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在走私犯罪案件侦查中经常会遇到犯罪嫌疑人逃跑或查缉运载走私货物车辆的情况,如何迅速抓获逃跑的犯罪嫌疑人和缉获私货与正确实施追缉堵截这一紧急性侦查措施是紧密联系在一起的。在抓捕逃跑的走私犯罪嫌疑人和截获运载私货的车辆时,这两种方法结合使用,可形成前堵后追,前后夹击的格局,便于迅速抓获走私犯罪嫌疑人和截获运载私货的车辆。  相似文献   
This paper examines the inner workings of Chinese human smuggling organizations. Contrary to widely held conceptions about Chinese organized crime, most alien smugglers are otherwise ordinary citizens whose familial networks and fortuitous social contacts have enabled them to pool resources to transport human cargoes around the world. They come from diverse backgrounds and form temporary alliances to carry out smuggling operations. With the exception of a shared commitment to making money, little holds them together. The smuggling organizations mostly resemble ad hoc task forces and are assembled for specific operations. These organizations have clear divisions of labor with limited hierarchical structures. We discuss the theoretical implications of their unique organizational characteristics.  相似文献   
海上走私犯罪侦查方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上走私属于特定区域、特定对象的走私行为,走私运输工具先进,对抗性强,海上走私组织严密,呈现团伙化、集团化、国际化趋势,单线联系,走私路线复杂多变。缉私部门应注重情报经营,对查获走私船舶及时进行现场勘查及搜查取证,查明走私链条。  相似文献   
走私制毒物品罪侵犯的客体为复杂客体,即本罪既侵犯了我国对制毒物品的管制,又侵犯了我国的对外贸易管制。本罪在客观上表现为违反国家规定,逃避海关监管,非法运输、携带醋酸酐、乙醚、三氯甲烷或者其他经常用于制造毒品的原料或者配剂进出境的行为。本罪主体既可以由年满16周岁具有刑事责任能力的自然人构成,也可以由单位构成。本罪为故意犯罪。  相似文献   
《Global Crime》2013,14(1):16-33
This article explores the growth of organised crime within the Vietnamese community with particular reference to the cultivation of cannabis, money laundering and the smuggling or trafficking of children. The article begins by exploring the history and diversity of the ‘Vietnamese community’ in the United Kingdom and the role of Vietnamese culture in shaping their criminal enterprises. It then draws on research involving two sets of qualitative data: one set is based on 45 interviews with law enforcement personnel based in Vietnam and the United Kingdom as well as with key stakeholders in the Vietnamese community; the other set is based on structured questionnaires issued to 34 Vietnamese residents in Britain, 24 of whom are here illegally. It examines the relationship between illegal immigration of Vietnamese citizens to Britain and the urban cultivation of cannabis, in what has become known as ‘cannabis factories’, and the laundering of the profits abroad to Vietnam. After exposing the logistics of Vietnamese illegal immigration into Britain, the article concludes that those involved in cannabis cultivation, money laundering and people smuggling are primarily motivated by profit rather than ‘lifestyle’ concerns, and operate within what theorists of organised crime refer to as the ‘mono-ethnic criminal network’.  相似文献   
This article features the personal experiences of a young African woman victim of trafficking and smuggling from Nigeria to Italy. The aim of the article is to provide a counter-narrative on the phenomenon of human trafficking, by engaging with the youth’s lived experiences. The story forms part of a wider database of youth counter-narratives, gathered by the authors in different parts of the world (Italy, South Africa, and Ethiopia). The narrative will be discussed on the basis of four identified elements, and the reflection addresses them within the wider context of trafficking, smuggling, and human migration. The conclusion drawn is that the language of youth counter-narratives can represent a useful tool to address the complexity of social issues, in particular when they refer to lived experiences of youngsters who have been subjected to different forms of oppression and violence. It also represents a sort of liberation from cultural homogenisation, forcing the readers to engage with a “new humanism.”  相似文献   
诱惑侦查是当今世界许多国家侦查走私犯罪的重要措施和手段,我国也在不同程度地适用这一有效方法。由于缺乏必要的规范和指导,实践中存在不少问题,影响了其效能的充分发挥,也极易侵害公民的合法权益。鉴此,本文分析了走私犯罪案件运用诱惑侦查的条件,提出了走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查中诱饵的设计方案,以及走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查的策略和方法,以期能对我国当前的缉私实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   
16世纪,在环中国海贸易圈内,传统的贸易格局发生了根本性的变化,这时活跃在东亚贸易大舞台上的除了起主导作用的福建海商,还有新航路开辟后到达这里的葡萄牙人以及日本人,中国东南沿海地区的海洋社会经济逐渐被纳入到近代世界经济体系中去,环中国海贸易圈出现了激烈动荡的局面。  相似文献   
偷渡活动是一种跨国性质的违法犯罪活动.它的成因比较复杂.综合了社会外界因素和个人自身的因素,而口岸偷渡活动是其中较为频繁出现的形式之一。文章通过分析口岸偷渡的成因以及口岸偷渡人员心理,发现口岸偷渡人员在实施偷渡过程中所具备的行为特点,为出入境边防检查机关打击偷渡活动提供了帮助。  相似文献   
内地文物非法跨越边境向香港流出,是一个值得关注的问题。文章回顾了100多年来内地与香港间文物走私演变过程,指出其严重性和危害性。在分析两地警务合作的基础上,指出双方在刑事法律规定、刑事司法实践上存在的问题和刑事司法合作落后于经贸文化合作、刑事司法协助及警务合作协议缺位的现状,进而提出了完善双方警务合作,包括应对两地间文物走私犯罪的对策,认为凝聚共识是前提,适时修法是基础,商签协议是关键。  相似文献   
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