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Break the Resource Bottleneck, Seek a New Development Path—— A Visit to the Henan Provincial Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Geology and Mineral Resources
摘    要:CHINA's economic growthis charging forward atbreakneck pace, but sus-tainable development ofits building blocks - rawmaterials - is a cause of concern. Theproduction of nonferrous metals - keycomponents of other industrial prod-ucts - is being threatened by depletingmineral resources. Proved and exploit-able mineral reserves have decreaseddramatically in recent years, and someexperts have predicted that only 24 ofChina's 45 main mineral reserves canguarantee supply until 2010, and onlyfour u…

关 键 词:河南  矿产资源局  办公室工作  资源开发
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