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引用本文:何虎生. 十三届四中全会以来中国共产党处理宗教和宗教问题的历史经验[J]. 中央社会主义学院学报, 2003, 0(5): 69-74
摘    要:十三届四中全会以来,中国共产党处理宗教和宗教问题的历史经验主要体现在:科学判定当代中国的宗教状况和宗教工作形势,明确了宗教工作的地位和作用;全面贯彻党的宗教信仰自由政策,正常的宗教活动和宗教界的合法权益得到切实保障;依法管理宗教事务,国家对宗教事务的管理逐步走上法制化、规范化的轨道;积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,宗教界人士和广大信教群众积极投身现代化建设;坚持独立自主自办的原则,支持宗教界开展对外友好交往,抵制境外敌对势力利用宗教进行的渗透;坚持“政治上团结合作,思想信仰上相互尊重”,党同宗教界的爱国统一战线不断巩固和发展。

关 键 词:中国共产党  宗教  宗教问题  理论  实践

Chinese Communist Party's Historical Experiences on Dealing with Religions and Religious Issues since the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee
HE Hu - sheng. Chinese Communist Party's Historical Experiences on Dealing with Religions and Religious Issues since the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee[J]. Journal of The Central Institute of Socialism, 2003, 0(5): 69-74
Authors:HE Hu - sheng
Abstract:Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee, Chinese Communist Party has accumulated the following historical experiences on dealing with religions and religious issues: make scientifically judgment on the status of religions and the situation of religious work in current China, and clearly define the standing and role of religious work; completely implement the Party' s policy on free religious belief, thus effectively securing normal religious activities and the legal rights and interests of the religious circles; legally administrating religious affairs, thus legalizing and normalizing the state' s administration on religious affairs; make positive guidance to the religions to adapt to the socialist society, and guide the religious and religion believers to join in the construction of modernization; insist in the principle of maintaining independency and keeping the initiative, support the religious circles to make friendly contacts with foreign organizations, and prevent the hostile forces outside the country from infiltrating in by making use of the religions; persist in the principle of "cooperation in terms of politics, and mutual respect in terms of relief ", to constantly consolidate and develop the patriotic united front between the Communist Party and the religious circles.
Keywords:Chinese Communist Party  religion  theory  practice
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