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Heavily influenced by broad definitions of crime developed by a few pioneering critical criminologists, the main objective of this article is to provide evidence showing that the current Trump administration is a regime that commits crimes of the powerful and facilitates some types of interpersonal violence in private places. Special attention is devoted to direct and in-direct state-perpetrated violent crimes against women.  相似文献   
计算机犯罪愈演愈烈,危害越来越严重,应予高度重视。目前打击防范计算机犯罪存在许多薄弱环节,建立完善的计算机安全法律体系刻不容缓。一是根据新情况、新问题的出现制定新法以增强法律的调整力和强制力;二是及时修改、完善旧法以适应、调整和规范网络行为。充分利用法律的手段,有效防范和打击计算机犯罪,趋利避害,使计算机更好地为人类服务。  相似文献   
洗钱罪保护的客体即洗钱罪所保护的利益,洗钱犯罪既侵害了司法机关的正常活动又侵害了经济管理秩序,但洗钱犯罪所主要侵害的法益为司法机关的正常活动.今后,随着<反洗钱法>的出台,刑法分则中惩治洗钱行为的具体罪名也应加以修订,应将洗钱罪置于妨害司法罪之中,同时鉴于惩治金融机构及其工作人员洗钱犯罪的特殊性,刑事立法有必要创设新的罪名给予特殊保护.  相似文献   
现代文明是一种独特的文明模式,其历史渊源是欧洲传统文明。中国传统文明具有独特性,它采取的是政教合一的秩序实现模式,有自身的演进逻辑。中国传统文明与现代文明本是两个不相干的系统。从政治发展的角度看,中国现代化实质上是一场秩序模式革命,包括传统政治整合模式的解构和现代秩序模式的创建。与欧洲特别是英国“顺势现代化”模式相比,中国的现代化属于“逆势现代化”,其过程的复杂性和艰巨性主要在于,在现代化的启动初期,就必须在共同体的宏观层面展开对传统秩序模式的解构。  相似文献   
The English law of theft is confusing and problematic in principle. Since the introduction of the Theft Act 1968 there has been inconsistency in the interpretation of appropriation as court and commentators have grappled with the intuition that appropriation must entail some subjective element and cannot be purely objective. Although subjectivity is traditionally associated with culpability rather than with conduct, it is argued that some acts can be subjective and yet factual and stand as causes to effects. Appropriation is such an act, its necessary and sufficient condition being a mindset, here termed proprietary subjectivity, on the part of the actor. It is argued that clarification of the concept of appropriation can help to resolve misperceived problems. Such clarification will also reveal other problems in the law of theft. Some tentative comments de lege ferenda are made suggesting how these problems can be addressed.  相似文献   
This article examines domestic violence criminal prosecutions and addresses what 'effective' prosecutorial action means in such cases. The argument elaborates on a point recently articulated by the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, which links effective prosecution of violence against women to the creation of a less patriarchal society. The article concludes that 'effective' prosecution of domestic violence means prosecution which constitutes the State as less patriarchal ceteris paribus .  相似文献   
《水浒传》中梁山英雄们进行的是一次自发的对上层统治集团的暴力反抗活动,不是一场有预先准备,精心组织的农民起义,他们被“逼上梁山”,从个体来看,大多并不是由于朝廷的压迫,而是由于自身的原因或为梁山集团所逼,但是从群体的角度来看,这么多人被逼上梁山,仍然反映了深刻的社会危机,从这一角度来看,《水浒传》仍然表达了“官逼民反”的思想,只是这“民”主要是流民阶层,正是由于其流民集团的性质,导致其最后走上失败之路,因此,梁山招安就具有必然性。  相似文献   
19世纪末,面对日本对中国的侵略,李鸿章等人秉承“以夷制夷”的外交思想,采取了“联俄制日”的外交政策,即利用俄国和日本在华利益冲突,使之彼此制约,以达到抵制日本侵略、保护自己的目的。但是,由于清政府的腐朽,“联俄制日”不仅没有达到“制日”的目的,反而被俄所利用,同俄国签订了《中俄密约》,为俄国扩大对华侵略打开了方便之门。  相似文献   
现行《刑法》第237条第1款关于强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪的规定,在罪名设置及主观要件上存在缺陷。为贯彻科学立法精神,借鉴国外立法例,建议取消强制侮辱妇女罪罪名和刺激或满足性欲的内心倾向的主观要件要素。  相似文献   
从婚内无"奸"到婚内有"奸",经历了一个漫长的过程.然而在现代社会,婚内强奸行为是否构成犯罪?这已成为当前社会探讨的焦点问题.婚姻关系存续期间的男女两性关系的特殊性和已婚妇女相对于丈夫是否享有性的自由权利以及我国是否具备将婚内强奸行为认定为强奸罪的社会基础都将成为决定婚内强奸行为是否构成强奸罪的决定因素.  相似文献   
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