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"瞬间主义"是王尔德作品中占主导地位的一种时间观,它是一种现代性的时间意识,也是解读王尔德颓废主题的关键。瞬间主义主要包含两个层次:相对于空茫的时间之流,人生不过是短暂的一瞬;在短暂的生命区间,有意义的存在不过是若干激情片刻而已。瞬间主义使王尔德笔下的人物尤其是那些纨绔子形象,获得了重新选择生活姿态的自由,同时也造成了其生活的双重断裂,致使其一味追求审美体验乃至即时的感官享受,主观上拒绝反思与悔改,最终在碎片化生存中丧失了完整的人格与活的灵魂。  相似文献   
奥斯卡.王尔德的短篇小说《亚瑟.萨维尔勋爵的罪行》从故事情节、人物塑造和叙事手法等方面,反映出王尔德唯美主义文艺观的丰富内涵。王尔德的文学创作并非都是“为艺术而艺术”,其中有些作品既是唯美主义又具有现实主义社会批评性质,是两者的巧妙融合。  相似文献   

Following George Eliot, Elizabeth von Arnim showcases a male rhetoric of naturalness. Her men cultivate and punish their women when they resist naturalizing. Without denigrating the intelligence of women, von Arnim shows their unwitting complicity in their subjection. In The Pastor’s Wife (1914) and in Vera (1921), the highly literate women have read the wrong books or missed the unfriendly truths about relationships in those they have read. The husbands and lovers make shallow use of philosophical and scientific reasoning to justify their control and enforce female uniformity deemed ‘natural’. Darwin is misappropriated by the tyrannical Wemyss: evolutionary theories support his imperious dismissal of Lucy’s aunt and friends. Wemyss’s most monstrous actions suggest an atavistic patriarchal dominance like the hereditary reversion theorized by Samuel Butler as unconscious memory. Wemyss brings up the issue of England’s inheritance, and a disturbing vision dawns as the philistine and self-appointed natural man subdues Lucy. Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca (1938) follows Vera’s plot, but it does not interrogate naturalness in the same way. Entrapped in her husband’s vision of a natural woman, the narrator registers Rebecca’s wild transgressiveness as more powerful and universal than her own tamed naturalness.  相似文献   
近年来,随着对后现代主义颠覆性的讨论的深入,审美与伦理观的关系正逐渐成为研究者们关注的热点。王尔德与纳博科夫作为将现代伦理生活审美化的典型作家,他们的创作时期前后相接,大约跨越了整个现代主义文学时代,反映了现代审美性伦理观的产生与发展,也透露出伦理生活审美化的困境与突围。  相似文献   
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