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唐贞顺皇后陵墓被盗文物境外成功追回,得益于法律保障、专业技术和国际合作三个方面。但我国追索海外流失文物的工作仍很严峻。我国在海外流失文物追索过程中面临的主要法律困境包括证据资料搜集困难,缺乏适格诉讼主体,欠缺稳定的专业技术支持以及缺少专门追索机构。我国应借鉴国外先进经验制定《流失文物追索法》,对流失文物的性质、所有权归属以及追索原则等问题予以系统规定,并应成立专门的追索机构,从而有效解决追索过程中的法律依据、证据以及专业技术支持等问题。  相似文献   
盗掘古墓葬犯罪是妨害文物管理罪中危害最大的一类犯罪行为。我国盗掘古墓葬犯罪呈现集团化、专业化、暴力性、腐蚀性等特点。公安机关和文物管理部门应当充分依靠群众,从事前、事中和事后等各个环节,全方位地对此类犯罪予以预防、控制和打击。  相似文献   
Inspired by the “rituality” and “symbolism” of the courtroom as a discourse of space, this paper sheds light on the semiotic weight of the tiled-mosaic murals of Arabic proverbs displayed in the courtrooms of the Palace of Justice in Beirut, Lebanon. This paper attempts to draw attention to the discursive importance of these courtroom proverbial murals in the conceptualization of justice in the Lebanese legal and judicial system by unfolding the semiotic code of the proverbial murals. This work categorizes the murals under investigation (20 murals) into three “functional” or semiotic categories: social (six proverbs), quasi-judicial (nine proverbs; three of which are religious, two ethical, and four political) and judicial (five proverbs). On a positive note, this investigation highlights the functionality of the linguistic (i.e. proverbiality) and artistic (calligraphy and design) components of the proverbial murals as a semiotic tool to inter-faith national unity in Lebanon. Nonetheless, the same semiotic features signal a spatially “mutating” justice, from one courtroom to another and thus a socioethical, religious and political relativism in perceiving justice.  相似文献   
Why is there so little graffiti in Northern Ireland compared to cities in North America and Europe – including Great Britain, to which it is constitutionally connected, and Ireland, with which it is geographically connected? This question is particularly perplexing given the highly developed political mural tradition on both sides of the sectarian divide in the North, and the almost 15 years that have passed since the signing of the Peace Agreement ending some three decades of militarized conflict. This paper explores the connections between the absence of graffiti, and the street-level structures and processes of reconciliation or conflict – with a specific focus on the geopolitics of paramilitary control within communities throughout Northern Ireland. The contributions of the paper are three-fold: (1) it highlights the importance of graffiti as a (usually neglected) lens for assessing the degree to which the expected benefits of a peace agreement are experienced at the street level; (2) it addresses the methodological challenge of how to examine something that is not there (specifically, it studies the absence of graffiti in Northern Ireland by comparing it to the logic, mechanics and meanings of graffiti elsewhere); and (3) it questions the well-marketed representation of Northern Ireland as a unqualified case of successful post-agreement peace.  相似文献   
明代贵州宣慰使安贵荣墓考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据贵州省贵阳市修文县大石布依族乡大屯村安氏古墓的规格和有关传说,结合各种史书和地方方志记载,再结合该地及周边地区彝族和彝族历史、人物、习俗进行反复比较、研究和论证,认为安氏古墓乃明代贵州宣慰使封昭勇将军赐从三品加贵州布政司右参政安贵荣墓。  相似文献   
汉简所记敬老制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武威汉墓出土的“王杖诏书令”规定给70岁以上的老人授王杖,使其享受种种优惠,并严惩抗令不遵者;而且颁赐王杖不分穷、富、男、女,这充分体现了汉代的养老、敬老制度,也给今人以深刻的启发。  相似文献   
黔西北乌蒙山区向天坟与彝族传统文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巍峨峻峭的黔西北乌蒙山区,是贵州彝族比较集中的聚居地,这里的彝家山寨,蕴藏着传统的古老文明。在墓葬类型上独具一格的向天坟,自被彝族学者刘尧汉教授和卢央教授引起重视,深入田野调查研究,从而被誉称是中国考古天文学的重大发现。笔者有幸曾偕两位教授亲临贵州威宁县境的盐仓大坟梁子,和云南楚雄市南部庙坡山,对彝族不同类型向天坟进行实地考察,获取直观资料;并对刘尧汉和卢央教授的学术观点,聆听获益非浅。鉴于省内学术界对黔西北乌蒙山区的彝族向天坟了解研究不多,此种类型墓葬文化在一般民众之中又存在着误解。本文的宗旨…  相似文献   
文物犯罪案件是危害国家主权和自然历史财产所有权的案件。目前,这类案件在我国部分省市还很严重。重视该类案件特点、侦查原则和侦查思路的研究,可以帮助办案部门提高侦办文物犯罪案件的效率,从而更有力打击文物犯罪活动,切实有效保护文物。  相似文献   
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