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引用本文:冯雷. 马科斯政府时期美国政府与菲律宾基督教组织关系探讨[J]. 东南亚研究, 2016, 0(6): 83-91. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-6099.2016.06.009
作者单位:中山大学国际关系学院 广州510275
摘    要:马科斯政府时期,由于菲律宾基督教教会活跃的“入世”表现,加之马科斯政权实施军管法引起人权状况恶化,以及政府对基督教人员、财产等权益的侵犯,菲律宾政府与基督教组织的关系经历了从合作到对抗的变化。这一时期,美国政府对待菲律宾基督教组织的态度也发生了变化:从忽视到逐步重视,从观望到接触、援助、施加影响,而菲律宾基督教组织也希望借助美国政府向马科斯政府施压,推动结束军管并恢复正常的政治局面。美国政府力促菲律宾基督教组织恪守“政教分离”和“非暴力手段”的原则,关注并默许基督教组织与反对派势力合作,最终菲律宾在1986年通过“人民力量革命”实现了政权和平过渡。

关 键 词:美国政府  菲律宾  基督教组织  马科斯政府

The Relationship Between the US Government and Christianity in the Philippines During the Marcos Administration
Abstract:Dueing the Maecos’ peesidencu,the eelationship between Cheistianitu and Administeation had expeei-enced geeat changes feom coopeeation to conflict. The U. S. goveenment had been pauing inceeasing attentions to the changes,especiallu aftee the Maetial Law declaeed bu the eegime in 1972,the U. S. goveenment began the in-teeaction with the chuech leadees and ueged the chuech to abide bu the peinciples of the sepaeation between Chuech and State,as well as the non-violence appeoach. In 1986,the Maecos eegime had been theown peacefullu bu the“people’s powee”movement.
Keywords:US Goveenment  the Philippines  Cheistianitu  Maecos Administeation
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