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旅客列车犯罪现场对旅客列车环境具有依赖性。旅客列车犯罪现场具有反映犯罪痕迹物证及犯罪行为规律特点的功能 ,但犯罪现场的开放性和封闭性 ,使其必然要受到旅客列车环境的限制和影响。旅客列车环境对旅客列车犯罪现场的生存、演化起着重要的作用 ,既是认知犯罪现场的依据 ,也是认知犯罪现场的障碍。  相似文献   
不同时期的文学所呈现的成果形态不同,所表现出的地域文化特征亦不同.北京作为一个特定的文化区域,其文学的发展有着独特的线索和规律.边荒色彩成为前建都期北京文学的地域特征.  相似文献   
近年来,越南在与云南省红河州毗邻的老街省开设赌场,招揽我国公民出境赌博,不仅造成了人民币的大量流失,而且因为赌博引发了跨境和边境违法犯罪与治安问题。应构建边境地区禁赌工作长效机制:1 树立长期作战思想;2 强化信息调研;3 保持高压态势;4 深化宣传教育工作等等。  相似文献   
本文以关于边检机关是否应查验中国公民前往国签证问题的讨论为背景,结合我国现行出入境制度的发展进程,对查验前往国签证的原因和适法性进行了深入分析,就边检机关如何应对我国适时取消该项查验措施后在出入境领域引发的新变化,提出了若干建议和意见。  相似文献   
The European Commission launched the “Smart Borders” policy process in 2011 to enhance border security in the European Union (EU) using technologisation and harmonisation. This includes the use of automated border control (ABC) systems. The Member States crucially shape the process, weighing security technologies and costs, privacy and rights, and further institutional choices. We examine the views of political stakeholders in four Member States by conducting a systematic empirical and comparative study unprecedented in the existing, political-theory-inspired research. In our Q methodological experiments, political stakeholders in Finland, Romania, Spain and the UK rank-ordered a sample of statements on Smart Borders, ABC and harmonisation. The factor analysis of the results yielded three main views: the first criticising ABC as a security technology, the second welcoming the security gains of automation and the third opposing harmonised border control. While impeding harmonisation, the results offer a consensus facilitating common policy.  相似文献   
跨国网络犯罪的增加使得跨境电子取证的实际需求日益旺盛,我国在2018年颁布了《国际刑事司法协助法》,目的之一是加强国际合作打击跨国犯罪,为我国履行国际条约义务提供法律依据。但在司法实践中,我国的跨境电子取证面临着理论困境和实践困境。网络主权、司法管辖权理论使得单边取证存在着非法性可能。传统跨境电子取证因数据本地化存储和"倒U型"取证结构而效率不高。现有的国际司法协助程序繁杂、时间冗长,无法满足打击跨境犯罪和电子证据取证的现实需求。因此跨境电子取证的简易程序构建具有必要性和紧迫性,对现有司法协助程序进行适当简化,遵循合法性原则和效率性原则,构建境内外双方执法者直接合作方式合法化、派员调查取证方式、建立个案电子取证协助机制三种途径。  相似文献   
This paper asks whether the migration decisions of unauthorized Mexican immigrants to the USA have been influenced by stronger US border enforcement efforts since 1993 that have sharply increased the physical risk and financial cost of illegal immigration. These measures were supposed to have decreased the probability of successful entry, thereby lowering the expected benefits of migration. We carried out a logistic regression analysis of data from a recent survey of 603 returned migrants and potential first‐time migrants in rural Mexico. Our findings indicate that tougher border controls have had remarkably little influence on the propensity to migrate illegally to the USA. Political restrictions on immigration are far outweighed by economic and family‐related incentives to migrate. An alternative, labor‐market approach to immigration control with higher probability of effectiveness is outlined.  相似文献   
为解决陕甘宁边区财政经济严重困难,朱德提出了独立自主发展边区经济的新方略,指导发展边区工业,首倡"军垦屯田"政策并领导开发南泥湾,对边区经济建设和革命胜利作出了独特而重要的贡献。  相似文献   
陕甘边根据地在中共党史和解放军史上具有极为重要的地位,其特点很值得深入研究。从总体上来说,陕甘边根据地是革命根据地的一个重要模式,具有在流动中不断壮大、在勇于探索的同时顾全大局、密切联系群众开展根据地建设等三个鲜明特点。这些特点正是这块根据地能“硕果仅存”的重要原因,也是区别于其他根据地模式的重要表现。  相似文献   
大部制是西方发达国家普遍实施的一种政府管理模式。中国新一轮政府机构改革之所以选择以推行大部制为突破口,有其深刻的动因并已具备了一定的条件,但也内存一些阻滞因素,这就要求我们在探索实行大部制进程中,要选择正确的路径,科学推进。  相似文献   
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