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关于生产、销售伪劣产品罪的犯罪客体、客观方面的销售金额、犯罪主观方面以及该罪与假冒注册商标罪、销售假冒注册商标的商品罪的竞合等问题,理论与实践中一直存在着不同的观点。本文结合刑法规定与司法解释,对于不同的观点进行了分析与比较,相应提出了笔者自己在上述问题上的立场。  相似文献   
我国现阶段发行的彩票主要有即开型和摇奖型两类。伪造彩票所用的手法主要是挖补法和涂改法。对此 ,我们可以综合运用肉眼观察法、显微观察法、紫外线检验法、红外线检验法、密码核对法等方法检验  相似文献   
The measurement of the sound by the shock wave and the analysis of the natural frequencies were carried out for the authentic and five kinds of counterfeit 500-yen coins for the purpose of the quick and simple discrimination. Four peaks of natural frequencies were observed in the range of 5–20 kHz for authentic coins. On the other hand, only three peaks were observed for some kinds of the counterfeit coins. Four peaks were observed for other counterfeit coins, however the peaks were slightly shifted compared to those for authentic coins. These results show that the discrimination of the counterfeit coins from authentic ones can be realized by the examination of the natural frequencies. This method is quite useful for the simple screening of authentic and counterfeit coins.  相似文献   
本文作者分析了48例伪称他伤的案例。提出自伤与自杀伤在概念上的区别以及损伤特点的差异。讨论了伪称他伤案例的规律及法医学鉴定要点。  相似文献   
当前,社会上假文凭假证书泛滥成灾.证件防伪的理论依据应是事物的特殊性、行为人的动力定型和伪造行为的局限性.先进的防伪措施有物质材料防伪、印刷技术防伪、标识防伪和智能防伪等.  相似文献   
目的基于安全线的形成方式,对假币常用的内置安全线防伪纸张进行分类并对其形态特征展开分析,为假币的串并及溯源提供一种新的技术手段。方法通过VSC6000文检仪观察、电镜及能谱分析相结合的形式,基于内置安全线防伪纸张中安全线的形成方式对其进行分类,并分析其形态特征。结果基于形成方式可将内置安全线分为三类,分别是复合式安全线、内凹式安全线、外凸式安全线。结论可通过安全线形态特征将内置安全线防伪纸张分类,从而判断假币所用纸张的来源,为假币的串并、溯源及精准打击发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(5):610-620
Document fraud is a transnational form of crime, and its serial character has already been highlighted. To combat this phenomenon, the Interstate Database of Fraudulent Identity Documents (BIDIF) has been created and implemented in Switzerland. It supports the comparison of documents and the detection of series, i.e., documents that share a common source. To efficiently use such a system, forensic document examiners would benefit from a harmonised and proven profiling method. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a method for comparing documents and establishing series. The method is meant to improve the detection capabilities of forensic document examiners operating BIDIF or engaged in the profiling of fraudulent documents. First, a method based on the visual characteristics of digitised images of fraudulent identity documents has been developed. Subsequently, the method was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated using four tests. The first test verified the ability of the method to detect pre-existing series. The second test checked the capability of the method to detect links amongst isolated documents. Finally, two further tests were carried out to compare the method impact on the successful detection of series. These tests were carried out by professional forensic document examiners and Master students in forensic science, respectively. This allowed a comparison of the method influence on series detection. The method allowed a significant increase in the number of series and links detected, while also decreasing the occurrence of false negatives and false positives. Furthermore, links were more rapidly detected.  相似文献   
假冒注册商标犯罪是目前实践中比较突出的问题.我国现行刑法对假冒注册商标犯罪和销售假冒注册商标的商品罪的构成要件作出了规定.假冒注册商标犯罪中的注册商标还应包括服务商标、集体商标、证明商标,对将假冒注册商标罪中的商标使用行为扩大到用于广告宣传、展览以及其他商业活动中的情形提出质疑,并对销售假冒注册商标的商品罪犯罪数额的认定进行阐述.  相似文献   
目的 对目前药材市场上流通的金钱白花蛇及其伪品进行鉴别。 方法 利用性状鉴别法对金钱白花蛇及伪品进行性状鉴别,利用微性状鉴别法对金钱白花蛇及伪品的鳞片特征进行鉴别。 结果 4个样品中,仅一种样品为金钱白花蛇,其他3种样品为赤练蛇,其中2种样品为黑漆染色的赤练蛇。 结论 微性状鉴别法可以用于金钱白花蛇的真伪鉴别,市场上流通的金钱白花蛇造假严重,危及患者用药安全。  相似文献   
使用假币罪比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于使用假币的行为 ,各国刑法大多规定为犯罪。对于本罪的构成要件 ,中外刑法除对主体要件认识一致外 ,对于该罪其他要件的规定 ,则存在着一定差异。在侵害法益上 ,外国刑法普遍认为是公共信用 ,笔者认为是国家对货币的流通管理制度。在犯罪对象上 ,外国认为是伪造、变造的硬币、纸币或银行券 ,我国认为是伪造的货币 ,不包括变造的货币。在客观要件上 ,中外刑法均认为是将假币冒充真币投入流通领域 ,但我国还有数额较大的程度要求。在主观要件上 ,中外刑法均认为是出于故意 ,笔者认为还须具有“使用”之目的。  相似文献   
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