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民营企业家有效政治参与有利于促进我国和谐社会的建设。科学地评价民营企业家政治参与的效度,必须对民营企业家政治参与效度的含义有正确的认识,并在此基础上落实效度评估的组织,设计一个内容全面、结构合理的科学的效度评估指标体系。  相似文献   
私营企业主政治参与中的满意度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在私营企业主政治参与的实践中,开展对私营企业主政治参与满意度的研究,可以了解和测定私营企业主 政治参与的满意水平,厘清制约和影响私营企业主满意度的关键性因素,发现改进和提升私营企业主政治参与满意度的 机会和空间,为推进私营企业主政治参与的发展寻求方向和路径。本文参照计量经济学的费耐尔逻辑模型,从六个方面 具体探讨了制约和影响私营企业主政治参与满意度的因素,并指出了获取私营企业主政治参与满意度的具体方法。  相似文献   
The private nature of corporate actors does not necessarily preclude them from contributing to public interest. When business strategies and genuine public motivation are favorably aligned, corporate actors from the private sector can also drive public sector innovations. For a private corporation, policy entrepreneurship inherently entails crossing not only the public–private boundary but also various policy domains. This study formulates five propositions to characterize the cross-boundary strategies of corporate policy entrepreneurship, a distinct form of policy entrepreneurship in a developing authoritarian state. The case study of mobile healthcare payment innovation in China finds that the corporate entrepreneur used a series of cross-boundary strategies adeptly that eventually made the innovation not only adopted in one locality but also rapidly diffused nationwide. These strategies were not used in isolation or in a pure stepwise fashion but appeared to be recursive and interactive, suggesting the dynamic nature of corporate policy entrepreneurship in a multilevel governance system. More studies could be done to further examine strategies and processes of other forms of policy entrepreneurship in various national and sectoral settings.  相似文献   
缺乏一支高素质的企业家队伍是当前我国国有企业中遇到的一个严重问题,制定《国有企业企业家奖罚条例》,建立奖罚机制是培育优秀企业家的有效途径之一。《条例》的有效实行还具有推动现代企业制度建设,促进国有资产保值增值和企业技术进步,防止社会不正之风等意义。初步构想的《条例》应该由两两部分内容组成,即确定考核企业家业绩的客观准确的经济指标和具体的奖罚条款。  相似文献   
苏联解体后 ,国内外很多企业家赴俄开拓新市场。由于转轨中的俄罗斯政局动荡 ,经济滑坡、法规不健全等原因 ,企业经营风险很大 ,为此绝大多数企业难以为继并先后离俄回国。中国华富公司却独辟蹊径闯出了一条成功之路 ,成为中国开拓俄罗斯建筑市场的一面旗帜。该公司成功的奥秘是根据俄国国情 ,审时度势 ,适时打好五张牌 :质量牌、信誉牌、经营牌、本土牌和远见牌  相似文献   
日益成熟的中国市场经济孕育出了举足轻重的中国民营经济体,然而在这一欣欣向荣的表象背后却隐藏着中国民营企业家腐败犯罪的高发风险。在反腐体系科学化大背景下,通过调查分析,发现当前中国民营企业家腐败犯罪呈现规模稳定增长、腐败犯罪形态多元等特点,这种独特现象不仅与民众仅仅重视反公职人员腐败的褊狭观念相关,也与重公轻私的刑事制度设计相关。因此,进行民营企业家腐败犯罪防治,必须矫正民众的认识误区,基于制度诱因,用好刑事法治抓手,从观念、立法、司法等方面多管齐下,最终促进我国反腐败实践的协调推进。  相似文献   
In the light of neoinstitutional theory and by adopting case study research methodology, this article explains the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards for modernizing public sector accounting in Estonia. This article reveals that the smooth—yet gradual—adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards‐compliant accounting systems was enabled by the involvement of powerful actors (i.e., institutional entrepreneurs) with foreign and/or business backgrounds. In addition, the change in public sector accounting in Estonia was facilitated by the developments in its international positioning, characterized by the transition from a Soviet communist to a market economy and subsequent European Union membership and by the absence of past accounting practices, which could potentially hinder the change.  相似文献   
近年来,合肥市私营企业发展迅速,业主群体状况也十分复杂。作为一个新的社会阶层,如何把私营企业主中的优秀分子吸收到党内来,是一项政治性、政策性和操作性都很强的全新工作。为全面贯彻党的十六大精神,我们必须在充分了解和掌握当前私营企业主基本特征和思想政治状况的基础上,以积极慎重的态度加强引导和教育。  相似文献   
目前,中国的私营企业主已经逐步发展成为中国新社会阶层中的重要力量。随着经济实力的增强和国内政治民主的大力推进,私营企业主的政治参与呈现逐渐扩大的趋势,但其中也存在一些问题。我们必须采取有效措施使私营企业主的政治参与朝着有序化、制度化、法制化的健康方向发展,使其有利于我国民主政治建设的顺利进行。  相似文献   
University spin-offs are defined as firms founded by university employees. Using a large database on venture-backed start-up companies, I describe the characteristics of university spin-offs and investigate whether they perform differently than other firms. I find that venture-backed university spin-offs are concentrated in the biotechnology and information technology industries. Moreover, a spin-off tends to stay close to the university, suggesting that technology transfer through spin-offs is largely a local phenomenon. Multivariate regression analyses show that university spin-offs have a higher survival rate but are not significantly different from other start-ups in terms of the amount of venture capital raised, the probability of completing an initial public offering (IPO), the probability of making a profit, or the size of employment.
Junfu ZhangEmail:
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