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Koehn  Peter H. 《East Asia》2007,24(3):251-263
With deeper integration into the global economy and expanded penetration by multinational firms and other nonChinese actors following accession to the WTO, skills in bureaucratic entrepreneurship are not likely to be sufficient by themselves to bring about China’s sustainable development. In today’s interdependent and highly competitive trade, economic-cooperation, and resource-limited environment, sustainable development requires that subnational managers also possess transnational competence in collaborating with, negotiating with, and transforming foreign counterparts. However, survey research among Chinese executives based in Shanghai revealed that only a small proportion of the reporting current and future managers recognized the growing importance for China of an interculturally competent workforce. Without increased attention to enhancing the transnational competence of government and state-enterprise managers, peaceful and ecologically sound development will be difficult to sustain given the demands of multinational production chains, global resource constraints, and the challenges involved in managing transnational relations in the interest of China’s long-term economic progress.
Peter H. KoehnEmail:

Peter H. Koehn   is Professor of Political Science, The University of Montana’s Distinguished Scholar for 2005, and a Fulbright New Century Scholar. His co-edited books include The Expanding Roles of Chinese Americans in U.S.-China Relations: Transnational Networks and Trans-Pacific Interactions (M.E. Sharpe, 2002) and The Outlook for U.S. - China Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchange (The Chinese University Press, 1999). He currently is involved in co-authoring a book with James N. Rosenau on Transnational Competence and the Helping Professions: Equipping Higher Education for Horizon-rising Challenges. During fall semester 2007, he will be Faculty Fellow in residence in the International Division of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges in Washington, D.C. A full CV and list of publications can be found at .  相似文献   
在对基层工会的实地调查中发现,许多企业中存在着人事部经理与工会主席身份合一的现象。二者的角色特征存在着本质不同,身份合一的局面导致了角色冲突,并造成了一定的体制性弊端。因此应该从明晰角色、明确职责、摆脱依附关系几个方面对工会主席进行角色调试。  相似文献   
While a link is often made between the economy and crime levels, the evidence suggests that characteristics of an adverse economic climate can lead to either an increase or a decrease in crime. In this paper the impact of the recession on fraud is examined. This work is based on work undertaken by the author with fraud managers (via three group discussions), and interviews with sixteen fraudsters in prison. The findings underline the need for caution in making a link between increased levels of fraud and an adverse economic climate. More research is needed in this area to examine what types of offences, or what characteristics of them are most likely to be affected by poor economic conditions.  相似文献   
公共管理职业技能的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共管理职业技能的研究是一个十分重要而又紧迫的课题,由于缺乏具有权威性的、有影响的理论,故此我们只能开展以探索为主的研究。以心理测量学的基本原理和方法为指导进行研究设计。在严格的数据获取、统计分析的基础上,进行分析和概括,最后形成了8项公共管理职业的基本能力因素,这一研究结果对我国的公共管理领域的人员培训,特别是政府公务员的选拔、任用,以及中国的MPA项目的发展均会有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
有限合伙这种企业组织形式被具有成熟风险投资业的国家的实践证明,是风险投资企业最有效的法律组织形式,对促进风险投资的发展发挥着积极的作用。我国法律明确承认了有限合伙制度,为风险投资初步扫清了制度障碍。但是,目前在我国风险投资企业中,大多数仍以公司制而非有限合伙制作为企业的内部治理结构形式。究竟是哪些因素构成了有限合伙制在我国风险投资行业领域的应用障碍,文章从风险管理人、机构投资者、上市机制三个方面进行了探讨,并提出了一些立法建议和对策。  相似文献   
中层管理者是企业人才的中坚力量,他们能否受到合理的培训、能力能否得到充分发挥,直接影响到企业的生产经营和发展。本文分析中层管理者胜任特征培训迁移影响因素,提出企业中层管理者胜任特征培训迁移影响因素的整合模型,为企业培训迁移达到理想效果提供科学的依据。  相似文献   
股东和管理层利益制衡机制的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
公司治理的核心问题是建立和完善股东和管理层利益制衡机制,在公司发展的不同阶段,公司控管结构模式经历了从股东会中心主义到董事会中心主义的演变,当今世界有三种典型的股东和管理层利益制衡机制,其均是各国结合本国的经济、技术条件和市场、法制环境的选择。我国应借鉴发达国家的立法和公司治理实践,建立适合我国国情的股东和管理层利益制衡机制。  相似文献   
高校教学管理人员作用的再认识和素质要求的几点思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教学管理人员在组织正常教学工作、沟通师生之间和教师之间发挥着重要的纽带作用,也正是在这种过程中,他们成为大学教育体系中重要的组成人员。本文在分析我国目前高等院校教学管理队伍中存在问题的基础上,对如何认识教学管理人员也同样是大学教育工作者提出了新的解释,即从全员教育的角度对其作用重新作了诠释。并且对如何提高教学管理人员素质提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
破产管理人法律地位探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
破产管理人的法律地位始终是破产法学界争论的焦点之一。由于理论界对该问题进行阐述的理论基础不同 ,产生了不同的理论学说。我国现行破产法规定的“清算组”本质上属于“职务说”的范畴 ,但在破产实践中暴露出了很多弊端 ,新破产法草案应将破产管理人界定为破产企业的信托人 ,以保证破产管理人的中立性、社会性。  相似文献   
Government managers play a central role in the public administration of countries to support their overall efficiency. The compensation of central government senior managers has received considerable attention in recent years since it has risen in many countries. The public, the media and academia see government senior managers as being overpaid, with salaries increasing in a disproportionate and inequitable way. The literature has analyzed some possible determinants of this socio-administrative issue. However, the political and institutional factors affecting public managers’ compensation are still largely unknown. This study shows that the average compensation of central government senior managers in some OECD countries seems to be positively associated with the average salary of members of parliament (MPs). Furthermore, high compensation of public managers seems to be more frequent in countries with low freedom of expression, of association and of the media, as well as low quality of contract enforcement, property rights and control of corruption. These results may provide fruitful insights into the possible causes of this relation, to support reforms and best practices which can improve the efficiency of the public administration in modern economies.  相似文献   
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