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李敬臣 《半月谈》2003,(17):20-23
9月2日,本刊记者独家采访了新近担任外交学院院长的中国资深外交家吴建民。现年64岁的吴建民1991年至1994年担任外交部新闻司司长,发言人。从1994年至2003年的近10年时间里,吴建民历任中国驻荷兰特命全权大使,中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织常驻代表和特命全权大使、中国驻法国特命全权大使。在采访中,吴建民从外交家特有的视角归纳了中国外交的新特点并展望了中国外交的前景。他还透露了一些此前从未见诸报端而鲜为人知的外交内幕。  相似文献   
An the invitation of the Chinese Association For International Understanding (CAFIU), Delegation of the Philippine Council of Young Political Leaders (PCYPL), headed by Mr. Adam Jala, member of the House of Representative visited China from Nov. 11 to 18, 2007. During its stay in Beijing, the delegation had meetings with Mr.  相似文献   
China and India are the two most populous countries in the world and both have the fastest growing economies.The implications of this relationship and the significant geopolitical impact it has had on Asia and the wider world have attracted widespread attention.  相似文献   
1979年1月1日,中美两国正式建立外交关系。但是,这引起了美国右冀势力的激烈反对和攻击,有些国会议员甚至指责卡特总统的行动违背宪法、背叛盟友,影响美国的历史传统和外交道义精神。这就使得1979年1月15日召开的第96届美国国会的头一天。显得特别热闹。参议院中,议员们一下子提出了6项议案,以后几天又提出了6项议案,目的都是要打破《中美建交联合公报》的约束,确保美国与台湾所谓“外交”和军事关系的“连续性”。  相似文献   
South Africa National Civic Organization (Sanco) held its 4th National Conference from 12-13 December 2006 in Bloemfontein,the judicial capital of South Africa. There were more than 1000 delegates from 9 provinces to the Conference. The representatives of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) were invited to attend the Conference. During and after the conference,CAFIU representatives had extensive contacts and exchanges of views with the officials from the concerned government departments and Tripartite Alliance and scholars and experts from academic circles,thus having deepened their understanding of Sanco.  相似文献   
The relationship between Russia and U.S.is one of the most eye-catching ones in the current world. During the past 7 or 8 years with Presidents Putin and Bush in office,that relationship has undergone frequent changes,from being close to cold. People wouldask,whyistherelationshipsovolatile?  相似文献   
As early as in the beginning of the 1980's,the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) started exchanges with the Friendrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). Since FES set up its Beijing office in 1987,fruitful cooperation has been conducted between FES and CAFIU,and other relevant parties of the Chinese side. Over the years,FES has made positive efforts and great contributions for deepening and developing understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the German people,and for promoting the relations between the two countries and two parties,which we highly appreciate.  相似文献   
张越 《友声》2005,(4):25-26
应叙利亚中国友好协会邀请,李小林副会长率中国人民对外友好协会代表团一行13人于5月4日至7日对叙利亚进行了友好访问。叙利亚阿拉伯复兴社会党地区领导副总书记、叙中友协主席苏莱曼·卡达哈,叙地方管理和环境部部长海拉勒·阿特拉斯等会见了代表团。苏莱曼·卡达哈主席在会见代表团时说,叙中关系源远流长,建交49年来,在两国领导人的关怀下,两国关系持续健康发展,经受了时间和国际风云变化的考验,历久弥坚。他强调,在国际事务中我们两国一贯协调合作,相互支持。叙利亚一贯坚持一个中国的政策,支持中国的和平统一大业,从不与台湾发生任何形…  相似文献   
<正> 据统计,我国已与130多个国家正式建立外交关系。作为一个开放的社会主义国家的刑法,建议增设妨害国交罪。早在六十代制定的《维也纳外交关系公约》《维也纳领事关系公约》及1969年签定的《联合国特别使团公约》和1975年的《维也纳关于国家在其对国际组织关系上的代表公约》中,都规定接受国对派遣国的外交人员、大使管、领事管、特别使团和有关国际组织等的保护。1973年在纽约开放签字的《关下防止和惩处侵  相似文献   
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