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New memoirs from Moscow
Authors:Oleg Gordievsky
Abstract:Nikolai Leonov, Likholetye The Troubled Years] (Moscow: Mezhdunardonyye Otnosheniya 1995) Pp.400. ISBN 5–71330836–7.

Vadim Bakatin, Izbavlenie of KGB Deliverance from the KGB] (Moscow: Novosti, 1992). Pp.268. ISBN 5–7020–0721–2.

Vadim Kirpichenko, It arkhiva razvedchika From an Intelligence officer's archive] (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya 1993).

Vadim Kirpichenko; Veterany vneshnei razvedki Rossii Veterans of Russia's Foreign Intelligence service] (Moscow: Shizhba Vneshnei Razvedki 1995). Pp.174

Mikhail Lyubimov, Zapiski neputevogo rezidenta ili Will‐o'‐the‐wisp Notes of a good‐for‐nothing resident, or Will‐o'‐the‐wisp] (Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya Literatura 1995). Pp.480. ISBN 5–280–03067–8.

Leonid Shebarshin, Iz zhizni nachal‐nika razvedki From the life of the Head of the Intelligence] (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya 1994). Pp.192. ISBN 5–7133–0781–6.

Oleg Kalugin, Spymaster (London: Smith Gryphon Publishers 1994). Pp.376. ISBN 82–574–1131–0.

Viktor Grusjko, Mit Liv I KGB (My life in the KGB (Oslo: Gyldendal 1995). Pp.272. ISBN 82–574–1131–0.

Yevgenia Albats, The State within a State (London: I.B. Tauris 1995). Pp.416. £10.95. ISBN 1–8504–3995–8.
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