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在有清一代乃至整个词学史上,真正建立起词统并对后代产生深远影响的莫过于常州词派。从张惠言、董士锡到周济,经过几十年的探索,以周济编的《宋四家词选》为标志,正式提出了一个体现词派特色的词统,在给学词指出一条途径的同时,也张扬了词派的理论主张及其形成过程,即从张氏的“比兴寄托”到周济的“穷高极深”之趣,再到“有寄托”与“无寄托”相统一的发展历程。  相似文献   
在概述日本和歌审美发展历程的基础上,以《小仓百人一首》中的咏月歌为研究对象,运用“物哀”“幽玄”“余情”等传统的和歌美学理念进行赏析,将其中的美的元素一一呈现,通过欣赏诗人笔下丰富多彩的“月”的姿态略窥日本传统的和歌之美。  相似文献   
唐代的安南文风很盛,涌现出很多精通中国文化的诗人,如廖有方、姜公辅、惟鉴法师、奉定法师等。唐代中越诗人之间进行了友好交往,并且相互唱和,留下了一段段佳话。分析、研究唐代安南诗人北上中原与中原士人广泛交往的历史,对于重新认识中越文化关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   
建安时期,是中国诗歌迅速发展的时期,建安诗人在中国诗歌发展道路上留下了深深的足迹。受社会环境、家庭环境和自身等多方面因素的影响,很多建安诗人对音乐情有独钟,与音乐结下了不解之缘,从而也形成了较高的音乐修养。  相似文献   
The African American revolutionary poetry outfit and purported grandfathers of rap The Last Poets coined their name from Keorapetse Kgositsile's poem “Towards a Walk in the Sun”. This is relatively common knowledge. However, no sustained academic research has been conducted on this crucial exchange in diasporic studies. In this paper, I show how Kgositsile's poem in question harvested the rich oral, aural, and literary practices of his native Setswana, which in turn enabled The Last Poets to not only draw a name from Kgositsile's poetry, but also a language and poetic. This way, I demonstrate multivalent streams of influences between black South Africa and black America, as opposed to the current one-way exchange in scholarship that almost always presents black South Africans as emulators and mimickers of Afro-American culture. I expose how Kgositsile's poetry trans/figures both Afro-American literary and musical histories. Functioning within the framework of pan-Africanism, I uncover black music's transatlantic arch in Kgositsile's poetry, which unifies Africa, the Caribbean, and black America. I offer a deep analysis of that arch, and demonstrate its dynamic and complex networks which span generations and centuries, and continues to be generative till today. I focus particularly on the evolution of orality and aurality in black expressive cultures, understood as practices that express the black cultural continuum on both sides of the Atlantic.  相似文献   
《浙西六家诗钞》是一部清代道光年间刊刻的选辑浙西六位名家诗作的清诗选本。选家吴应和和马洵在该选本中通过序跋、小传、评点等形式表达了宗宋为主、兼采唐诗的诗学倾向,具体体现于选家对"浙西六家"的评价、对具体诗家诗作的点评以及时人对钱载诗风的不同解读三个方面。  相似文献   
朝鲜从初唐时期开始就通过新罗宾贡生接受了中国格律诗的影响。其诗作集中表现了感时伤事、思乡、惜别、人生无常的情感;讲求押韵、平仄、对仗,同时用典灵活自然,注重运用隐喻手法;另外,其诗作深受晚唐唯美主义诗风的影响,但崔致远和朴仁范则体现出淡雅、通俗直白、叙事与议论相结合的现实主义诗风。  相似文献   
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