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既判力的核心要义在于阻断当事人对既判事项再争议以及禁止法院对既判事项的再判断。对既判力理论及其法律效果认识上的分歧,加剧了知识产权持续侵权诉讼中重复诉讼、事实预决效力识别的困难,由之引发的裁判相反、法律适用不统一远非孤例。借助真实个案切入,结合指导案例,对"后诉审理前诉期间持续的同一被诉行为"和"前诉已决事实对后诉可否产生免证效"两大常遇难题找寻裁判依据、法理支撑,阐明取舍观点。切换思路,对停止侵权判令作扩张解释,使前诉判决执行力延及知识产权存续期间,被诉侵权人如有异议时须以执行异议或确认不侵权之诉对抗执行,以有效缓解权利人因反复证明而致的对立情绪、及时化解纠纷。  相似文献   
Deception research has neglected the fact that legal-workers often have to try to detect deceit on the basis of statements derived from pairs of suspects, each having been interrogated repeatedly. To remedy this shortcoming we conducted a study where each member of 10 truth-telling pairs and 10 lying pairs was interrogated twice about an alibi. One hundred and twenty undergraduate students were enrolled as lie-catchers. The main findings were that (a) overall deception detection accuracy was modest; (b) lie-catchers given access to a large number of statements did not outperform lie-catchers given access to a lesser number of statements; (c) when asked to justify their veracity assessments the most frequently reported cue was ‘consistency within pairs of suspects’; (d) all cues to deception were of low diagnostic value. Psycho-legal aspects of integrating sequential information in deception detection contexts are discussed.  相似文献   
转型社会存在重新犯罪与转型社会之间深层矛盾的关系:有计划的产业结构调整与无序、无保障的人员迁徙;迁徙、变动、初偶犯急增与单纯的"严打"方针;短刑犯、在押犯的构成与传统以重刑犯为重点的行刑体制……因此,实行营造和谐的社会政策,以治本、创新、以人为本的罪犯改造技术,以治恶、完善配套法律是实现重新犯罪有效控制的重要手段。  相似文献   
Relational Contracts, Repeated Interaction and Contract Modification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper uses the theory of repeated games to model relational contracts. It demonstrates that there are cases where it is better to leave a long term contract more incomplete than it needs to be in order to secure optimal renegotiation at every point. In this particular class of contract problems, it may be optimal to allow contract modification even in cases where the buyer could have put the modified terms into the original contract.  相似文献   
马涛 《当代亚太》2020,(2):75-99,153
特朗普执政后,美国对华战略逐步由“接触”转向“规锁”,中美经贸关系也因此发展到了摩擦频现甚至是冲突对抗的新阶段。美国对华战略规锁本质上是要遏制中国在科技进步和国家实力等方面的崛起,以维护其霸权地位。贸易冲突作为美国对华战略规锁最直接的手段之一,在一定程度上反映了其国内利益集团与党派之间的斗争。特朗普政府为了获得国内政治支持,推出了严重扭曲的对华贸易政策。文章从美国对华战略规锁的视角,运用多重博弈论方法对中美贸易冲突进行了路径选择分析并认为,囚徒困境中“以牙还牙”策略下的博弈双方均实施损人损己的策略,无论采取“以牙还牙”、冷酷触发还是无限拖延,博弈双方的最优策略都是通过贸易谈判实现继续合作;双方只有通过有效谈判,逐步取消加征的贸易壁垒,才能达成协议并获得最大收益。基于博弈结果的情景分析与中美第一阶段经贸协议内容,文章为破解中美贸易冲突困境以及未来防范提供了战略参考和政策启示。  相似文献   
Research on investigative interviewing has only recently started to compare the efficacy of different techniques for gathering intelligence from human sources. So far the research has focused exclusively on sources interviewed once, thus overlooking that most sources are interviewed multiple times. The present study attempts to remedy this gap in the literature. Students (N?