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人户分离人口的成因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人户分离是一种复杂的社会现象。人户分离人口的大量存在 ,不仅直接影响到公安基层基础工作 ,还涉及到经济、社会发展等多方面的综合性问题。原因 :1、社会经济发展水平的提高是产生人户分离的社会基础 ;2、户籍制度滞后是其重要原因 ;3、社会开放与社会进步是其社会原因。对策 :1、改革户籍制度 ,梳理不适应的规章制度和法律法规 ;2、改革和加强派出所工作 ;3、创新人口管理方法 ;4、提高社区的整合能力与居民的认同意识  相似文献   
试析当前卖淫嫖娼活动的新特点及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前 ,卖淫嫖娼活动的新特点表现为 :时间、地点、场所出现新的变化 ;活动手段越来越诡秘、隐蔽 ;卖淫收入有增无减 ;包娼现象有所发展。卖淫嫖娼增多的原因是部分地区和单位领导认识上存在错误性和默认性 ,“一手硬 ,一手软”的做法导致伦理道德滑坡等五个方面。应从提高思想认识 ,坚定严厉禁娼的决心。各级党委、政府加大领导力度 ,组织社会各方面的力量齐抓共管等四个方面治理  相似文献   
中国新闻出版业向东盟"走出去"极具重要性,但当前存在受文化差异影响较大、出版单位文化创新能力较差、人才缺乏和认识上的不足等方面的问题。在政策支持进一步加强、中国—东盟自由贸易区建成等有利条件下,应充分响应国家相关政策,增强向东盟"走出去"的主动性;发挥广西的平台作用,增强新闻出版整体实力;增强新闻出版业"走出去"的能力;加强新闻出版人才培养;为新闻出版业"走出去"提供法律和机制保障。  相似文献   
在证券市场国际化的趋势下,会计也在趋于国际协调,而海峡两岸关系密切,经济互动频繁,因此本文对海峡两岸在信息提供者、披露时点、财务预测更正更新、管理当局责任等财务预测制度的四个方面进行比较研究,指出差异,并提出中国大陆在财务预测制度改进的建议。  相似文献   
曲靖市公安局麒麟分局积极推行以城市派出所改革为切入点 ,构建“打防控”一体化治安管理新体制的警务改革 ,经过近一年的实践探索 ,改革取得了明显成效。一、以江总书记“三个代表”重要思想为指针 ,改革创新促发展 ;二、变“刀耕火种”为“精耕细作” ,建立高效有序的警务工作运行机制 ;三、充分发挥“打防控”一体化优势 ,全面推进“严打”整治和各项公安业务向前发展。  相似文献   
曹寅等人承刻钦颁<全唐诗>、<佩文韵府>二书是清初出版史上的大事.二书的刊刻地均在扬州,刊刻<全唐诗>成立的机构名"扬州诗局",刊刻<佩文韵府>成立的机构名"扬州书局",虽一字之差,实为两次组局.两次刊书活动在刊刻主持者、刊书规模、难易程度上均有着显著差异.两次刊书活动中均存在一定的搭刻私书现象,这些私书的刊刻与组局的主旨无关,故不得纳入清内府所刻书的范畴.  相似文献   
邓小平民主法制理论的核心精髓 ,是邓小平民主法制的灵魂 ,也是法学界、理论界重点研究和我们需要重点学习和掌握的根本问题 (续 2 0 0 1年第 1期《学报》) :九 ,创见性地提出“人治”到“法治”转变的思想 ;十 ,创见性地提出了正确处理党的领导与法制建设关系的思想。  相似文献   
巫术作为民间信仰的一个重要组成部分,在我国的一些乡村社会中仍然普遍存在,并且影响着人们的日常生活、价值观念和思维方式。普遍存在于宁夏南部乡村社会的“送病消灾”就是如此,它是当地乡村文化的主要组成部分。以人类学的研究视角来看,这种民间巫术是人鬼之间、人神之间沟通的主要渠道,具有深刻的文化内涵。  相似文献   
Advertorials are a form of outside lobbying that organized interests use to influence policymakers and attentive publics. It is apparent from their popularity that organized interests consider them to be an effective form of political communication. This article analyzes 2,805 organized interest advertorials that appeared on the lower right quadrant of The New York Times op-ed page from 1985 to 1998. Advertorials take two broad forms: (a) image advertorials, which are paid messages by organized interests designed to create a favorable climate of opinion, and (b) advocacy advertorials, which are sponsored messages intended to win support for an interest's viewpoints on controversial issues. Typologies of advertorials (11 categories), organized interests (21 categories), corporate and noncorporate economic interests (29 categories), and policy content (28 categories) are used to document annually and over time who is sponsoring advertorials, what types of advertorials are being used, what interests avail themselves of advertorial campaigns, which issue areas are receiving attention, what images and policy messages are being communicated, which organizations sponsor the most advertorials, and the timing of such political advertising campaigns. We find over time an increasing number of advertorials, an increasing number and diversity of sponsoring interest organizations, an increasing trend toward advocacy advertorials, a continuing but declining sponsorship dominance by corporate interests, a shifting policy issue emphasis that corresponds to events in the political environment, and evidence that organized interests employ a variety of sponsorship strategies.  相似文献   
This article examines whether the inauguration of peace between countries has a significant effect on how the news media cover the other side. It is argued that, due to the nature of news, leaders will generally find it easier to mobilize the media for conflict than for peace. However, the actual role the media will play in such attempts can be understood by looking at the political and media environments in which journalists construct news about peace. A joint project was conducted involving both Israeli and Jordanian researchers. The methodology included in-depth interviews with journalists from both countries and a content analysis of newspaper articles published during three different historical periods. The findings demonstrate that although there was a temporary improvement in the media image of the other side, there was little evidence that peace had a significant and lasting influence on coverage. There were, however, some important changes in the prominence of certain news slots. The interviews with the journalists provided valuable insights about some of the political and professional reasons for these findings.  相似文献   
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