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The rise of fast fashion has meant that young women (even those on relatively low incomes) are able to ‘regularly consume and discard fashionable clothing’ [Buckley, Cheryl, and Hazel Clark. 2012. “Conceptualizing Fashion in Everyday Lives.” Design Issues 28 (4): 18–28. doi:10.1162/DESI_a_00172., 21]. While this development may be aligned with the democratisation of fashion—the fact that the supply chains that deliver fast fashion are not consistent with the principles of global democracy is now also relatively common knowledge in the democratised West. This, along with growing awareness of the ecological harms associated with the fashion industry has contributed to what Elke Gaugele [2014. Aesthetic Politics in Fashion. Vienna: Sternberg Press] has termed the ‘ethical turn’ in fashion. However, despite the fact that young women are often not deemed capable of translating their (ethical) attitudes into (ethical) behaviours [McNeill, Lisa, and Rebecca Moore. 2015. “Sustainable Fashion Consumption and the Fast Fashion Conundrum: Fashionable Consumers and Attitudes to Sustainability in Clothing Choice.” International Journal of Consumer Studies 39 (3): 212–222], nor able to be ‘trusted to consistently make good decisions’ [Brooks, Andrew. 2015. Clothing Poverty: The Hidden World of Fast Fashion and Second-Hand Clothes. London: Zed Books, 241], they are also increasingly being called to recognise their individual role in the politics of global fashion supply chains. Drawing on examples from scholarly and popular discourses as well as online peer to peer communications, this article explores the historical moment of fast fashion as an instance of both the feminisation of consumption and the feminisation of responsibility.  相似文献   
以"奉献、友爱、互助、进步"为主要内容的志愿精神,是内蕴于志愿行动中的思想内核,是志愿行动在精神层面的提炼与升华。志愿精神包含着重要的道德体验和浓厚的伦理关怀,体现为丰富的责任伦理、人本伦理和服务伦理,使志愿行动表现出"为己"和"利他"相统一并重在"利他"的行为价值导向。志愿精神的动力来源,宏观层面来源于政策制度环境的保障,中观层面来源于志愿社会组织的勃兴,微观层面来源于公众公共精神的觉醒。  相似文献   
伦理实体:道德教化的社会环境支持   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们在讨论道德教化问题时,一般都认为只要制定一套合理的道德原则和道德规范,教育人们遵守执行,就能提高人们的道德水平。而实际上,道德教化是人的内在心灵的整体生长,所以需要社会的伦理环境的支持、营养。因此使人们的生活共同体成为伦理实体,对道德教化来说是绝对必需的。  相似文献   
党的十六届四中全会提出的构建社会主义和谐社会的科学命题,蕴含着丰富的伦理价值指向,表征着和谐理念的创新与和谐社会建设的具体实践,鲜明地彰显了建设有中国特色社会主义的伦理价值,必将给人民大众带来更大发展与福祉。  相似文献   
技术进步已经成为国际关系研究的重要议题.本项研究试图通过二战后美国技术进步的个案展示:在美国面临苏联挑战的时期,美国技术进步的政府规模在极大地扩展.美国政府加大了对研发的投入和采购.而伴随着大规模、集中化的研发资金注入和政府采购,美国技术得以克服技术瓶颈,实现了重大的技术进步.因此,国家安全往往是推动技术进步的强大动力.而世界重大技术呈现周期性变动的背后可能是由国际政治权力转移的周期所牵引.  相似文献   
当代中国政治思潮:根源与演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代中国政治思潮既是当代中国政治发展的一面镜子,又是驱动当代中国政治发展的重要思想资源.当代中国政治思潮的产生与演进,是与当代中国政治、经济和社会的变动紧密联系在一起的.政治学的恢复、社会变革、知识群体的兴起以及知识生产、传播体系的变化,是刺激当代中国政治思潮产生的直接根源.当代中国政治思潮的演进经历了以下几个阶段:(1)价值重估运动和权威体系改造运动:对改革开放时代的早期回应;(2)国家一社会关系重构运动:对市场化的回应;(3)改革政府运动:对市场化与经济全球化的理性回应;(4)民族主义与民族复兴运动:后冷战时代对全球化的政治回应四个阶段.在不同的历史阶段,当代中国政治思潮具有不同的关怀和政治属性.  相似文献   
人格权随着民事主体的形式化与人格利益对主体的外在化而产生。现代意义上的人格权产生的基础已经不再是自然人的伦理价值,而是法律上不同主体得以存在的区别性个性特征。以自然人的伦理价值为客体的传统人格权难以涵盖以商主体财产价值为客体的人格权,亦即无法为商主体提供更周全的保护。确立商事人格权应是符合实践需要的方向。  相似文献   

Research on the leaderships and electorates of populist right-wing parties emphasizes that most of these parties are charismatic and male-dominated, both as regards their leaderships and their voters. However, while studies about the gender gap focus mainly on demand-side factors, such as electoral support, socio-economic characteristics and the voters’ attitudes towards issues such as immigration, those that analyse the role and position of gender issues are still rare. Similarly, or even more, overlooked is an analysis of the rhetoric, style, charisma and discourse of populist female leaders, such as those representative of two now well-established Scandinavian populist right-wing parties: the Dansk Folkeparti (DF, Danish People’s Party) and Norway’s Fremskrittspartiet (FrP, Progress Party). Both parties have long been led by women although Pia Kjærsgaard of the DF recently stepped down, leaving the party leadership to Kristian Thulesen Dahl, a man of the younger generation of party members; Siv Jensen in Norway smoothly followed the long-term and charismatic leadership of Carl I. Hagen in 2006. The main focus of the paper, however, is on Pia Kjærsgaard, discussing the role gender plays in relation to her style, rhetoric and/or discursive strategies, but also in the gendered constructions featured in the Danish mainstream media. In the article, Meret also refers to the case of Marine Le Pen and the Front national (FN) in order to consider whether the Nordic cases represent a specific framework for female leadership, highly influenced by context and opportunity.  相似文献   
"安乐死"问题事关生死大事,跨越社会、伦理、法律、医学等学科,争议由来已久。对死亡问题进行哲学思辨,目的在于揭示安乐死的哲学基础并寻求共识。对安乐死问题进行伦理分析和文化兼容性思考,有助于突破安乐死问题中国化所面对的两大障碍。研究并解决好这些问题,是实现安乐死立法化的必由之路。  相似文献   
人口结构、就业形态、新时代的健康政策与脱贫攻坚任务、技术发展等宏观环境,为“十四五”时期医疗保障的发展提供了机遇也提出了挑战。立足“十一五”到“十三五”医疗保障从无到有、从制度全民覆盖到实践全民覆盖、待遇水平持续提升、各项机制跨越式发展等发展脉络,“十四五”时期医疗保障的发展思路应定位于守正、发展与创新。第一,坚守公平共享与切实保障的发展理念;第二,回应健康需求与不平衡、不充分的医保制度现状,在待遇保障、筹资机制、支付方式、基金监管等方面补短板、强弱项;第三,直面新形势的新挑战,在新业态人员参保、大病保障、医疗保障与公共卫生资金统筹衔接等方面实现创新与突破。目标是在“十四五”时期实现一个全民享有、公平适度、法治规范、高效便捷、协同联动的医疗保障制度。  相似文献   
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