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存疑有利于被告作为刑事诉讼中的一个重要原则,对于确保被告人在审判中受到公平对待、参与法庭判决制作和保障人权具有重要意义."存疑有利于被告"思想已渗透于各国的刑事司法实践并上升为一个重要的原则.我国现行法律虽然吸收了存疑有利于被告的零散思想,但并未确立完全意义的存疑有利于被告规则,这与对刑事诉讼过程中人权保障机能的重视与强调极不相称.系统地构建适合我国土壤的存疑有利于被告规则已成为我国刑事司法改革的当务之急.  相似文献   
纯正的"存疑不起诉"案件应贯彻"疑罪从无"的精神,以赔偿为原则.但在司法实践中,应注意对非纯正"存疑不起诉"案件的分析,区分具体案件情况."存疑不起诉"并非一定是错捕.防止"存疑不起诉"案件进入刑事赔偿程序有两种途径可供借鉴.  相似文献   
敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪之间的区分向来为司法实践中的疑难问题之一,特别是行为人当场实施暴力、当场取得财物的情况下,如何对行为进行准确定性,直接关系到刑法适用的准确性。"两个当场"原则并非区分敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪的决定因素,应综合考虑行为人犯罪时实施暴力的程度、对象、时间及行为人当场取得财物的原因等具体情形,切实贯彻罪责刑相适应的刑法原则,做到罚当其罪。当无法确定当场暴力程度能否达到使他人不能反抗的程度时,应根据"存疑有利被告"的原则,认定为敲诈勒索罪。  相似文献   
正A full-contact women's roller derby league attracts expats and onlookers in the capital By Kirsten JacobsenTwice a week,like clockwork,a crowd slowly gathers around the perimeters of the rink in Beijing's Tuanjiehu Park.Inside,skaters lazily lace up boots,pop in mouth guards,and test knee pads.The latest strategies are discussed and benign insults traded-until  相似文献   
二刘之争向为学界所关注,但以往相关研究多热衷于讨论矛盾双方谁是谁非,对于这场争斗对抗法战局究竟有何影响,却鲜有人予以研究。事实上,二刘间的恩怨,加上清廷人事安排的失当,导致台湾出现了“将帅参商”、“事权不一”,很大程度上阻碍了清军的备战与战略选择。厘清清军内部的矛盾争斗与战争间的关系,才能更加准确地理解和评价清军在台湾保卫战中的表现。  相似文献   
正China did not connect to the Internet until 1994,25 years after it fi rst appeared.It has since fl ourished rapidly and robustly.Today,618 million Chinese use the Internet,500 million of them via mobile phones,representing 73 percent of the urban population and 25percent of rural residents.More than 80 percent are young people.An open,free,shared,and innovative space,the Internet appeals to people of a country that has achieved rapid economic growth.It has changed their lifestyle,most profoundly as regards communi-  相似文献   
正On July 29,Xinhua News Agency announced that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)had placed Zhou Yongkang under investigation for suspected"serious disciplinary violations."Zhou was China's domestic security chief and a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,the ruling Party's top decisionmaking body,until he retired after the 18th CPC National Congress in November 2012.Zhou is the most senior Chinese official to be investigated in recent decades.The probe will be conducted by  相似文献   
存疑,即案情和法律的疑惑不清,是刑事诉讼中难以避免的现象,而如何处理刑事存疑问题则体现出一国的刑诉理念、价值取向乃至司法的文明发达程度.但是我国刑诉法中并没有规定解决刑事存疑问题的系统方案,司法实践中对存疑问题的处理异常混乱,从而直接影响了被告人的权利保障、司法统一以及刑罚权的正当性.在对刑事存疑处理范式比较分析的基础上,确立我国刑事存疑处理的原则业已成为我国刑事司法改革的当务之急.  相似文献   
正RMB internationalization is one of the most important issues for China’s economy.Owing to the real factors affecting it,however,its development will be slower than media speculation can envisage.There is an exaggerated perception of RMB internationalization when considered according to percentage growth statistics,because calculations of them start from extremely low levels.For example,the proportion of RMB payments in the U.S.in April 2014 rose 100percent compared to a year earlier.This sounds spectacular,until taking into account that the rise constituted  相似文献   
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