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随着经济体制改革的不断深入 ,公安院校预算管理工作也进行着改革创新。本文从改变预算管理观念谈起 ,就平衡安排预算资金、细化预算编制方法和内容、加强财务管理和监督问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
2018年进行的党和国家机构改革对我国现行预算制度提出了新的挑战,现行预算制度无法适应机构改革的新情况。党政合并后的新机构属于党的机构体系,不再属于政府机构体系,而现行预算制度的约束主体是政府,无法约束合并后的新机构。由于预算完整性和新机构职能的公共性等原因,新机构应当受到国家法律组成的预算制度的约束,预算制度需要配合机构改革进行调整,党内法规不应成为新机构预算行为的规范来源。机构改革强调党的领导是上层领导,并不影响人大预算职权的具体执行,虽然新机构属于党的机构,但由于其参与行政活动,行使国家权力,使用国家财政经费,故仍需接受人大的预算审查监督。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes how peasant movements scale up agroecology. It specifically examines Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), a grassroots peasant agroecology movement in Karnataka, India. ZBNF ends reliance on purchased inputs and loans for farming, positioning itself as a solution to extreme indebtedness and suicides among Indian farmers. The ZBNF movement has achieved massive scale not only because of effective farming practices, but because of a social movement dynamic – motivating members through discourse, mobilizing resources from allies, self-organized pedagogical activities, charismatic and local leadership, and generating a spirit of volunteerism among its members. This paper was produced as part of a self-study process in La Via Campesina, the global peasant movement.  相似文献   
In states with heavy oversight of local government finances, alternate levels of control orientation exist based on county government budget formulation and financing practices. However, previous research indicates a possible trend toward policy orientation. Using survey data from North Carolina counties, initial findings indicate high levels of finance officer budget formulation discretion as well as county manager agreement with budget decisions. Additional logit models suggest that while stakeholder influence is still present along with remnants of policy orientation, the state financial oversight mechanism along with the background, knowledge of departmental financial needs, and frequent departmental appropriation dissemination by the finance officer, continue to sustain control orientation.  相似文献   
现代法治国家的财政活动,包括组织收入活动、财产支出活动以及与此相关的财产计划管理与运营活动三个方面,它们均以财政民主主义为基础,并由财政民主主义实现对全部国家财政活动的统合.在财政民主主义之下,现代预算法制是对国家施政计划及其财政计划的实质性管控,需要遵守预算内容上的完全性原则、时间上的年度性与事前性原则、形式上的单一...  相似文献   

The articles in this symposium present various consequences that effectively result in changes from adopted budgets during the implementation phase, which derive from institutional structure. The institutional structures referred to include such attributes as internal policy, procedural methodology, longevity in office, and reward and incentive systems related to performance outcomes

For local governments, structural influences studied include changes in leadership in the executive and legislative branches, longevity in office of budget administrators, and differences related to mayor-council vs. council-manager forms of government. Internal policies reported on cover methodology used to forecast revenues such as quantitative methods versus informed judgment, budgetary controls and spending policy related to mandated spending beyond local government control, and procedures for benchmarking within the agency as well as with peer groups and professional standards.

Consortia of governments are referenced regarding performance evaluation as is the process for gaining consensus between the executive and legislative branches, including expert outside opinion. Other influences on performance outcomes reported on are those tied to the risk-reward system built in to the institutional structure, which includes risk tolerance of the individuals who make pension fund investments.  相似文献   
拉美国家普遍具有金融脆弱性这一特征。这一现象归因于结构缺陷、汇率制度僵化、过早金融自由化、高度财政赤字化和债务化等多个方面。它带给发展中国家的启示是应选择适宜的汇率制度、外汇与债务管理制度、宏观经济政策 ,以期保持经济长期可持续发展  相似文献   
随着市场经济的发展,实行市场经济体制的国家大部分建立了“公共财政”的财政运行体制。它们形式各异、侧重点多样,但都具有满足社会公共需要、立足于非盈利性、收支行为规范化三个方面的特征。我国应以费改税为契机,尽快取消制度外政府收支,逐步将非税收入全部纳入预算管理,实行综合财政预算,形成覆盖政府所有收支的公共预算。  相似文献   
Budget transparency has come to be considered a key aspect of governance. Over the past decade, donors have invested increasing resources in strengthening processes through which budget transparency in developing countries can be enhanced. According to the 2008 Open Budget Index (OBI) Report, however, aid dependency and budget transparency appear to be inversely correlated. This article looks at the role of donor agencies in promoting or preventing budget transparency in aid‐dependent countries. It looks at significant correlations across the whole sample of 84 countries covered in the 2008 OBI, and analyzes more specific data for a sub‐sample of 16 aid‐dependent countries, before selecting six countries for which more detailed findings are then presented. All of these countries have implemented reforms aimed at enhancing budget transparency, with substantial donor support. These, however, often had only limited success, partly because they were not well adapted to the local context, and partly because donors put limited emphasis on improving public access to budget information. Donor efforts were also often offset by other characteristics of donor interventions, namely their fragmentation, lack of transparency, and limited use of programme aid modalities such as budget support and pooled sector funding. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
正The Heritage Restaurant of Beijing Wanda Sofitel Hotel,a restaurant serving French cuisine,will launch a series of French-themed set lunch menus,each composed of three dishes specially designed by Head Chef Hobson,allowing businessmen to enjoy an authentic French lunch during their working day.  相似文献   
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