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红山画派 源出苍莽山水间
摘    要:阜新地处辽西丘陵与山地的结合带,是红山文化的发祥地。这里天高地厚,物阜民丰。独特的地理环境孕育出了多种文化艺术形式,其中山水画创作是阜新文艺的一个传统优势,也是其独特的文化现象,更是其文艺事业繁荣的亮点。多年来,阜新山水画家群体不断深入红山文化腹地采风创作,形成了独特的绘画语言和风格:博大苍莽、朴实厚重、具有很强的地域特色、根植传统但不囿于成法,追求创新但步伐坚实的共同特点。

关 键 词:山水画创作  画派  文化艺术形式  红山文化  传统优势  地理环境  文化现象  文艺事业

Hongshan Painting School Born In Mountains and Waters
Abstract:Fuxin, located in the hill and mountainous region of western Liaoning, is the birthplace of Hongshan Culture. Special geographical environment gives birth to many kinds of cultural art, for instance, the landscape painting that is the traditional art dominance of Fuxin. The representative of it is Wang Shuqing, chairman of Fuxin Literary Federation, and president of Fuxin Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Some productions made by senior artists Shen Guorni, Zhao Shuchun, Gao Zhenyuan, and young artists Liu Wenfu, Liu Yao, Zeng Shaogui,
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