curtain rod. This led the body hanged in the kneeling position. This bizarre scenario raised suspicion of homicide but the crime scene, autopsy and victim characteristics were in favor of suicide.  相似文献   
Abstract: The objective of the present study was to estimate the proportion of hanging victims presenting with limb lesions, to compare this rate between hanging in restraint spaces and in more open settings, and to describe the usual pattern of limb lesions associated with hanging. Two hundred and seven cases of suicidal hanging were retrospectively reviewed and compared to 45 homicidal nonhanging strangulation victims. Bruises incidence was significantly lower in hanging victims (19.8%) compared to homicidal strangulation victims (55.6%). Bruises were more commonly encountered in restraint areas such as closets and staircases (56.3% and 66.7%, respectively) than in more open settings such as barn, bridge, fence, and park. Limb bruises on hanging victims were generally located on the posterior upper limb or the anterior lower limbs, whereas strangulation victims did not display this preferential bruises concentration. Possible suspicion criteria for limb bruises distribution are discussed, in relation to physiopathology of human asphyxia by hanging.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A 29-year-old Korean man reported to have been robbed, bound, and gagged by a stranger in his apartment. Clinical findings included extensive petechiae to his face and tramline patterned abrasions and ligature furrows to his neck and face as well as his wrists. Initially, no other leads in the investigation existed and a robbery was assumed to have taken place. The man eventually confessed to fabricating the story and to having self-induced the ligature marks by subluxating his jaw at the temporomandibular joint and hooking the rope closest to the back of his neck on the corner of table. The man demonstrated this unsuspected ability to law enforcement officers. As a motive for his unconventional behavior, he confessed to engaging in autoaggressive behavior as punishment for "losing face" after his ex-girlfriend terminated her pregnancy. This case demonstrates that petechiae due to neck compression also may occur in the living and are due to vascular compression and not lethal hypoxia.  相似文献   
Distinguishing between suicide and homicide can be challenging owing to ambiguous and confusing case details. In particular, there is a paucity of useful information comparing homicide and suicide knots and ligatures in the literature. Multiple knot and ligature characteristics have not been recognized previously because complete and accurate information has been lacking. Ninety external tying cases (mainly homicide) and 56 cases involving self‐tying (mainly suicide) were reviewed to compare multiple knot and ligature characteristics. Additionally, 189 survey volunteers performed four standardized external tying tasks and two self‐tying tasks, yielding comparison data from more than 1500 knots. Using all available data, it was determined that the differences between external and self‐tying included types of knots, ligature configurations, ligature tensions, wrist gaps, wend lengths, knot access, external anchoring, and other indicators. These differences are presented in a proposed analysis checklist inspired by medical and psychiatric protocols. The checklist contains 14 potential characteristics for head and neck bindings, 14 potential characteristics for wrists and arms, nine ankle and leg characteristics, and four linkage details. The proposed checklist can be expanded and fine‐tuned as more data are accumulated. It offers experienced knot analysts an additional tool to assist in drawing conclusions, which then can be related to other case evidence by investigators.  相似文献   
We present two cases of autopsy detection of laryngeal masses with medico-legal implications. The first is a 56-year-old man who died suddenly of asphyxia due to upper airway obstruction caused by a large glosso-epiglottic retention cyst and glottic oedema. Hypothesis of medical liability was raised, due to delayed tracheotomy as the result of repeated failed attempts at oral intubation by various physicians. Difficult oral intubation due to the presence of a laryngeal mass in an asphyxiating subject requires rapid tracheotomy. The second case deals with a 43-year-old woman who died of asphyxia due to airway obstruction, as a result of injury of a cavernous laryngeal haemangioma after homicidal manual strangulation, with severe haemorrhagic infiltration of the surrounding soft tissues. Damage to laryngeal/hypopharyngeal masses should be considered as a possible sign of manual strangulation, as well as neck skin bruises/abrasions and laryngeal haemorrhages.  相似文献   
A police case with a strangulated woman with fingermarks on the neck and two suspects identifying each other as the perpetrator set off a laboratory experiment. Twenty-one males participated in the study. Blue paint was applied to their fingers, after which they grasped a neck dummy and pressed hard as if strangulating someone. The imprint was removed from the dummy, and their hands were photographed. Five imprints were randomly chosen and superimposed on the hand photographs in blind trials. In no cases did we match an imprint to the correct hand. However, in four cases we matched the imprint with several hands, one of which was the correct one. This means we were able to exclude nonmatches in 4/5 cases. Overall, matching of hands and fingermarks is difficult and inconclusive. Objective criteria for matching are difficult to establish, and matching is probably best suited for cases with specific anatomical features.  相似文献   
Approximately 50% of all suicides performed worldwide are strangulations. This article presents options for the medicolegal examination of hanging. The pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical pictures of victims are discussed. Examples of the process of diagnosis and expert conclusions are given. This article is intended for physicians and forensic pathologists. The literature focusing on asphyxia by strangulation is reviewed. Data from Vilnius Hospitals and the State Forensic Medicine Service concerning strangulations performed between 2012 and 2014 are analyzed and include the findings of 5650 autopsies (36% asphyxia) and 4 survived victims. The predominant symptoms were neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory symptoms. After asphyxia, patients should consult by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, and endocrinologist. A ligature mark was the most observable sign of asphyxia by neck strangulation. Only complications in the poststrangulation period were treated. Mechanical asphyxia must be identified as the main injury in the clinical diagnosis and encoded as ICD‐10.  相似文献   
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