=?66) took on the role of semi-cooperative sources, holding incomplete information about an upcoming terrorist attack. The sources were informed that they would be interviewed at least once, and that additional interviews might follow. Half of the sources were interviewed on three occasions with the Scharff technique (consisting of five tactics), and the other half was interviewed on three occasions using the so-called direct approach (i.e. open-ended and specific questions). Collapsing the outcome over the three interviews, the Scharff technique resulted in significantly more new information compared to the direct approach. Furthermore, sources interviewed by the direct approach overestimated how much new information they had revealed, whereas the sources interviewed by the Scharff technique underestimated their contribution (although not significantly so). The current study advances previous research by further contextualizing the tests of the efficacy of human intelligence gathering techniques.  相似文献   
商标侵权案件中重复起诉的识别主要体现在当事人相同的识别和诉讼标的的识别。当事人相同的识别要区分商标许可和商品流通两个环节。商标许可中当事人是否相同以许可人和被许可人之间形成的共同诉讼或诉讼担当来识别;商品流通中当事人是否相同以被诉侵权商品的生产者在前案中的责任范围来识别。诉讼标的的识别以实体法律规范为依据,从前后两案的诉请保护的商标是否同一、商品类别是否同一、被诉侵权标识是否同一来确定,当三者同一时可以认定为同一诉讼标的,商品型号和商品系列不构成识别诉讼标的的要素。商标侵权重复起诉的识别还应当关注停止侵权民事责任的效力等因素。  相似文献   
挪用公款的数额对定罪与量刑具有重要作用。挪用公款存在不同用途的,根据举重以明轻的解释原理,可以将用于非法活动与营利活动的数额评价为用于其他活动的数额;对每一笔挪用行为及其数额的认定必须以刑法规定为标准,只有当挪用行为能够被我国《刑法》第384条规定的构成要件所涵摄时,才能将挪用数额计入挪用公款罪的数额;既不能仅挑选其中用途最多的数额作为定罪量刑的根据,也不能按用途分别计算数额,更不能一概以总数额作为挪用公款罪的数额。多次挪用公款,并以后次挪用的公款归还前次挪用的公款的,并不是刑法意义上的归还,不能一律以案发时未还的实际数额认定,也不能仅按其中一次最高数额计算;对于归还前已经构成挪用公款罪的数额,应当累计计算。对携带部分挪用的公款潜逃的案件,为了确保罪刑相适应,也可能将贪污的公款数额评价为挪用公款的数额;在使用人与挪用人构成共同犯罪的案件中,使用人应当对与其行为具有因果性的挪用数额负责,而不是仅对使用数额负责;对共同挪用公款数额的认定,必须采取共犯从属性说并贯彻责任主义。  相似文献   
预防型民事责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
预防型民事责任,是指权利相对人的行为对权利人的权利已经造成损害并且还在继续侵害时,或者虽没有造成现实损害却存在造成侵害的危险时承担的一种民事责任。其目的是预防损害的继续或者是损害的发生。此种民事责任的承担,只需要证明权利人享有该权利,相对人的行为(作为或不作为)已经或者即将对权利人的权利造成侵害即可。责任人承担此种责任,采取的是无过错责任原则,不需要考虑责任人的过错。预防型民事责任不是不适用消灭时效,而是消灭时效在预防型民事责任中无法成就而无从适用。  相似文献   
The influence, if any, of emotional arousal on memory is a controversial topic in the literature. Much of the research on memory for emotionally arousing events has focused on a few specific issues (e.g., differences in types of details recalled in emotionally arousing and neutral events; increasing ecological validity). Although gaining more recent attention, a neglected area in the literature has been memory for instances of repeated, emotionally arousing events. This issue has important implications for understanding children's ability to recall events in a forensic setting. We review existing findings on memory for emotionally arousing events in general and particularly in children, children's memory for events that occur repeatedly, and then discuss the scarce research on repeated emotionally arousing events and the need for further research in this area. We conclude that although it is clear that children are capable of accurately reporting arousing and repeated experiences, it is also apparent that circumstances both within and outside the control of investigative interviewers influence this ability.  相似文献   
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