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引用本文:吴晓亮. 试论宋代"全民经商"及经商群体构成变化的历史价值[J]. 思想战线, 2003, 29(2): 79-85
摘    要:在商品经济的冲击下,宋代形成一种难以阻挡的"全民经商"态势。其经商群体的构成除职业商人外,尤其是包括了衣食国家的军人、官吏、皇室成员和享受国家优惠政策的宗教界人士。他们经商营利的行为超出职业的范畴,也多为国法和传统道德规范所不容,但若将其放入中国历史发展的长时段中考察,就带有历史的必然性和合理性,应当给予一些积极的评价。

关 键 词:宋朝  全民经商  经商群体  必然性  合理性

The Phenomenon of "Nationwide Business Rush" and the Historical Value of the Change in the Constituents of the Business Group in the Song Dynasty
Abstract:In the Song Dynasty, a "nationwide business rush" inevitably emerged under the impact of commodity economy. The business group was made up of not only professional businessmen but also soldiers, government officials, royal family members, and people in religious conscience who enjoyed favorable treatment from the government. The latter's business deals went beyond the circle of their profession and thus were illegal and immoral at that time. However, seen in the whole historical context of China, these practices were both inevitable and reasonable, and thus somewhat positive.
Keywords:the Song Dynasty,the"  nationwide business rush"  ,the constituents of the business group,inevitability,reasonableness,
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