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在公用事业特许经营的实施过程中,当公共利益遭受或面临重大损害时,监管者有权采取临时接管措施来保障公用事业运营的连续性和稳定性.然而,实践中的临时接管操作存在着程序倒置、程序缺失、程序失调等重大的程序瑕疵.公用事业特许经营临时接管程序法制的缺失,加剧了政府临时接管行为的合法性危机.危机消解的根本之道在于强化临时接管程序的立法规定,通过对申请、听证、决定、启动、执行、终止六大程序的系统建构来约束政府的临时接管行为,保障各方利益主体的合法权益.  相似文献   
当今社会罪犯参政权保障问题已成为我国与西方敌对势力在国际人权斗争中的焦点之一。本文主要阐述未附加剥夺政治权利的刑事罪犯参政权的宪法和法律保障;指出在实际选举中,他们的选举权一般被停止,甚至被非法剥夺的主要原因;并提出在构建和谐社会目标下,执法部门必须与时俱进,转变执法观念,保障未被剥夺政治权利刑事罪犯的合法选举权。  相似文献   
Today, a large majority of states allow at least some of their emigrants to take part in home country elections from abroad. This article first looks at the diffusion of external voting laws and shows that over the past 25 years they have become widely-adopted and are no longer limited to specific professional categories of citizens. Second, the article explains the international diffusion of external voting by discussing the “norm-internationalization hypothesis” and the “electoral-competition hypothesis.” Third, the article attempts to demonstrate that these hypotheses cannot explain why, in a democratic context, states continue to implement a series of hurdles that deter emigrants from using their newly gained rights. Looking at recent developments in Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa, it concludes that the diffusion and variations of external voting laws result from transnational negotiation processes in a context of democratic transformation among various actors whose interests are strongly affected by the inclusion or exclusion of these new voters.  相似文献   
In this article I criticize, first, democratic inclusion principles that are indeterminate with regard to democratic boundaries and indifferent towards the structural features of polities. I suggest that a democratic stakeholder principle passes these critical tests and can be applied to democratic polities of different kinds. Second, I compare birthright-based and residence-based membership regimes at state and local levels and consider how they can accommodate international migrants. Third, I argue that these two regimes are not freestanding alternatives between which democratic polities have to choose, but are combined in a multilevel architecture of democratic citizenship, in which the inclusion and exclusion dynamics of birthright and residence mutually constrain each other and every individual is included as a citizen in both types of polities.  相似文献   
The enfranchisement of non‐resident citizens has always been controversial in the UK, where for historical reasons, voting rights are not as closely associated with citizenship as elsewhere. The introduction of ‘overseas’ voting in the 1980s by the Conservatives was contested by Labour as a form of ‘international gerrymandering’ since expatriates were widely assumed to be disproportionately wealthy and therefore more likely to vote Tory. Expatriate campaigners have been increasingly vocal in denouncing the ‘electoral injustice’ of the ‘fifteen‐year rule’ which disenfranchises them after fifteen years abroad, and the exclusion of so many from the EU referendum highlighted their cause. A recent private member's bill proposing ‘votes for life’ for UK expatriates aimed to meet their demands to abolish the time restriction, now considered anachronistic. But their arguments were hijacked by historically embedded attitudes and disputes driven by party politics, ending in a dramatic and bewildering filibuster which this paper elucidates.  相似文献   
经营权信托是将经营权作为信托财产信托给适格的受托人,受托人按照委托人的意愿以自己的名义管理经营企业的行为。经营权一般包括积极财产和消极财产,企业经营权信托正是通过受托人对信托财产占有瑕疵的承继和受托人限定责任信托的制度设计,论证了包括消极财产在内的财产亦可设立信托的可能,取得了传统信托法学理论的突破,从而在国有企业经营权法律问题研究方面走出了一条新的道路。  相似文献   
朱俊强  龚波 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):24-27
邪教犯罪不是一般的有组织犯罪,而是对社会危害特别严重的有组织犯罪,它不仅侵害了刑法法益中的国家和社会的公法益,而且,严重地侵害了公民的私法益,即严重地侵犯了公民的人身权和财产权。面对邪教犯罪的侵害,我国刑法典突出了对国家、社会公法益和公民私法益的保护,即着重保护国家法律、法规的实施、社会秩序的正常和公民的人身权、财产权安全。但我国刑法的规定相当不完善,其主要缺陷是立法不系统、犯罪主体范围规定得过于狭窄,没有突出特别法与普通法的区别等,这些缺陷影响了我国对邪教犯罪的打击与控制。  相似文献   
特许经营主要涉及两个方面的法律问题,即纵向方面的反垄断规制和横向方面的对外责任的分担。前者表现在特许经营协议中的有关限制性条款,其必须经得起“合理性原则”的审查,否则,属于非法行为。后者表现在被特许人在经营中引起的对外责任,特许人是否需要承担的问题。  相似文献   
国家公园特许经营合同是规范特许人(国家公园管理局)与特许经营权人之间权利义务关系的协议,本质上属于政府特许经营合同,可被拆分为双阶理论下的“行政行为+民事合同”,即在订立阶段为行政行为,在履行和解除阶段为民事合同。为实现国家公园特许经营制度的功能,保护特许经营权人利益和参与特许经营竞争者利益,应明确合同的必要内容、采用竞争性缔约方式、签订书面合同并对特许经营权进行登记。由于国家公园特许经营权具有专属性,合同义务只能由特许经营权人自己履行并应注意保护园内自然资源和生态环境。基于国家公园特许经营合同的基本性质与制度功能,原则上不适用《民法典》第五百六十二条第一款解除合同,合同解除后不具有溯及力,不发生恢复原状义务。  相似文献   
中国目前实行的是民商合一的立法体例,但随着中国商事特许经营等商事活动的蓬勃开展,民事活动和商事活动的迥异性及其分别规制的必要性和紧迫性日益凸显,这就需要中国立法机构在《民法通则》的框架下及时制定具有行政法规性质的商事活动的基本准则——《商事通则》。"商事特许经营"应当作为《商事通则》之一章纳入其中。"商事特许经营"一章中应当包含以下内容:商事特许经营的概念、商事连锁的种类、商事特许经营合同的形式和基本条款、商事特许经营活动中的垄断规制、商事特许经营特许人的信息披露制度、商事特许经营当事人的法律责任以及《商事通则》中关于"商事特许经营"的规定与其他关于商事特许经营的专门性规定在适用上的相互关系。  相似文献   
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