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Fatal fall from a height initiated with a swinging motion on the sagittal plane of the victim's body is examined. Method of analytical mechanics is adopted to establish the functional relations between the swinging angle of the body and the force needed to sustain the body until release, and the amount of the horizontal displacement that would occur after release. The analysis is applied to support an expert opinion presented in a criminal court in which two accused were convicted of murder for dropping a female victim from a bridge. The results indicate that it is unlikely for the body to locate as recorded by the police investigation report in the case. This study demonstrates that a straightforward mechanical analysis can be utilized to examine uncommon falling scenarios.  相似文献   
In response to research demonstrating that irrelevant contextual information can bias forensic science analyses, authorities have increasingly urged laboratories to limit analysts' access to irrelevant and potentially biasing information (Dror and Cole (2010) [3]; National Academy of Sciences (2009) [18]; President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (2016) [22]; UK Forensic Science Regulator (2015) [26]). However, a great challenge in implementing this reform is determining which information is task-relevant and which is task-irrelevant. In the current study, we surveyed 183 forensic analysts to examine what they consider relevant versus irrelevant in their forensic analyses. Results revealed that analysts generally do not regard information regarding the suspect or victim as essential to their analytic tasks. However, there was significant variability among analysts within and between disciplines. Findings suggest that forensic science disciplines need to agree on what they regard as task-relevant before context management procedures can be properly implemented. The lack of consensus about what is relevant information not only leaves room for biasing information, but also reveals foundational gaps in what analysts consider crucial in forensic decision making.  相似文献   
Legal context: The article reviews the commercial risk allocation clauses intypical open source licence terms and discusses their enforceabilityand implications. Key points: The enforceability of warranty disclaimers and limitation ofliability clauses in common open source licence terms is questionable,particularly in a cross-border context, and commercial licensorsshould take additional steps to protect themselves from down-streamrisks. Practical significance: Open source software presents a number of unusual commercialissues, because it is available free of charge and the providerstry to disclaim warranties and liabilities. End users and resellershave to adjust their own in- and out-licensing models to accommodatethis situation.  相似文献   
C square-wave pulse inverter controlled by DSP was introduced. TMS320-serial DSP produced by Texas Instruments Corp., its developing environment and program flow, and the use of the software CCS were also introduced. According to the requirement of output waveform, the main program of control system, interruption service routine, and subroutines were designed by using modularized software design method. Offline and online experimental results indicated t  相似文献   
刘玉峰 《思想战线》2002,28(3):71-75
唐代官营工商业利润主要流入政府财政 ,也有一部分转化为高利贷资本和用于土地经营。民间工商业利润除了一部分用于生活消费、交通权贵和囤积射利外 ,大多用于土地的购买兼并和转化为高利贷资本。官、私工商业利润向产业资本流动转化甚少 ,既无益于新的生产方式的产生和发展 ,也拉大了财富占有上的贫富分化 ,并最终激化了社会矛盾和阶级矛盾 ,导至农民大起义爆发 ,唐王朝的腐朽统治遭到推翻  相似文献   
曾代伟 《现代法学》2003,25(5):170-176
本文试以12-13世纪中国北方游牧文明对中原农耕文明的又一波撞击中,女真习惯法文化与中原儒家法文化双向流动、融汇而成的多元一体的金法文化为例,说明中国传统法律文化荟萃各民族法律文化之精华,兼收并蓄,广采博取,取精用宏,才铸就了自身独特的法律品格;而作为中国传统法律文化的典型代表,中华法系的形成也经历了从分散的多元结合成一体的历史过程;中华法系是以汉族为主体的各民族法律意识、法律原则和法律制度长期交流、融合的产物。  相似文献   
夏凤英 《河北法学》2005,23(3):62-64
公民对行政执法的监督是社会监督的重要组成部分。目前,公民监督已取得了一定的成就.但公民监督的作用远 没有得到发挥。完善公民监督,应当加大普法宣传的力度,强化对公民监督的法律保障,完善公民监督的有效途 径,实行政务活动公开化,完善听证制度。  相似文献   
破产免责制度最早产生于英国,各国的破产免责制度均是针对自然人而言。我国现行破产法律制度只适用于企业法人,在这种立法体例下,自然不存在破产免责问题。随着社会的发展,应当借鉴国外先进立法经验,确立自然人破产制度,构建适合我国国情的破产免责制度。  相似文献   
关于大学生诚信问题及诚信教育的思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
吴秀明 《外交评论》2004,(2):108-112
大学生诚信问题越来越受到社会各界的普遍关注。本文通过对大学生失信现象的列举、失信原因的分析以及对大学生失信危害性的论述,就高等学校如何扎实有效地开展大学生诚信教育进行了探讨和思考。  相似文献   
预审是资产阶级法制革命的产物,以后被大多数国家公认。我国的预审机构从建立到与侦查部门合并,又从侦查部门分离出来单独设置直至撤销机构经历了七十多年的演变过程;预审在公安机关办理刑事案件中有着重要的地位和作用,即预审是审理刑事案件不可替代的程序,它是公安机关检验案件审理质量、保障依法办案、不枉不纵的最后一道关口。因此,预审的法律地位不应改变,预审机构不应撤销。  相似文献   
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