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"7·7"伦敦地铁爆炸案的发生,会使全世界更多国家重视反恐上的合作,也会对2008年北京奥运会的筹办产生影响,它提醒我们,地铁的安全隐患不容忽视,我们应当借鉴世界各国地铁系统的反恐经验,不断完善和加强包括北京地铁系统在内的各项防恐措施.  相似文献   
奥运会历来是国际社会最为关注的全球体育盛会。它的影响早已远远超越体育的范畴,而对国际政治、经济、社会等更广泛的领域产生着多方面深刻的影响。北京奥运会是继东京、汉城之后,亚洲国家主办的第三次夏季奥运会,意义非同寻常。这三次奥运会对东北亚国家经济社会发展都起到巨大推动作用,同时也反映了时代的巨大变迁。"绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运"三大理念,有力地促进了中国的科技社会进步和人文素质的提升。北京奥运会的成功举办,向全世界展现中国文化发展的民族特色、时代特色与创新特色,为世界奥运史和文明史作出了自己的贡献,将使我国踏上蓬勃发展的历史新起点。  相似文献   
正YANG Wei guang,former president of CCTV,died on September 20 at the age of 79.Although Yang asked that mourning and memorial services be abbreviated,voluntary celebrations of his life continued for almost a month.  相似文献   
Although prior criminological research has examined sport, most of the attention has been focused on crimes perpetrated by athletes or by fans. Potential examples of state and state-corporate crime as they relate to the bidding process, hosting, and legacy of sport mega-events is the current focus. Drawing on sport and criminology scholarship, the study focuses on Olympic Games and World Cups since the late 1990s, discussing the issues of selection of host sites, police abuse, under-enforcement of street crimes, limitations on civil liberties, removal of ‘undesirables,’ and labor-related concerns.  相似文献   
This paper is a semiotic analysis of Summer Olympic Games Opening ceremonies as performative texts. Owing to massive media attention, these events have become eagerly awaited global spectacles. However, with such a wide audience, the challenge is to convey both an Olympic welcome and something truly unique about the host city and nation. This creates a communication challenge and some interesting questions in terms of symbolism. Research into the content of Olympic Games ceremonies reveals an exercise both in forging internal cohesion and in projecting soft power. Soft power is an increasingly valuable currency in a multipolar world and opening ceremonies are a prime soft power opportunity. The paper seeks to uncover the ways successive Olympics Games organising committees have sought to balance the competing communicational objectives of opening ceremonies through double coding. The author considers every ceremony from Moscow 1980 to London 2012 in this comparative semiotic analysis.  相似文献   
Previous scholarship has relied on case study analysis and anecdotal evidence to explain the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Olympic host city selection process. This has resulted in several provocative claims regarding why the IOC selects particular cities to host the Olympics. Large-n analysis can dispel some of these assertions by identifying the systematic tendencies in the IOC's host city choices. After reviewing the selection process and the different influences on the IOC's choice of a host city, rank-ordered conditional logit estimation is applied to data proxies of bid candidate characteristics from 1959 through 2005. The IOC shows a statistical tendency to base its decision on the economic vitality of a bid city's home country and on the need to maintain continental diversity.  相似文献   
2008年奥运会的召开将影响娱乐场所人员结构、经营内容和经营方式,同时,娱乐场所的安全也直接影响着奥运安全.人文奥运要求公安机关在奥运期间对娱乐场所的治安检查更加人性化,一是对治安检查主体进行人性化配置,在奥运期间增加实质见警度、降低形式见警度;二是治安检查的频度和深度应当体现人性化,在奥运之前应组织全面、细致的治安检查以保障奥运安全,在奥运期间应适当增加检查频度,以维护娱乐场所安全和秩序;三是治安检查方式应当体现人性化,检查时应保护娱乐场所正常经营活动和秩序不受干扰和破坏、慎用集中清查行动.  相似文献   
为了全面总结和继承北京奥运会成功举办的丰富经验和宝贵遗产,加强我国体育事业的立法,改善体育发展环境是十分重要的。文章从加强国家体育事业立法和完善财税制度对体育事业的支撑的角度,进行两个方面的阐述。  相似文献   
The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and the annexation of Crimea were two major international events in which Russia engaged in early 2014. In spite of all the divergence in the logic underpinning each of them, four concepts strongly resonate in both cases. First, in hosting the Olympics and in appropriating Crimea, Russia was motivated by solidifying its sovereignty as the key concept in its foreign and domestic policies. Second, the scenarios for both Sochi and Crimea were grounded in the idea of strengthening Russia as a political community through mechanisms of domestic consolidation (Sochi) and opposition to unfriendly external forces (the crisis in Ukraine). Third, Sochi and Crimea unveiled two different facets of the logic of normalisation aimed at proving – albeit by different means – Russia’s great power status. Fourth, one of the major drivers of Russian policy in both cases were security concerns in Russia’s southern flanks, though domestic security was also an important part of the agenda.  相似文献   
奥运安保对城市反恐重要目标安全防范的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自1972年慕尼黑奥运会发生针对以色列代表团的恐怖袭击事件以来,防范各种恐怖袭击一直是各奥运会主办城市最为关注的问题之一。恐怖分子之所以瞄准奥运会,主要想借助实施恐怖活动以得到最大的新闻效应和公众心理震撼效果。近几届奥运会的主办国投入了大量的人力、物力和财力,并采取了一系列行之有效的措施进行安全保卫工作。奥运会安全保卫为我国做好城市反恐重要目标安全防范工作提供了有益启示:一是建立党政领导,部门参与的反恐防范工作格局;二是加强防范恐怖犯罪公众教育,增强公众的防范意识;三是建立统一高效的情报信息工作机制;四是明确责任,建章立制,夯实基础;五是制定应对预案,通过演练予以巩固完善;六是强化检查考核,促进防范责任和措施落实。  相似文献   
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